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Photo TR: Tusenfryd!!

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Alright boys and girls, this here's my first trip review so cut me some slack.


Anyways, this past Sunday i decided to put some of my complimentary tickets to use, so i took my family to Tusenfryd. We arrived at 10:15, 15 minutes before opening, and since everyone already had tickets we didn't need to stand in any lines at the ticket booths.


We went to Speed Monster first thing, and me and one of my brothers were on the first train of the day. My mom, sister and other brother were on the second train. Great ride as always, although my brothers and mom were pretty terrified afterwards hehe. Afterwards we went to the bumper cars since it's right next to Speed Monster and usually gets a fairly big (and painfully slow line). After that we did the log flume, which also gets ridiculously long lines sometimes during the day.


It was still barely 11 o'clock so we went to Thundercoaster, which was a walk-on. We then went up to the top of the park and did some flats while we waited for the Skycoaster to open. The Skycoaster is my main ride that i work on, and i love it to death. Managed to get my sister up with me on the first flight of the day.


Later we went down to Supersplash, then did some more smaller rides and ate at Solgrillen (still got the best burgers in the park IMO). I won't bore you with any more details about our day. I'll let the pictures do the talking. The lines later in the day were long for nearly everything (at least to norwegian standards) so we left pretty early. Still a great day at the park!


Hope you enjoy the pics!


Just as we were leaving Speed Monster poked it's head out of the forest to say goodbye. Byebye Speed Monster! Thanks for reading!


Some places it just looks like a complete mess of track


There are some awesome positive G's at the bottom!


Diving under the escalator.


It goes pretty darn close to the path. Some people actually mistake the track for monkey bars and start climbing about.


Ah, more corkscrew. Screw=good!


The line actually got pretty long as you can see. This is the station and the corkscrew!


Now for what you've all been waiting for: Speed Monster!!! Escalator goodness.


Yay for chairswings. Well, I like them so blah


This one's for the credit whores only. I hit it once, that was enough lol.


You don't get that wet at all any more, but still it's good fun when it goes splash!


Supersplash going into the tunnel. I liked this ride more before, still a fun ride though.


The log flume is getting pretty old and dated, unfortunately. I only ride it when there's no line.


This one's for Derek and everyone else that love vertical loops. Yay


Loopen was not as painful as the last time i rode it. Not too bad at all actually, rode in last car.


Roll-Over. This ride is manually operated, which means that us ops get to do whatever we want to the guests ;) I hate taking it though, oh the pain!!


The Skycoaster!! My favorite ride in the park. Love working it and love riding it.


S&S launch tower "Japp Space Shot". Still a nice ride, but i liked it better before the new modifications.


Second drop of airtime-insanity-in-the-back-row. Seriously, i felt like i was going to be thrown into the forest.


OMG through the trees! OMG through the supports, which are made from trees! OMG


That's better! The line was never longer than about 15 minutes at the worst. Almost no stacking.


Here's a tip for you all: red train runs a lot smoother than the green train *and* has a shorter lap time. You suck, green train!!!


Thundercoaster, everyone's favorite Vekoma =) It was actually running great, despite the dry weather.


For all you station lovers out there. OK, I'll try not to bore you with more Speed Monster pics until later.


It comes pretty close to the escalator, so close you can almost touch it! Or not...


No one can miss Speed Monster as they enter the park. Very standard picture, but still an awesome park entrance.

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Excellent pictures! Its nice to hear that Thundercoaster wasnt running too bad, because it was absolutely horrible when I rode it a month ago.


Those modifications youre talking about on Spaceshot, whats that? I seem to remember that it used to launch closer to the ground a few years ago, but I could be wrong. But I cant think of anything else that has changed. I dont visit Tusenfryd very often though.......

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Excellent pictures! Its nice to hear that Thundercoaster wasnt running too bad, because it was absolutely horrible when I rode it a month ago.


Those modifications youre talking about on Spaceshot, whats that? I seem to remember that it used to launch closer to the ground a few years ago, but I could be wrong. But I cant think of anything else that has changed. I dont visit Tusenfryd very often though.......


Yeah it used to launch from the ground. Now it goes up about 3 metres slowly before it launches. Maybe I'm just picky, but i think the launch is much weaker now than before. Nevertheless, it's a good ride if I don't have to wait for it.

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Nice trip report. About RollOver, I heard from a friend (that also works at Tusenfryd) that the ride ops actually where running it with a longer program than allowed According to norwegian law, it should be less than 2min or something like that. When we where there it lasted more than 3 min Still a bad ride though.

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Nice trip report. About RollOver, I heard from a friend (that also works at Tusenfryd) that the ride ops actually where running it with a longer program than allowed According to norwegian law, it should be less than 2min or something like that. When we where there it lasted more than 3 min Still a bad ride though.


Hehe, that is true. Well, we're not supposed to run it longer than 2 mins, but most people go over that time limit. We're also not supposed to get the riders wet, which is definitely not what actually goes on lol. Does your friend work the rides (attraksjoner)?

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