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Matt Damon's TPR Mid-West Photo Trip Report!

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Final Day...Kings Island.


Our visit to Kings Island was pretty bittersweet as it marked the last official park day of the trip. Because of this I was much more focused on enjoying the remaining time I had with my new friends and didn't take a whole lot of pictures, or atleast ones that weren't group shots. I also haven't finished collecting all the Hooters Crew pictures from this park so my other sources are a bit dry too.


Anyways, we were really lucky to hit Kings Island on a slow day! The Hooters Crew was able to get on every credit (except for Nadia and I missing out Face/Off because the others broke it right before us!) that we wanted and we packed in the Strickers Grove visit too! KI reminded me ALOT of Canadas Wonderland! A very large selection of rides, but not a whole lot that makes you think "I really need to ride that again!". Strickers was cool, and automatically get's an A in my book for having free drinks and cheap ice cream!


We were lucky to get some final ride ERTish night rides on Beast after it closed to the public. Special thanks to Robb for convincing the park to still do this for us! The ride-ops seemed pretty on edge though and we were really lucky to get our 2 laps and then had to run back to the bus.


Onto the final pictures unless I find more random funny ones to toss at ya!


And night rides on Beast to finish the day and the trip!


photo courtesy: Erik Penders


A theme park visit isn't complete without taking pictures wearing ugly hats you'll never buy!


photo courtesy: Andrew Janes


TPR orgy after riding Top Gun (not as good as Vortex at CW by the way)


photo courtesy: Andrew Janes


Taken right after they broke the Vekoma!


Erik you should have fixed it yourself!


photo courtesy: Andrew Janes


Call me Arrowfanman #2!


photo courtesy: Andrew Janes


No "male chickens" allowed for these 2! ;)


Back at Kings Island this was as close as any of us got to riding Tomb Raider.


...But wait...how did Robb get on then!?


Over at Strickers they had a strict "No mentally challenged riders" rule!


Unfortunately Maaattt Daamonnn missed the credit because of this!


Photo courtesy: Nadia Begdouri


For the final day of the trip we visited Paris and their Kings Island park!

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I just wanted to say thanks to anyone and everyone who's been following along with my trip reports! It was not easy doing them during the trip so the positive comments I received then were really great! Thanks to Robb and Elissa as well for putting on such an amazing trip, and thanks to Erik for being an awesome bus captain!


A big shout out to the Hooters Crew as well! You guys all rock and you really made this trip extra special. You'll all be missed (even the late joiners!) until we can meet up again in the future! Most everyone else I talked to on the trip were amazing too! You really can't find a better bunch of people to spend a day at a theme park with then TPR members! The TRP ones can stay at home though!


Now be sure to check out everyone elses trip reports as well! There are alot of members from the Mid-West trip that are posting reports that are more than worth the time to read! I'll probobly make one final picture post in here later on with random shots that I missed before, and maybe a couple videos as well!

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And the mine train is rumoured to be closing real soon!




This the first I have heard of this and I can't really see what else they would do with 2nd floor of a games building.


Robb alluded to this in my TR; of course, he may have been kidding, and I'm fairly gullible.


Looks like it was a helluva tour.

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Well, I made this video last night for all the people in the Hooters Crew, but thought I might as well share it with all of TPR. There are alot of random things in here that people who weren't on the trip probobly won't quite "get", but it should still be enjoyable anyways! The music was picked because of how much I miss everyone from the trip. It's a little bit more sappy than most coaster/trip videos, but I think it's a nice change of pace.


Again, I made this movie using Windows Movie Maker, so it's not the greatest quality, but considering it's only the 3rd movie I've ever put together, it's not too shabby. Enjoy!

TPR Mid-West Trip small.wmv

TPR Mid-West Trip 2007...Hooters Crew Style!

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Just finished reading through the whole TR, Shawn - awesome!


Then to cap it off with that video, really brought so many great memories flooding back!


Delighted to see some Dallas dancing footage in there, I was worried there wasn't going to be any in the video so thanks for including it!


You really summed up the vibe of the trip in the photos and video!


Thanks again to everyone involved, especially Matt Damon in this case.


Divv "will start my TR soon" Walsh

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Is it a movie, bringing back some totally awesome memories? Yes!

Am i able to watch it alone at night, a little drunk, without pinking away a tear, no... *sniffle*

Shame on you for that, Shawn!


On other notice:

Divv! Didn't thought you'd be back already? Looking forward to the TR!

Andrew, i downloaded your pictures ok btw, the movies where great fun too, thanks for sharing!

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^ Thomas, I got you to make your 2nd post ever! That's awesome! It really does bring back so many crazy memories,


Tear credit list for this video:

-Matt Damon (the song even before making the video!)




Also, be sure to pay close attention to what the lyrics are at the moment and what's on screen. There are ALOT of moments where the 2 match up perfectly, some designed, and others by complete fluke.

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^^ Very very close! It's a D50 with a Sigma 70-300mm lens! I absolutely love both the camera body and that lens! When I had it out it really took some awesome shots for me on the trip!


^ Thanks for the positive comments! The Dallas song really does rock! They heard it so many times during their 8 hour wait for Maverick that whenever it played during the music loop they would all just break out into random dance!

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Haha, I recognized it because I have a D70 with a Sigma 70-300 APO DG. Very happy for the $135 I paid for it(Ebay).


Do you have a link to just your pictures?











BTW: Anybody laugh at you when you have in 300mm macro mode with the lens cap on? It's like a foot long that way. lol

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Well im not the most active 'poster' on TPR, but my employees hate me because im ALWAYS on it...


just wanted to say that your TR really impressed me. Added a personal touch along with lots of coaster pics.


thanks for making my workday creep by a little faster



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