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What German Theme Parks Can You Recommend?


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I'm planning to hit some German theme parks next year. I just wanted to find out what the best ones to visit are. I imagine I'll only have a week to do as many as possible and I'd like to know which ones you would recommend.


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I would do a search, cause I'm pretty sure we covered this at some point before.


- Europa Park

- Holiday Park

- Phantasialand

- Heide Park

- Movie Park

- Legoland

- Klotten

- Tripsdrill


You really need to provide more info, like what part of Germany, what you're into, stuff like that.


Plus keep in mind that some of the German parks are closer to parks in Belgium and the Netherlands than other German Parks.

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Thanks Elissa. I'm not sure exactly what part of Germany I'll be going to yet, but having just searched up Heide Park on google, I reckon I'll be staying within a few hours distance of Heide Park. That wooden coaster looks awesome.

BTW, some of my favourite kind of rides are woodies, launch coasters, well-themed log flumes (eg: splash mountain) and any kind of tower ride.


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Speaking english is not a german hobby

But they are more willingly to understand you than the french.


That's Right and we are more friendly than french people (just a joke)


I think the best choice in Germany is Europa Park and from Europa Park it's only 1 1/2 hour to Holiday Park (Geforce you know? ....


...but Phantasialand is nice and from this point you could go to Movie Park too.

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Believe me, Moviepark is not worth it anymore, the demolished a rollercoaster (URL), but Europa park is a great park, and if you can afford it, try the colloseo hotel located near the park, a great themed hotel with a greath bar at the top of it.


Holiday park is not far away from EP, the park itself is not very good, but Expedition Geforce is an incredible coaster.


Heidepark is some more away from EP, the park is very 'german' in the theming, it has a airtime woody and from next year they have a kind of 'Rita' copy (Desert Storm)


If you are travaling from EP to Heidepark an funny sugestion is to visit Legoland Germany, not very special, but who didnt play with lego when he was small, when you walk there you just get happy (visit the Link for a picture TR (in dutch) from a few friends of our last visit to legoland)

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Your comparison is not correct, EP is above Freiburg not under it.


But EP combined with HP is not a good one, if you drive in one time then you will need about 6 hours without an pauze.


You can better combine Europapark with Holidaypark and some other parks around that places (about 10 miniutes from EP you can get some coaster credits in a very small park) or you can go to Legoland. (about 2,5 hours drive from EP)

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  • 2 months later...

I can only say Heide-Park is a must if you are in the north of the country. So much great detail and cleanness within the park, most of the employers speak "English" (or they know you come from England before you even speak to them).


I have not been to the other German parks, hope to go in the next few years.

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