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Hey there new park, and i'm starting form scratch. All I have built now is the kiddy area but pelase let me know what you think


it's ride list is:


Tumble Bugs - A restored classic ride sure to be fun for the entire family

Tilt-a-Whirl - A classic fairground and park ride

Scambler - Another classic must have ride for anypark

Bouncer- a More rather new ride, this S&S Froghopper, will be sure to please any young thirll seeker.

Crazy Train- The Parks first Credit (not really) this costom Mack Powered coaster was built specially for the park, and even gives rides 2 circuts.


I wonder what it'll be...


Until next time....woah wait...whats that in the top corner?


The Jeff Johnson credit of the park, it's powered :p






Tilt a Whirl


Tumble Bugs

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^It looks like an AE ride, but I've never seen that on his site.


Good job so far though.


And Nicole, he has to take the shots like that because with the computer he has RCT2 on doesn't write to Discs, floppies, zips and flashes, and doesn't have the internet, so he has to use a camera and transfer the shots over to the comp that does have the internet. At least that is what he told us last time. And Revenge, are the two computers put together on a house network? I'll post directions if they are.

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And Nicole, he has to take the shots like that because with the computer he has RCT2 on doesn't write to Discs, floppies, zips and flashes, and doesn't have the internet, so he has to use a camera and transfer the shots over to the comp that does have the internet. At least that is what he told us last time. And Revenge, are the two computers put together on a house network? I'll post directions if they are.


Oh, ok. I have a smiliar situation here, I use a Mac for everyhing but my copy of RCT2 is on my old PC from college, which isn't connected to the internet. I transfer everything with a jump drive.


Yay for tumble bugs!

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Preview time!


The park has a credit (or if your jeff, a second credit) Mythos, the worlds first custom designed 4D coaster.


Mythos will be North point parks first coaster, the ride is a custom designed S&S Arrow 4D coaster and will take riders through 3 inversions, one ven being the frist drop, which will be the single defining moment of the ride.


okay so the ride itself is only half done...so that why this is just a little preview.




small teaser/preview shot.


try not to give away too much....

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Is Crazy Train going to be Ozzy-themed?!




^no they aren't sadly, and you got the resaon straight on.


Dude! Where did you get that tumble bugs ride?


First off it's not an AE ride.


I got it from http://www.rctmart.com some where on there, you have to be a member to download or search the subforums, luckly membership is free.


I found out where it is it should work http://www.rctmart.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=4706

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Mythos is done


THe worlds first custom S&S Arrow 4D is finally out there, and even though only with a maximum drop height of 78ft it still delivers a strong, fun, and insane ride.


...more pecular construction, a bunch of markers and scaffolding.


also new with Mythos and the delirium Flat ride which is a Mondail Top Scan.


The Green train is waiting on the switch track


finally you are treated to a helix and a fly to lie into the brakes.


after the pretzal roll you do a turn next to a foot path and continue on to a full full


this weird pretzal loop like element rusn parallel to the station.


after the first drop you turn immdeiatly into an inside raven turn, but you enter from the top as apposed to the bottom


This shows the unique way the seats flip over the drop, instead of flipping forwards, you do a back flip over the top.


The drop is not only unique but it's build this way for a reason, the ride is built in the dorner of the park and they did not have enough room to build a regular 4D drop without gonig into the parking lot.


The Lift, nothing too special here :p.


The station has a modern style to it, the cars flip 135 degrees over the turn out of the station!


The Q is mysted (hehe) and the buildin gin the back is the ORP station.

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And Nicole, he has to take the shots like that because with the computer he has RCT2 on doesn't write to Discs, floppies, zips and flashes, and doesn't have the internet, so he has to use a camera and transfer the shots over to the comp that does have the internet. At least that is what he told us last time.


I can but you would'nt be able to see um as Vekoma pointed out. It's true.

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New Coaster!


Submission, a 110ft tall B&M Dive Machine thats goes to a maximum height of 110ft and at it's lowest point -30ft making for a total of a 140ft drop!


over view.


hmmm new construction? the space is too small for a coaster...maybe more flats?


as well as a new monorail station.


A new gift shop has been added across from Mythos.


The Commader getting ready to plunge down 150ft.


The entire layout can be seen here, along with a food court, and The commander which is the tallest thing at the park with a height of 150ft.


First drop right into the middle of a footpath.


Prelift turn

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And Nicole, he has to take the shots like that because with the computer he has RCT2 on doesn't write to Discs, floppies, zips and flashes, and doesn't have the internet, so he has to use a camera and transfer the shots over to the comp that does have the internet. At least that is what he told us last time.


Vekoma you've oficially made my fav quote, at least one person on each page so far has asked that question CCjared, and each time I answered with this quote.

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