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I feel I owe you an apology, but no one else.....

I did not intend to belittle your work but the reactions, could turn out to be a good coaster anyway.


Aww... thanks. That's really nice.


I feel I owe you an apology, but no one else.....

I did not intend to belittle your work but the reactions, could turn out to be a good coaster anyway.


You.. apologizing? You should apologize to me, but the chances of that happening are about the chances of me becoming the Queen of England.


Calm down. I appreciate you sticking up for me and all, but he did admit he was wrong and I think that's enough. So this little 'feud' between you guys is OVER!!!

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Geez, Calaway, in an argument, surprise surprise...


Anyway, I love your design for the roller coaster. I could never reach such realism without some computer aid.


Bite me


I love your latest drawing though, what coloured pencils do you use? Just standard Crayola or Laurentian, or high quality ones like Prisma Colour?


I saw your little article thing about your Patriot art, and it is very similar haha.

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Did you just enhance it in photoshop? Because the white space looks a bit messy. If a more intense color was what you were looking for, you might have wanted to just go over it again. Still, I really admire your work because it's so simple. The style doesn't necesarily mean that you don't have good art skills, but you have a good eye. I'd love to see more coasters drawn like this from you!


Keep up the good work.

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Did you just enhance it in photoshop? Because the white space looks a bit messy. If a more intense color was what you were looking for, you might have wanted to just go over it again. Still, I really admire your work because it's so simple. The style doesn't necesarily mean that you don't have good art skills, but you have a good eye. I'd love to see more coasters drawn like this from you!


Keep up the good work.


The mess on the white section always happens to me, it's from blowing the excess coloured pencil off the page and then accidentally rubbing some in with your elbow, well, that's how it happens to me anyway.

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Geez, Calaway, in an argument, surprise surprise...


Anyway, I love your design for the roller coaster. I could never reach such realism without some computer aid.


Bite me


I love your latest drawing though, what coloured pencils do you use? Just standard Crayola or Laurentian, or high quality ones like Prisma Colour?


I saw your little article thing about your Patriot art, and it is very similar haha.


Regular Crayola. And the Patriot thing, , was just a joke. We were bored.


Anyway, I'll see If I can get Tatsu up tonight. It's only the lift and zero-g, but I'll try to extend it over a couple of days.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Truthfully...coasterfan is right. It's not very good work. Lines are unclear, coloring is monotone and has way more texture than steel tracks/supports should, actual element shaping isn't too great (but better than many of the other features). The other guys are really building you up, as that's not nearly enough quality for a park to use. I checked out your other drawings, and they have unoriginal layouts, awkward and unrealistic perspectives, and, while it's not a big deal, names stolen from real rides. "Vild Snivet" is not something you should name your ride IMO since it's such an unusual name. Pretty sure it means Wild Boar in English, and I don't think any other ride has that name, let alone in that language. Come up with something more original for the name and layouts, and work on keeping your lines clean. Also try some shading for any detailed tracks you may do. This dive machine could've definately used some.


I hope you don't take this the wrong way but if you want to do well in art, you either need to just naturally be ridiculously good, or be able to take criticism and use it to improve. It's not fair to you if everyone says OMGWTF that's amazing!!1! because truth is, it's not.

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I would've backed coasterfan's argument had I read this earlier. I agree with your last sentence, yes he does have time to improve. With that said, my statement was also my opinion, based on what I've learned about art over the many years I've been drawing. I actually have pictures ranging from age 12 or so to the present 19 if you'd like to see. One of my most important points was if everyone says something's great and all that, then that person won't have anything to go on if they'd like to improve. IMO saying because of that drawing he might currently be, or should be a roller coaster designer is very misleading, especially considering the ridiculous amounts of math and physics in which you must be proficient to even understand many concepts.


My post also described many reasons for my criticism, something that nobody or few who praised the work did even at all. How is that helpful if he doesn't even know what one thinks is good about it?

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There's nothing wrong with DCS's post, he stated his opinion. Flipping out about it is completely different. I agree with a lot of what he said. He didn't get angry about it though, that's the only reason me and coasterfan got in an argument.


And [yeesh] NO I'm not trying to start an argument, me and coasterfan have a truce.

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I would've backed coasterfan's argument had I read this earlier. I agree with your last sentence, yes he does have time to improve. With that said, my statement was also my opinion, based on what I've learned about art over the many years I've been drawing. I actually have pictures ranging from age 12 or so to the present 19 if you'd like to see. One of my most important points was if everyone says something's great and all that, then that person won't have anything to go on if they'd like to improve. IMO saying because of that drawing he might currently be, or should be a roller coaster designer is very misleading, especially considering the ridiculous amounts of math and physics in which you must be proficient to even understand many concepts.


My post also described many reasons for my criticism, something that nobody or few who praised the work did even at all. How is that helpful if he doesn't even know what one thinks is good about it?

Thank you for being realistic and truthful.

Where are these other drawings, I would like to see them.

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Here's the gallery... http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y272/DCs221/


I couldn't figure out how to move them into the right order within the gallery, so here are the pic links sorted by my age at completion.














18 (One I think you all should like ; )






Please keep in mind the theme park drawing was done relatively quickly because of it's large size (posterboard) and time constraints. It was a project we had to do for AP US History. My partner did the rock walls, and I did the rest. This is a nearly finished version... I finished it in class the day it was due, and wasn't able to take a newer picture. This version is missing several hotels (one of which features a bobsled coaster weaving into and out of it), cars in the parking lot, some touchups, and some random details throughout the park like more trees etc.


Many of the recent drawings, apart from the last one which is in progress, weren't really serious projects so they may not display as much quality as some previous work.

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I know that you believe that my drawings aren't that great. I work hard on them and sometimes they don't come out nice. The drawings on my website, which you might have seen, are of a long time ago. As an artist, you should know that you don't become great overnight. You have to work your way up from the bottom. You are at the top. I'm probably in the middle. We all have different styles of art, and apparently mine isn't what you prefer. Just to clear things up, these aren't my "professional" drawings. In fact, I haven't made that kind. Consider these practice drawings.

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^He already addressed that here:


...yes he does have time to improve. With that said, my statement was also my opinion, based on what I've learned about art over the many years I've been drawing. I actually have pictures ranging from age 12 or so to the present 19 if you'd like to see. One of my most important points was if everyone says something's great and all that, then that person won't have anything to go on if they'd like to improve. IMO saying because of that drawing he might currently be, or should be a roller coaster designer is very misleading, especially considering the ridiculous amounts of math and physics in which you must be proficient to even understand many concepts.


My post also described many reasons for my criticism, something that nobody or few who praised the work did even at all. How is that helpful if he doesn't even know what one thinks is good about it?


and here


if you want to do well in art, you either need to just naturally be ridiculously good, or be able to take criticism and use it to improve.
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I'm not self righteous BiCoastal Kid, I just got upset at him because of he was rude about his opinion, haha.


If he just would've said he didn't like them, and gave some criticism like DCS did, I never would've said anything.


Anyways, I'm out of the argument.

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