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Everything posted by Sledgehammer_77

  1. 4th of July is a gongshow since Americans and Canadians celebrate their nations birthday within a couple days of eachother. If you're going Then, you will definitely need a fast pass.
  2. I agree! As long as CedarFair1 isn't plaigarizing information or being reckless with predictions and just being an asshole all around, I do enjoy leniancy on whether they know what's happening or not.
  3. Technically twice. First for Timberwolf Falls, and now Soaring Timbers. Anymore, we would have quite the log jam.
  4. Those colours look a lot nicer, wow! Any word on the rail colour?
  5. These "Canadian themes" are so cheesy and are more of a comic book Canadian identity as seen by people who have never been here themselves. Mounties and lumberjacks: when was the last time anyone from Toronto saw either one?. Kinda borderline insulting (literally). To be fair though, it's not "Modern Canada" theme, it's "Frontier Canada" Even when the original idea for it in the 1980's came around, KECO had a plan for a stream train, mine ride, multiple lumberjack contests, restaraunts and other Canadiana themes from the 1800's with the Mighty Canadian Minebuster being the centrepice of the area. I would suggest that back then there would've been similar names and themes. There's a lot worse things to be offended over than a mountie eating donuts on a moose with a paddle. If people think that's what Canada is, so be it. Remember you're at a theme park, not a museum. Cedar Fair is trying it's best with the space it has to recreate the original plan and I feel like they're doing a good job so far, even if the names are a little corny, it's mostly about the experience.
  6. I have mixed feelings about this. At first it'd be weird calling it anything but Vortex, and the logo invokes the 90'd like crazy. Why change something that's not broke, right? On the other hand there are many coasters around the world with the same name, and at least one other with the exact same logo. This would be a great way to set it apart from the rest, have more of an original name and integrate it with the other Canadian themed rides in the area. Might as well completely re-do the paint scheme as well if the name is going to change. Potentially something alpine themed? Abominal Snowman? Avalanche? Logger's Run? Polar Vortex? I'm just hoping that if the name does change, it's not something generic like Racer75 or Drop Tower Stunt Zone.
  7. Yes I did, looks perhaps to be some sort of inversion after the tunnel to go further west afterwards. It would have to do a lot of it wanted to go further north or east.
  8. Brandon, if they're removing all of those trees on the side of the pathway do you think there is a possibility for the coaster going through there? Especially considering the que line has been realigned. If it is getting this large then I could see it going all the way. It maybe there last "mega coaster" and their largest to date.
  9. I agree with the coaster Skyline, but I also think it would help to have a very in your face sign that gets you pumped. Me a miniature Wonderland Skyline picture or a 3d style billboard of a coaster jumping our at you. The one they have right now is kind of small and if Dinos leave, so does the trex. If they upgrade the enterance for the 2019 season, maybe they'll do the highway sign as well.
  10. My vote is for a much much larger sign coning in. One that will really wow drivers.
  11. Maybe that line of tree's plays a key role into where the station is. There's a reason why they're staying while everything else is gone. I'm happy they're ripping up the pathway by the water park, hopefully the new design will make everything seem more connected with the rest of the park. That's one thing about Skyrider, it never felt like it was close to the dry park because of the forest trail of nothing on the left and No other rides or attractions on the east for another 5 minute walk.
  12. Haven't a couple already left the cedar fair chain in recent years? I'm curious if the top spins are going to way of the boomerangs, standups and go-karts.
  13. Brandon just had a Youtube video yesterday and he made no mention of getting into legal issues. Though there was also no mention of the instagram account getting deleted either. Good question.
  14. Alright, well let's try this again on the proper thread... This time instead of predictions, I am posting what I'd do in the 5 year time General set-up: Use the park that's closest to you, not necessarily your favourite. The additions have to be realistic to a degree (eg. Darien Lake wouldn't be getting a giga) You must choose one from each of the the following categories- Rollercoaster, Flat Ride, Waterpark Expansion, Kid's Area Expansion and General Park Improvements. Also include the area that the expansion would go into properly. For example, my park is CW Rollercoaster- Mighty Canadian Minebuster gets RMC'd Flat Ride- Mondial Shake R5 inside the mountain (there's still a lot of space) Waterpark Expansion- a Pro Slide HydroMagnetic Mammoth water coaster going East of the wavepool by the dirt mount, interacting with Behemoth and Minebuster Kid's Area- Take out Dino's Alive and replace it with a Preston and Barberi Crazy Cups and a Zamperla Kite Flyer (more than enough space for future additions as well) General Park Improvements- Finally create Frontier Canada and incorporate WWC, TF and Vortex into the mix with a Canadiana themed restaurant and shops, potentially an upcharge 2-3 story climbing wall and general area improvements.
  15. predictions and what you want are two very different things. I'm saying with this one you are in charge, where as with that one you have to predict what the park's management is thinking.
  16. Hello all, I'm incredibly bored and haven't found a previous topic quite like this...so here we go! General set-up: Use the park that's closest to you, not necessarily your favourite. The additions have to be realistic to a degree (eg. Darien Lake wouldn't be getting a giga) You must choose one from each of the the following categories- Rollercoaster, Flat Ride, Waterpark Expansion, Kid's Area Expansion and General Park Improvements. Also include the area that the expansion would go into properly. For example, my park is CW Rollercoaster- Mighty Canadian Minebuster gets RMC'd Flat Ride- Mondial Shake R5 inside the mountain (there's still a lot of space) Waterpark Expansion- a Pro Slide HydroMagnetic Mammoth water coaster going East of the wavepool by the dirt mount, interacting with Behemoth and Minebuster Kid's Area- Take out Dino's Alive and replace it with a Preston and Barberi Crazy Cups and a Zamperla Kite Flyer (more than enough space for future additions as well) General Park Improvements- Finally create Frontier Canada and incorporate WWC, TF and Vortex into the mix with a Canadiana themed restaurant and shops, potentially an upcharge 2-3 story climbing wall and general area improvements.
  17. It would also follow along CF's pattern of turning standups into floorless. Albeit a different manufactorers and years apart .
  18. I don't know, you could say that it's just random facts on our last coaster but I am thinking this is a teaser. You normally dont talk in that manner, at least I don't. And the park rarely talk about how expensive an advertising campaign was. Out of everything you could talk about expenses for.... a billboard? Who says impressions are massive? I feel as though this is somewhat forced in order to give a clue or just to make more sense in general. Like who says launch campaign? just say Advertising blitz or promotion. Remember. "Don't worry, there's really more coming!" or the whole funeral for Roy Moore blah blah. I am going to keep this post in mind come announcement day
  19. Polar Vortex haha... but I doubt they will change the name... that logo is iconic and very 90s. I thought about this before... The Fly is in the same area too, I would want it repainted and called Wild Moose. Timberwolf Falls and White Water Canyon are already similar in theme... that would just leave Action Theatre. I don't know what you would call that, but it doesn't really fit it's surroundings. Frontier Cinema? Nordic Theatre?
  20. Canada's Wonderland 2018- Soaring Timbers, Flying Canoes and splash works (already announced) and the removal of dino's at seasons end 2019- large B&M Dive/Wing (already strong evidence) 2020- planet snoopy expansion into the old dino's spot 2021- Hotel completed and RMC Minebuster to coinside with the park's 40th anniversary 2022- new Euro-style flat ride, refurbished Wonder Mountain 2023- new waterslides and a twist n' splash As much as I would like to see Flight Deck and Time Warp leave I don't see another large coaster replacing it in the coming year after Skyrider's replacement.... so they stay mostly out of a nessesity to have something in it's spot as well as it is still an invert and flying credit...
  21. CWs president did say we were getting something very special. I would translate it to mean a one of a kind type attraction or just a record breaker somehow.
  22. That sounds like it would easily cost $100mil. I don't think it would be big enough to go all the way to Dinos... it would also affect the atmosphere of the kids section. Maybe to the pond by WWC... but that'd be it.
  23. The only thing I keep going back to though is why are there so many markers offsite. Dives are generally compact and I can totally see it fitting in.... but why are there markers throughout the forest by WWC and Timberwolf Falls? Why are there even more markers by the exit of Minebuster?
  24. I'm hoping for 4 inversions. I know Valravn has three and CF wouldn't want Wonderland to outdo Cedar Point, however Valkeryia which is opening this year also has three... So the chain at least would still retain the title!
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