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Photo TR: Nick Universe Opening Day!

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Well, I just got back about an hour ago from a great half day at the new park! It was amazing! Like everyone says, it won't replace Camp Snoopy, but I really hope that kids have a good time and grow to love the park like we loved Camp Snoopy so much. Anyways, to my day!


We got to the mall at around 8 (due to Looty's suggestion to ( :? )) and there was little to no one there. Went inside, saw all the decorations and such. Looked pretty sweet. Then me and my friend went and walked around the mall for about 45 minutes. Saw views of all the rides and I had a blast looking at all the new things! Finally, it was 9. . . and everyone gathered around and was celebrating. Then they popped this big balloon wall and let people in. I raced straight to SBRBP! I got in line, and had to wait about a half hour so all the "Celebrities" could ride it first (and second. . . :? ) . Finally it was my turn. I took a step into the trains and I loved it. They were so comfy. I got first row far middle seat. As soon as we went out of the station I was just beaming with joy. I couldn't believe I was riding it. You stop for a brief pause before you start up the 90 degree lift hill. It's actually a really fun experience going up. Seeing the park at that height and angle is really unique! As soon as you get towards the top, the lift slows down, and slowly drops you over the top. From the top to the bottom of the drop: PURE AIRTIME! It was amazing. Doesn't feel at all like a 95 degree drop but it's fun whatever it is! You then enter the loop which is forceful, yet still comfortable and really fun! After that comes the mini airtime hill, which I didn't find too enjoyable (it wasn't bad just didn't really add much (to me) to the experience). You then go into the overbank turn which is really great! It's pretty smooth, but it sort of rattles you a bit. You then exit that and go up into the zero-g roll, which has to be the most odd shaped one I've ever seen/been on. You then turn around and go into the MCBR. After that it's just a overbank (I think. . . ) and then a helix and then brakes. RIDE THIS ASAP! It's an amazing ride and to me it's better then Renegade. I loved it and it's one of my favorite roller coasters I've ever ridden! After Spongebob, (seeing the line was around a half hour long already. . . ) we went to Avatar. Waited about 10 minutes for that. It's a really cool ride. Nothin too special, but it's fun! I really thought the OTSR's were really comfortable and suited the ride well! I got kinda nauseous, but it was still enjoyable. It's actually a really fun ride! Try it out! Next was Splat O Sphere! I really enjoyed this ride! It's a moser spring ride which lifts you up and drops you about 7-8 times, and provides AMAZING spurts of airtime! I loved every second of it. (Think of the Comotown Drop ride on steroids! )

After that we did some other rides, and looked around the mall! I'll let the pics tell the rest of the story. . . .


*Format goes pic above caption*


Looty said to get there early. . . But it didn't seem too crowded. . .

Tak Tak. Still the Weak Axe to me.

O...M...F...G... IT'S DORA!


Dinner is served! View is complementary!

If you only saw how crowded this place was later in the day. . .

Chicka Chicka Ya. . .

"Hey look it's Timberland. . . Odd Coaster. . . ?"

I wonder if they changed the Log Flume theming?!

Virtual Slimin. . . Intense.

Kinda blurry but cool logo eh?

We went one more lap and this whole place was FILLED with teens, annoying kids, and parents who push and shove so their child can be the first to chicken out on Spongebob.

Zomgg it's Spongebobz!

Ya I think they coulda done better station theming, and I bet they will eventually (I hope they do at least. . . )

Artsy Fartsy?

Can you spot the car?

Howabout now?

Great ride!

Killer exit too!


Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? (I can see a "Your mom" joke somewhere in there)


Hunting Gallery of. . . ya.


That sounds dirty. . .

Where you can get photos of yourself on the "Pepsi Orange Streak!"

Every angle there's a support in the way I swear!

(My mom) "Why does he have an arrow on his head?!"



Two in one shot!

For all you LSM enthusiasts



Sphere (Funny how that worked out. . . )

Ew cooties!

There were some important people on this ride. Supposedly the mayor who thinks it's a fun ride (I swear his pants were yellow after it. . . )


Blues Skidoos?

Screaming Yellow Pants Zone

Flume! Okay, for all of you that have been DIEING to know, they haven't touched the Log Chute. . .

But. . . . .


Fun fun. Didn't get very wet which was a plus.

Jemmy Neutrons.

Through the water and the whirlpools


Ohh! Artsy!


Fun fun bendy bendy!

Ya. Ew.

Ya. Yay.




I hope they paint it. . . .

I swear! That's the weirdest shaped Zero-G roll anywhere!

Spot the car? (Part 2!)

Howabout now!


I like my flanges. . .

I lol at lines. (I waited in em though. . . )

Crap Attack

Ehh. . . I'm somewhat satisfied.

Lol. Moose.

Yay for hour lines!

She's a beauty ain't she?

Mad intense theming!


<33333333333333 (Too many 3's?)






ZOMG! The momentz u've all been waating 4.


Da life of a (zomg) prepppp.


Now what do preps do at malls you ask? WE SHOP! Duhh(z) But zomgg AE was ttly closedd. *Sad Face*

Whats that I smell from across the mall?! IT'S ZOMG HOLLISTER(z)!


"How do I look like every kid at my school?" BUY THIS!

Every has to look like this at (zomg) Hollister. No exceptions.

Would it be a dis if I said that was totally typical?

Model(z) of hottness.

"How do I smell like every kid at my school?" WEAR/BUY THIS!

One word. Zomg Hollister.



Hope you enjoyed.

I did.

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Nice coverage-- I especially like the Splat-O-Sphere photos!


Although I really liked the EASY (S&S please take note!) seatbelts on the tower...it was weird how the restraints didn't have handles. Especially weird if you're a chick and the ride op has to practically feel you up to "pull up" on the restraint.


Also funny how it says "lapbars" in the auto spiel. I was all sorts of confused between the seatbelts, otsrs and lapbars .

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^That, I believe, is the future of PBLC. I may hang myself.


Hey, now, don't dis the Axe. I love the Axe.

Or Tak or whatever.

It's still a great ride.


(Btw, that thing you called "Dora" is actually Diego.)



At least, that's my understanding of it.

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