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Myrtle Beach Hurricane Coaster is no more!

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I know it was a bad, very rough coaster, but still its depressing to see it come down instead of being fixed. That entire amusement park has now been destroyed. People visiting the beach this season will be greeted by a huge empty lot, in what was once the heart of the downtown entertainment district, and the historical area where Myrtle Beach itself was started.


Last of Pavilion coaster torn down Article


Video of Lift Hill being torn down!


This link also has video of the last section of the coaster, the top of the lift hill, coming down.


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Myrtle Beach Hurricane GONE!!!


Psyclone GONE!!!


That video was AWESOME!!!!


This has been a good year for ridding the world of crappy wood coasters!


--Robb "It's never depressing to see a pointless, crappy coaster meet it's doom!" Alvey

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That was a great video, but in some ways it was sad seeing the lift-hill keeling over, They could of left the lift-hill standing as a monument to the Park, just built round it.


I have not ridden the coaster, if it was that rough the park could of

re-tracked it.


King's Island can have a great 4th July "Bonfire and fireworks" with SOB in a few years time.


I would love to be see the 218ft lift-hill and double death helix's alight

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Myrtle Beach Hurricane GONE!!!


Psyclone GONE!!!


That video was AWESOME!!!!


This has been a good year for ridding the world of crappy wood coasters!


--Robb "It's never depressing to see a pointless, crappy coaster meet it's doom!" Alvey


The video made me kind of sick to my stomach. It's way beyond a below average wood coaster coming down. It's the pointless politics behind the east coast's version of the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk getting demolished with no firm, immediate plans of what is to take its place.


Not too far off from what will likely become of Coney Island after the 2007 season.



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The video made me kind of sick to my stomach. It's way beyond a below average wood coaster coming down. It's the pointless politics behind the east coast's version of the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk getting demolished with no firm, immediate plans of what is to take its place.


Not too far off from what will likely become of Coney Island after the 2007 season.



While I'm kind of bummed that the park closed, because it was way better than I though it was going to be, I'm not sad to see the coaster go.


I agree that the park did kind of remind me of SCBB. Personally I thought of the two parks in the area, it should have been Family Kingdom going away.


Too bad the better park had the crappier woodie.


Bummer to hear it was politics that brought the park down, that's too bad, but we see this happen over and over again in this business.


--Robb "Here's hoping that Hard Rock Park eventually builds a GOOD wooden coaster!" Alvey

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I really don't care about the coaster going down, I just don't like to see any coaster bite the dust.


But I won't shed any tears over it. It beat the crap out of me in September.


Shame. It was half way decent 2 or 3 years ago.


Derek you are bad. Can I bring the matches? You bring the gasoline (and the beer).

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I really don't care about the coaster going down, I just don't like to see any coaster bite the dust.

See, I kind of agree, but I also think there are coasters that just plain NEED getting demolished.


It's kind of like Vegas hotels. I know I'm a big fan of Vegas and while part of me always hates to see one of them get imploded because it's like a small piece of history to one of the most interesting cities in the country going away, man some of those old, crusty hotels *NEED* being imploded!


And like that video of the Hurricane coming down, implosions and other destruction is just COOL and interesting to watch! If that wasn't the case there wouldn't be so much celebration around when they do one. Some people may hate watching it, but honestly I just thought it was so neat watching how they brought down the structure. I probably played it back like 10 times trying to figure out where the cables were, how they did it without any danger to people on the ground, making sure it didn't sway and fall the wrong direction, etc, etc.


Now, I would be more bummed if a GOOD ride got demolished, but for the same reasons you don't see the best hotels in Vegas getting imploded, it's pretty rare to see a "top" coaster meet it's maker.


This year so far we've seen Cyclone, Psyclone, and now Hurricane go. None of which I will lose any sleep over. And I really wish I could have gotten video of Psyclone getting it's death sentance! That one REALLY deserved it!


--Robb "Loves watching Vegas hotel implosions!" Alvey

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My order arrived today, I have never visited the park but I thought I'll be part of history and have a piece of track from one of the roughest coasters in the business.


RIP Hurricane


The whole plaque inc a piece of Hurricane's track


Front of Plaque with 2 coins


It's back side


At the bottom on the reverse side


12 out of 100 ...!!

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