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What Do You Think the New iPod is?


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Its confermed that something will be announced the 5th. The invite is a cover flow with the center cover a guy holding an iPod and says September 5th. Below it says "The Beat Goes On". What do you think it will be?

I think it will be a new Ipod to replace the iPod video. I think it will have a large touch screen and focus around cover flow.

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First Gen iPhone is full of lose. You're better off waiting for the 2nd Gen next year or getting a different phone. I went with the AT&T 8525, you can get all the programs the iphone has, plus more.


Yes, the new iPod is going to be a touch screen. Basically the iPhone with the phone service taken out. When you touch the screen the scroll wheel will appear. Movies will also play in Widescreen format by turning the device on its side.

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Not like I'm going to get it, but i hope it doesn't have a touch screen. It would definitely be more difficult to use then the clock wheel is now. Every time you want to switch songs or turn up the volume you'd have to fish it out of your pocket and turn off hold or something.


If it is a new video and its wide screen, I'd hop they'd maybe put a click wheel on the back for index finger use or, probably ever better, make a flat representation of the click wheel across the top right shoulder. You could just slide your finger from left to right to navigate, and press it to select/pause etc.

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Then why was 80% of it outdated when it was released?


Edge wireless? How about 3G please


3G destroys battery life like no other (my girlfriend's 3G Samsung clamshell drains fully pretty much every day), plus it's not rolled out to most cities. Apple did the smart thing and waited for the technology and saturation to get better. It's not like this is the only model they are ever going to make.


What people don't seem to get about the iPhone is that it may have less "smartphone" features than other phones, but the features are fully developed and well integrated into the phone's OS, which is a big deal. I've yet to see an MP3 player or web browser on a phone that is as good as the iPhone, and the Youtube feature is kick ass (and they look way better than they do on Youtube's site).

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Not like I'm going to get it, but i hope it doesn't have a touch screen. It would definitely be more difficult to use then the clock wheel is now. Every time you want to switch songs or turn up the volume you'd have to fish it out of your pocket and turn off hold or something.


If it is a new video and its wide screen, I'd hop they'd maybe put a click wheel on the back for index finger use or, probably ever better, make a flat representation of the click wheel across the top right shoulder. You could just slide your finger from left to right to navigate, and press it to select/pause etc.

You have obviously never used an iPhone. The touch screen is the best thing ever for apple. The iPod on the iPhone is centered around cover flow. It works so well. My brothers only complaint is the 8gb storage he wants a 30gb like his ipod. He has to carry his iPhone and his 30gb iPod if he wants to listen to all his music.

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The touchscreen is extremely nice, though Blazen does have a point. My biggest problem with the touchscreen is that it is much harder to do something like skip a song or pause without looking at the display. With my old iPod, I had it hooked up to my car's stereo. If a track came on I wanted to skip, I could easily find the button and click next without having to take my eyes off the road.

It's nearly impossible to do with the iPhone since the surface is flat.

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True. I dont drive yet so I dont think about things like that. Maybe they will put a skip button on it. My dad said if its has all the things the iPhone has without a phone he would get it. He just wants the organizing, iPod, web just wi-fi.

So you have an iPhone Wes.

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