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Everything posted by figment1986

  1. now this is a great idea, so much new content! and chances to win Bags O Crap aren't bad either!
  2. Wheelchair Exit path / CM rotation / "backdoor" is what the 3rd path is for, currently ADA is using the future fastpass queue... at least that's what I saw today.
  3. I'm against it, only cause I'm against direct clones. Now if they take the idea and replicate the shops but offer different experiences in terms of the attractions... that and I don't want to see too many tourists leave FLA, they help pay for things we don't wanna pay for ourselves! (like fixing I4)
  4. I've cruised on her back in June for a 5 day double dip (2 visits to castaway cay) Very fun and relaxing!
  5. this was a fun challenge. If you wanted to make it harder you could make an announcement you will randomly start it sometime during said week, then not say anything else till someone discovers the hidden object that was inserted sometime after the announcement date. Only problem it might take a long time to end said contest.
  6. I hope the californian crowd is happy they can take photos and videos of their version, while those of us on the east coast vising Orlando can't.
  7. I find it interesting that some of the Busch entertainment parks removed their photo op near the Clydesdales, yet Busch Gardens Tampa moved their Clydesdale statue from next the "garden gate cafe" into the Clydesdale track area, making a creative photo op. I guess it is up to each park how they wish to remove, or move the Anheuser Busch references. It is sad walking into the Anhsuer Busch store at Busch Gardens Tampa, and only seeing Bud, and Bud light merchandise.
  8. I'm loving this layout and everything I saw a video of it at IAAPA when I spoke with M&V, and it looks like a fun attraction.
  9. I'm 22... My first coaster was Big Thunder Mountain at Magic Kingdom, i was like 6 or 7 at the time... My next coaster was Montu and I was around 10 at the time I believe.
  10. The trade show floor is open tomorrow until 4:00. At-the-door registration is pretty expensive. I'd recommend just trying for next year instead so you can be there for longer and pay less. Actually if i remember correctly Friday's at site registration cost is only like $30 due to the shorter time and not much really going on other than the trade show. Though if you want to see everything it may bes best to wait till next year when it is in vegas and pay the higher fee for all week.
  11. They were running it towards the end of the day... I was taping a stand up at the old Cypress gardens sign and had to work around the crowd that was getting off and on it.
  12. She is looking better and better every day.. Cannot wait to see more photos... and to see it myself again Monday Nov 17!
  13. Hypersonic XLC - kings dominion Python - Busch Gardens Tampa I think those are the only 2...
  14. I would have to say The Dragon at Adventureland in Iowa. never have I seen stars (best way I can describe it) inside/after a loop, and that 2nd loop did it to me.. Though surprisingly I took photos of a lot of stuff but do not have photos of its 2 loops or lift!
  15. It was a haunted house walk through attraction for the Halloween season, I hear everyone who saw it loved it, saying it was around caliber of what could be at a halloween event here in america.
  16. Remember, this is designed by disney but paid for, commissioned by, and operated by the oriental land company. With Japan's Disneyland its worth the money I hear.
  17. I remember hearing somewhere that if Busch is bought, then the parks would be spun off into their own company. Which wont be too hard, considering the division is moving their headquarters over to Orlando out of st. Louis. Almost like A.B. had an idea someone might want the beer and not the parks soon.
  18. Central Florida does include Tampa Bay Metro... to a point... We are south central if you want to get technical Also, Universal did confirm The manufacturer is Maurer Söhne and more information will be released soon regarding everything else on the attraction... when, i dont know. Also i found this MONTHS ago but kept it to myself... http://www.maurer-soehne.com/files/amusement/pdf/Multimedia_X-Seat_en.pdf thats all the details on the seat that would fit the attraction...
  19. Hey nice, I'm in multiple photos of yours... especially when King was talking to mark, and the NBC WFLA 8 live dive train. great photos (I was snickering figuring i would end up in one photo here...) I loved the experience. edit: looks like you also got our live dive in the shots of SheiKra falling...
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