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Photo TR: SFGAm September 16th and 17th


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Since most of us in our theme park crew work at Fright Fest for October, this past weekend was our last awesome visit to our local park Six Flags Great America.


Both days were awesome. The first day the crouds were like a normal summer day and we only got on a few rides. That's okay cause there was a squrriel there who let us feed him nuts and pet him. Same thing happened last year. I wonder if it's the same squrriel.


The second day was almost as awesome. Crouds didn't show up until around noon and I got to ride Deja Boob! Less of our crew showed up, but it was still good. Also, rain decided to show up and leave us stranded in the Viper station.


Anywho, how bout some pictures, eh?



Oh yeah, and on the way out, I got me a Joe Action Figure.


Also, they had to try out the High Five Zone. I like this, I hope they keep it for next season. :)


But not before seeing the new one woman show they had for that night only! It was amazing, no music, no script, nothing but her dancing!


It was one more ride on Orbit and we decided to call it a year.


I guess River Rocker just brings out the best in people.


Just as Parker decided to leave, Sam, Joe, and their friend show up for a full half hour of fun!


but B-Rad was there to save the day, and we got to ride.




And then the rain came....


Snakes in a Box?


Some theming for Snakes on a Train


Tee hee.....


American Eagle was next. They've got some new things up for Fright Fest.


Bull was next. And as usual, totally rocked.


Even B-Rad thought it was awesome!


There's no one here yet! This is awesome!


On day two, I found the delicious Parker over by Vuja De.


James and Grubbs just HAD to try out the new Designated High Five Zone we've all been hearing so much about.


After a quick ride on Orbit, we headed out.


We love the Raging Cow so much....


I think they were all suprised by how awesome that ride was.


Here, we got to see Grubbs slip into a coma, Max eat his amazing invisible donut, and Sam play with her loose teeth.


Ah, sweet sweet Raging Hormones. Best ride here.


"Go, Max, go!"


We all decide to head toward Southwest Territory and Max tries to race us there.


As James and Max poze for a photo, James suddenly realizes he has no idea what he's eating or how he got it.


Does this make it Elissa friendly?


This was the coolest squrirrel in the world! We got to feed it and pet it and even ride rides with it!


The Whirli-Giggity was mighty fun...


James is all: "Dude, this pic is totally going on my Myspace." and Grubbs is all: "I have three chins!"


Those people in back join our crew.


"Can you see any dead guys?" "Not yet...but I think I see part of the Sky Whirl in there. Does that count?"


They got the Necropolis gates up, yay! That's where I'll be! :-)


Is this a face of joy or terrible pain? You decide....okay it's pain.


The Demon is gonna rape you!


A door to the "new" haunted house was left open. I guess we got our own sneak peak.


Hmmm....photochop rules.


After we rode it, we showed our love for Raging Bull.


James practices for Fright Fest.


James and Grubbs light up before they have to abide by the new smoking policy.

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Director_Guy started it then a bunch of people decided to follow. I think thats the new thing, as Billy Madison would say "You aint cool unless Bradleys in your trip report"







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Since most of us in our theme park crew work at Fright Fest for October, this past weekend was our last awesome visit to our local park Six Flags Great America.


I'll be at SFGam Oct. 7-8, what do you all do at Fright Fest?


I have 2 boys ages 8 - 10 that last year said that they "could not be scared." They were so alert to everyone that it did take about an hour before they actually did get suprised.


The werewolves however scared the crap outta my daughters, and they were freaked out and crying all day.


We managed to get one daughter to stop crying. I love Fright Fest.

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Our Orbit is well-maintained and well-run. It's a really fun spinner, with no restraints, and it doesn't make you nauseous. The one at SFGAm still goes vertical (thank god!)


Schwarzkopf did really well with that flat... it's an incredibly fun ride. His ployp ride (over by Batman/Yankee Clipper) is also a really good spider-type ride, with fun little airtime.

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