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To Go Or Not To Go?

What would you do if you were me?  

42 members have voted

  1. 1. What would you do if you were me?

    • I would go to Florida and not take the Scholarship.
    • I would take the Scholarship and not go to Florida.

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No. I did not really need it. But it would still have been nice to have. I hate when my brother pays for things for me. So I was really debating taking the scholarship.



It's better that it won't be wasted now.


It'd be better if someone got that scholarship who actually needs the money to go to school.


It's annoying when kids get scholarships who don't need it, and just end up blowing the money on something.


Meanwhile kids that can barely afford school have to work multiples hard working jobs just to get through without a crippling debt.

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I acutally do know someone who really needs the scholarship. Like if they do not get a scholarship they do not get to go to college.



I would have taken the scholarship easily and then done the college program. But since you apparently don't need it anyway, oh well.


The school will not give your scholarship to someone else, no way no how. It's their money to give to whom they deem worthy. If you don't take it, they'll just keep the money, they probably won't even offer it to another person.


Sorry, but in this day and age there's no reason that anyone who wants to go to college can't go. There are too many programs out there that will give you money for college. If you're poor you can get loans and grants easily. Grants don't have to be paid back and loans don't have to be paid back until after graduation. And also depending on what kind of degree you're getting there are some loans that the state will pay back for you in exchange for working for a certain amount of time in state.

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OMG you guys are going to kill me, but I decided not to take the scholarship.

Who's killing who here? You set up a poll. It was decidedly obvious what everybody and their brother thought you should do, and yet in the end it's apparent that you probably knew all along what you were gonna end up doing.


I'm not sure the opinions of the many well respected posters in this thread would really have mattered to you either way. Maybe I'm wrong, but eh, whatever.


Seriously, have a great time in Florida. I honestly wish you well.

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Yeah, After reading this thread it does sound like you just wanted to brag about getting the scholarship and had already made your mind up.


Acutally I made up my mind today during school because I decided I did not want to be around these dumb a$$ people for the rest of my life. And I did not want to brag, I really did need help.


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^Not really.


The vast majority (99.5%) of colleges have stupid people who got in because of athletics, affirmative action quotas, insider connections, parents who went to the college, the good ol boy system, etc. And those are just the upper-end colleges, like major state universities and Institutes of Technology (Georgia Tech, Virginia, Michigan, Cal-Berkeley, and other big name schools). The middle of the pack and lower end colleges are a joke for the most part, at least around here, where people take 6 years to graduate due to HOPE (cough...UGA...cough).


The only hope for going to a school with no idiots whatsoever is one with entirely merit-based admissions, such as a CalTech or MIT. Those are truely the only two schools I can think of that are entirely merit-based, because most Ivies/"elite schools" will let you in if you have family/money connections (case in point, one of my best friends got into Yale because his family has gone there since about 1790 and the vast majority of his relatives are in some way connected there).



Anyway, best of luck to you at Disney.

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^Not quite

It just goes by your Year 12 results, you get that that ranking at the end of the year (0 to 99.95) and then most of the courses at the Uni's here have a particular rank you need to get in (Eg to do med you need like 98.00 at some Uni's, engineering is usually somewhere in the 80s, business you can get into with about a 60 at some unis, but it varies.

I know that there are some courses out there that have other requirements to get in (Eg a folio for some design courses) but for the most part its all about your year 12 results. There is no "paying" your way in or anything like that, there is just one central agency that takes all your applications and course preferences, and everyone is considered at the same time.


But does it seriously cost $80,000 or whatever to go to Uni in the US ?

Here the most you would pay is $7000AUD a year (thats really only for high up courses like medicine,for most people its less), and even then you dont have to pay any of it till you have a job and are earning more than $30k a year.

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Wait, wouldn't going to college get you away from Dumb a$$ people? Because Smart people go to college?


LOL! No. In this state everyone is a dumb a$$ and even they go to college


Thrillrideseeker... you are a moron. Why don't you cash in the scholarship and give it to me.


If they would have let me I so would have! I would rather someone who could use it get it. I am mad that they gave me one in the first place. I mean there are so many people out there that could acutally have needed it, and instead I get stuck with one.


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