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Hannah Montana


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^Dude you are only 14. I am 18 and have been listening to her for the last three years. And have seen her in Atlanta. She is a good singer even though she turns me off with her making fun of Demi Lovato on youtube. So Hannah Montana rocks.


Ok honestly, what does me being 14 and you being 18 have anything to do with this. Just because I'm 14 and you've been listening to her for 3 years doesnt mean anything. Ive seen her live (unfortunately) and Ive listened to her music too, I do like her Rockstar song though, but now shes just a teenage whore.

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but now shes just a teenage whore.


Reality Check: SHE'S A VIRGIN!


I'm getting really sick of comments like this. Do you know Miley Cyrus? Are you all best buds? No. So what is your deal with her? I guarantee that this girl hasn't done anything to you that makes you hate her. And if you have seen her live, good for you. There are MILLIONS of other children across the world that would give anything to meet Hannah Montana.


She's a fad; learn to like her. And if you don't, no big deal. Eventually this will all fade away. But in the mean time, don't go around calling an innocent teenager a "slut" or a "whore". How would you feel if everyone here started saying things like that about you? I imagine, not very good...



(BTW, I'm not pinpointing you, Kalepi. This is aimed at all of those Miley Haters who don't have a clue...)

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but now shes just a teenage whore.


Reality Check: SHE'S A VIRGIN!


I'm getting really sick of comments like this. Do you know Miley Cyrus? Are you all best buds? No. So what is your deal with her? I guarantee that this girl hasn't done anything to you that makes you hate her. And if you have seen her live, good for you. There are MILLIONS of other children across the world that would give anything to meet Hannah Montana.


She's a fad; learn to like her. And if you don't, no big deal. Eventually this will all fade away. But in the mean time, don't go around calling an innocent teenager a "slut" or a "whore". How would you feel if everyone here started saying things like that about you? I imagine, not very good...



(BTW, I'm not pinpointing you, Kalepi. This is aimed at all of those Miley Haters who don't have a clue...)


Not to continue the 'hating' but how do you know she is a virgin? We all thought Jamie Lynn Spears was a good role model, and OPE look at baby Maddie Briann. Im just saying, you aren't her best bud, you don't know her, so how do you know for sure she's a virgin? How do you know she isn't lying to keep her image good? Now I'm not saying she is a whore, but I'm not saying she isn't either. We don't know her, so we don't know for sure. So to me, that means I'm gonna stay neutral on the subject.

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DBru, you don't know that she's a virgin. Britney Spears claimed she was going to stay a virgin until she married Justin Timberlake. We all know she didn't stay truthful and they never got married.


You don't know Hollywood's deepest darkest secrets. Who would have thought Jammie Lynn was going to have a baby and not stay a virgin until she got married?


Innocent teenager? WTH? She posed nude for Vanity Fair without her parent's permission. That's counts as a slutacious whore in my book. (Both a whore and a slut).



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