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Everything posted by djackson

  1. 1. Jokers Jinx 2. Wild One 3. Space Mountain 4. Avalanche 5. Backlot Stunt Coaster 6. Revenge of the Mummy 7. SooperDooperLooper 8. Runaway Mine Train (Great Adventure) 9. Dark Knight (Great Adventure) 10. Ragin Cajun
  2. Wodan, Prowler, Renegade and American eagle are all GCI's.
  3. Where did you hear this? Aren't they also doing the track for the new SkyWarp from Skyline Attractions. I think it might have bee in the Six Flags 2017 announcement thread.
  4. Didn't RMC say that they would not be producing track for the free spins anymore.
  5. Cedar Fair: I305 Six Flags: El Toro SeaWorld Entertainment: Mako Merlin: Nemesis Herschend: Lightning Rod Universal: Incredible Hulk Disney Parks: Space Mountain: Mission 2 Parques Reunidos: Phantoms Revenge Independent: Skyrush
  6. Looks like a ride will definitely be leaving the park. Hopefully it is Pandemonium. I want to see that ride go to Great Escape.
  7. ^ It would be nice if they paved the path adjacent to Roar and placed the Free Spin over there with the name of Total Mayhem.
  8. We aren't just talking about you though.You may saying "I think" a lot but Astrum Spark does nothing but say he's 100% right and we should trust his bullsh*t theories.
  9. If you say so. I go probably too much...lol..I haven't even seen an argument. One reader from GAdv said it best. Save for maybe Disney, every park has its riff raff. Even Disney has riff raff.
  10. Adding height to Maverick would technically make it better. This is the first and probably only time where I'm gonna agree with you. A taller maverick would be even better than it already is.
  11. Except for the fact that the whole park is not western themed. Fiesta Village and the Boardwalk are not western themed. Mexican California is western. California boardwalks are western. The California Sierras are western. California ghost towns are western. We aren't talking western as in "Westerns" or the "Wild West". Your right except for the fact that Railblazer is a play on the word Trailblazer. The word Trailblazer is usually tied to the Wild West. A California Boardwalk is not Wild West themed.
  12. Except for the fact that the whole park is not western themed. Fiesta Village and the Boardwalk are not western themed.
  13. I tend to agree I heard that it could be a reference to how 4 or 5 CF parks have or have had a state route 1 nearby, and that the CF announcements will be connected somehow. The announcements are not connected in any way. We need to stop bringing up BS conspiracy theories. You are the only person doing this. Everyone else is stating there's as opinion while you are stating yours as fact.
  14. What's stopping one of those from being named Railblazer? Absolutely nothing. What's stopping them from scrapping The Ledge or Hangtime for a better name? Once again, absolutely nothing. Please stop trying to act like you know everything when you clearly don't.
  15. And the proof that name is for hurler . . . He has no real proof. He did it to attract attention to himself and stir-up drama in this thread. I would be highly skeptical of anything this guy post as he usually talks out of his a$$
  16. Okay... I hate to be that guy, but I'm going to be that guy... Let's go to the EXTREME here, but according to that logic, New Texas Giant would be gone. That made national news and was on seemingly every major, and minor media outlet yet New Texas Giant survived. It didn't happen twice.
  17. Agreed, except for the 'plenty '.Do not know why folks are on the get rid JJ bandwagon. Let's talk about ridding ourselves of Apocalypse. I like everything else. Lol, even Mind Eraser. Maybe they'll convert Apocalypse to a floorless? It's more likely that SFA gets Dragon Challenge from Islands of Adventure than Apocalypse getting the floorless treatment.
  18. Why? I mean they have two "mine trains" in the same park! Are you really complaining about another potential awesome coaster in Magic Kingdom!?!?!? #dumb Seeing as Tron is one of the most awesome coasters Disney has ever made, anyone who complains about it replacing small go-karts shouldn't be allowed to ride it... I guess I won't be allowed to ride it then. Rides like the speedway are theme park staples.
  19. Batwing or Mind Eraser for sure have had a plethora of mechanical problems. Neither ride is open 40% of the time I visit. Jokers Jinx just happened to have a more unfortunate problem that the news picked up.
  20. I'm with you. I'd only really accept Spinsanity if it came with V2.
  21. SFNE is closer than SFOG but I see your point. However most attendees of SFA probably don't know there are other Six Flags parks or care to go out of their way to visit them.
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