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I usually ask my questions one at a time on other posts but now I decided I will ask all the questions I have here. If you know the answers please post!


Paramount's Great America

- Ever since PGA got rid of Greazed Lightning and the Stealth they now only have about 7-8 coasters compared to around 12-14 at the other Paramont parks. Are there plans for a new coaster at PGA?

- What did they put in the place of the Greazed Lightning?

- Is it true that during the off season PGA had to disassemble Top Gun and rebuild it because it was sinking due to the marshy land it was built on?

- Did PGA get rid of any rides besides the 2 coasters or add any besides the water park?

- Why didn't PGA get the Italian Stunt Job when they only have 7 coasters?



- Is the Thunderhead already riding rough after only one year of operation? This is what I heard from people in Tennessee.

- Is the Tennessee Tornadoe still running both trains or just 1. When I went last summer they were running only one and I saw the other dissasembled.

- Did Dollywood remove any rides for the new rides they have now?

- What new rides did they add at Dollywood?

- Does anybody know what the original color of the Tennessee Tornadoe. It looks red orange right now. Very ugly and in need of a paint job!

- When I went to Dollywood last summer they had the train running and we past by another one and the guy said that that train would be running along with the one we were riding. Are both trains running now?



- What do you mean when people say Flyers snap?

- Are other parks getting a Topple Tower and how much does one cost?

- What is the tallest Drop Zone in the world?

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Not a PGA or Dollywood expert but I can tell you that the highest drop tower in the world is The Giant Drop in Coomera, QLD, Australia and if you mean the highest Drop Zone ride in the Paramount chain is PKI's.


Edit: Actually it PKD's

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On the PGA things:


- Their are several plans for new Paramount coasters. It seems that PGA hates them all however. There is a "Pineapple under the sea" rumor floating around though

- Another "Garden of lost Footers"

- No

- Apperently Triple Play (Troika) is now gone.

- Because PGA hates us.



- I hope not, and don't really see why as the other HFP GCI is older and still kicking ass.

- I don't know but TT is an awesome ride

- I know they removed their old log flume. Prolly someothers as well. They got about 10 new rides including the worlds first "Sir Willow" coaster.



- On certain Flyer models, particularly old Larson Flying Scooters, the cable stay assembly is built in such a way that under certain conditions the rider can pilot their tub low and inside and produce slack in the cable. When the tub moves to the out side the tension is restored all at once and shoots the tub and rider very forcefully high and outside. The only 2 "good flyers" I know of are at Knobels and PCWinds.

- 3 Topples are going in this year. They look fun but don't seem very marketable as "Extreme Thrill Machines" so I wouldn't expect Paramount or the Point to get one. Perhaps someone like Hershey would be interested? I don't know the cost but I would venture a guess in the 3-6 million dollar range.

- PKD I believe but Giant Drop was the tallest drop ride when it opened. I don't follow drop rides that well but I also believe that Knotts took the title away from the GD by a few feet of flagpole. IMHO Tower of Power is the overall best (SFOT).


Hope that helps!



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Thanks for the help! I think PGA is stupid how they are running there park. I can't believe they took away Triple Play! :shock: That was one of my favorite rides there. Are they putting in a new ride there and why did they move it in the first place? Is it going to be kept in storage or sent to another park?

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Triple Play was pretty old...in fact, I think it was one of the original park rides (park opened in 1976). I rode Triple Play only once, and that was during my first visit to the park in 1978.


PGA is not a very big park, and there is little room for expansion being that it's surrounded by several industrial parks if I'm not mistaken. That may explain why there are no large coasters there.



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Paramount's Great America

- Ever since PGA got rid of Greazed Lightning and the Stealth they now only have about 7-8 coasters compared to around 12-14 at the other Paramont parks. Are there plans for a new coaster at PGA?

Maybe ..


- What did they put in the place of the Greazed Lightning?

No idea .. Boomerang Bay is where Stealth .. err BORG used to be ...


- Is it true that during the off season PGA had to disassemble Top Gun and rebuild it because it was sinking due to the marshy land it was built on?

I would hope not .. the piers are anywhere from 10-100ft in the ground



- Did PGA get rid of any rides besides the 2 coasters or add any besides the water park?

I know there was another coaster in the late 70's (Gulf Coaster) as well as Whizzer .. sure some flats have left


- Why didn't PGA get the Italian Stunt Job when they only have 7 coasters?

No room? PKI and Winderland are bigger draws



- Is the Thunderhead already riding rough after only one year of operation? This is what I heard from people in Tennessee.

Oh hell no .. it's wonderful


- Is the Tennessee Tornadoe still running both trains or just 1. When I went last summer they were running only one and I saw the other dissasembled.

Was on Friday when I was there .. until storms shut it down


- Did Dollywood remove any rides for the new rides they have now?

I know they removed some from the old Country Fair section area for all the new rides


- What new rides did they add at Dollywood?

Disk'O, Aviator, L&T Systems Coaster, Shooting Star, Lemon Twist, Wave Swinger, some other kiddie rides


- Does anybody know what the original color of the Tennessee Tornadoe. It looks red orange right now. Very ugly and in need of a paint job!

Looks great, it's a red/brown/orangeish .. looks great .. supposed to look weathered and old like a Tornado came through


- When I went to Dollywood last summer they had the train running and we past by another one and the guy said that that train would be running along with the one we were riding. Are both trains running now?

Hmm .. they ran one on Friday .. train leaves on a schedule unlike most parks since the ride is 25mins long

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