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What Do You Think the New iPod is?


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Am I the only one disappointed by the new iPods?


I mean, the iPod touch looks awesome! Don't get me wrong... but common Apple, 8 and 16gig only!? That is the dumbest decision ever. I'll wait until they at least come out with an 80+gig iPod touch.


Right now, I have 40gigs of Music and Videos and it keeps growing rapidly. So there'd be absolutely no use for the touch for me.

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Right now I have a black 2gb iPod nano and I am in desperate need of more space. I have a ton of music that I would like to put on my ipod. I am going to save up some money to get an iPod Classic 80gb. I can't decide what color though. What do you think: black or silver?

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If anyone remembers, the first generation iPods were only like 5 and 10 gb. So really it'll probably take the iPod touch a good 3 to 5 generations to get where the iPod video is right now in terms of space. And because it's flash memory the future hard drive sizes will probably be something like 32gb, 64gb, 128gb, and so on.

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The first iPods were also Apple's first venture into mp3 players so they didn't have much experience. Plus, technology has gotten a lot smaller now. I really think they could have easily had at least a 30gb touch if they wanted. If they can have a regular iPod go up to 160gb now, which is damn amazing and just wonderful, and still be that size, I doubt the touch screen takes up such a significant amount of space to where they could have at least 30gb.



Also, I love the new all-metal iPods. I'm so glad I waited to get a new one.

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... I really think they could have easily had at least a 30gb touch if they wanted. If they can have a regular iPod go up to 160gb now, which is damn amazing and just wonderful, and still be that size, I doubt the touch screen takes up such a significant amount of space to where they could have at least 30gb...


I don't think its an issue of space. It's an issue of price. Since the iPod Touch uses Flash Memory (no moving parts) they could easily create an 128gb iPod touch and have the iPod no bigger than the ones out right now. The problem is that while a 120gb magnetic hard drive costs about $100 (give or take a few bucks) a 128gb flash hard drive is selling for $1000 (give or take a few hundred), last I checked.


Flash Memory is faster and is much less likely to fail or skip. It's also a lot more expensive to fabricate the chips.

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I'm also a little disappointed with the lineup as well. A 160GB Classic is crazy, but even that's a little much for what I have. The Nano has never really excited me and the new design looks a little ugly. The Touches were the real disappointment. They had me chomping at the bit until they announced the size. It's just too small. However, I'm working under the assumption that maybe, just maybe, that fancy touch screen and UI just doesn't work with a hard disk. I could be very wrong, but I bet the idea is that the reading and writing from a hard disk is just too slow for the screen to work right or work the way Apple and Jobs wants it to work. It's gen 1 for the product. It'll get better over time. If I get anything, I might get a 160GB Classic. My 4th gen iPod Photo is looking a bit ragged...

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What the hell is going on with Apple? No FM tuner?

Listen to your fav songs on the way to a sports game then tune into the game. Year of the Tiger 2008. Richmond Football club. Go Tiges.


Oh yeah, Apples earphones are crap. Bought myself a pair of Sennheiser CX300. They rock. And they don't fall out when i run.yay.

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