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Everything posted by ricklap77

  1. Hopefully they can save Megazeph and rebuild it somewhere else!
  2. I think IB is doing it right. Perfect addition. They probably got it for really cheap and will make it like new. Not much groud prep since it is a portable coaster. So they will end up having an awesome and thrilling coaster in as new condition for a low investment.
  3. Awesome coaster! Beautyful! And probably insanely good! Intamin really keeps pushing. They always come up with new designs. Very innovative company and I love it!!!
  4. Really great news!!! It was going to be scrapped and now it will be refurbished and saved! These Schwarzkopf loopers are really unique and awesome and need to be preserved. Thank you Indiana Beach! Can't wait to visit!!!
  5. So far I think it's pretty good as parks stay in business despite the downtime. A lot of them are not doing too good financially but thet all hope for a turnaround in 2021. I believe 2021 will be crucial for parks to stay in business. We all rely on an effective vaccine that could somewhat end or at least calm this pandemic. If 2021 turns out to be much like 2020, unfortunetly we will see several parks closing for good.
  6. So far it seems as they will only replace some spots on the coaster and see how the the coaster and new track sections perform. I believe they are still testing that track system. Time will tell and with the park not sure to re open next season it might take a while before a full conversion! Add to that the money that Six Flags and all other parks in genaral are losing with the pandemic, nobody really knows how things will turn out. Let's keep our fingers crossed.
  7. Marineland's new ride is up and testing! It looks awesome!
  8. I am wondering if they will reprofile the whole coaster or just replace the track of Predator with Titan track?!?
  9. Please redo Predatorwith that new steel track from GCI!!! Predator is insanly rough!
  10. Just imagine if Six Flags bought that place with a huge loan!!!!! Wooooowwww!!!!! They could install whatever they want to! No space issue!
  11. Still great to see they are building rides in these difficult times. So far the pandemic isn't letting go.
  12. I mean I am skeptical about a new coaster but hey it's Marinelandand and I think they are capable of surprising us! They have a lot of land and potential.
  13. Is there a possible roller coaster coming to Marineland soon!!!? Lots of land clearing and rumors!!!
  14. All parks are suffering financially right now, closed or open. People are really starting to realize what this pandemic is doing to the amusement industry, and it ain't over yet. Hopefully a vaccine is coming soon because no vaccine means we are in for an ugly ride. Even with a vaccine next summer, 2021 will be similar at amusement parks. Everything is changing forever everywhere.
  15. Is the coaster still SBNO or has it been torn down?
  16. I think La Ronde was better off on its own, at least in the 80s when it used to be run and owned by the city of Montreal. The park bought great rides at that time. The Boomerang was the 2nd or third one built in the world. Le monstre was and still is gigantic and was getting a lot of attention back then. They had lots of new rides on a regular basis. And then the late 90s were not really kind to the park. SF came in and made some good investment on some new rides but in the last few years not so much. I think the park lacks major rides and better operations. And the park is beautiful but way too small for the city it serves.
  17. At this point they could easily end up not building it at all!
  18. Normal summer next year is really impossible. Close to normal I even doubt it! One thing that is pretty much sure is that a lot of parks that didn't even open this year cannot afford not opening next year, especially smaller parks. I know some of them was their choice not to open but others it was beacause of the goverment.
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