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Everything posted by colinx

  1. Next year they're opening up the new Dolphin Habitat, however I think that in 2017 the area behind to the shark encounter would make a great area for a Mack launch coaster similar to Manta. They could call it Mako. I don't really see them adding in a huge thrill coaster since the lines for the current two, I've heard don't reach very long waits, plus this could be a good family/thrill coaster if done right. The only thing about calling the coaster Mako would be that they'd probably want to retheme Great White(which frankly it could use since it's pretty lame atm). Just my idea.
  2. Honestly, like the comments on that article claim: scaremongering at it's finest.
  3. I can't even imagine your thought process. Are you serious? I'd much rather have a "first of it's kind" coaster by MACK then have an RMC which are rapidly increasing in a number of regional parks. Yes, I do hope BG converts Gwazi into an RMC, but I feel like I could wait for that. They cannot always be adding a thrill ride, especially since they literally just added Falcon's Fury a year ago. This coaster is mainly aimed at families and to be honest, it appears to be nothing like riding tea cups because the cars will lock forward AND spin. I firmly believe this won't be the worst coaster at any Busch Park and even it if were, that would still be a compliment considering how many amazing coasters the Busch family of parks has.
  4. This is an interesting neat little coaster. The whole area is pretty tidy, kudos to AC to paying attention to the minor details as well.
  5. Just saw this, definitely brings up my hopes for this game.. all they need now is to make some other trains ie. sit down, wing, dive, floorless and an inverted coaster and we should be good for the B&Ms.
  6. Interesting concept art, also looks like there will be some kind of water coaster coming from the right. I'm very interested in this. I hope they incorporate some dark ride elements to some water slides, that would be very cool.
  7. I know this is a little miniscule detail but I hope the claimshell restraints are light pink.
  8. Even though I was hoping for an Intamin, I really don't even care anymore.. the concept art looks stunning and will probably look just as great once it's done! I love that they are redoing the area around Shark Encounter because it's so unnatural and I love that SeaWorld is starting to theme SWO and make it like an actual "sea world" instead of just ugly buildlings. I wonder if they are doing anything with the shark encounter itself! (Would love a 360 degree tunnel to combat the one at Sea Life)! Anyways, this is awesome and I love the color choice. Couldn't be happier, but now the waiting part comes in! SeaWorld really wasn't kidding when they said they were going to be more agressively investing in their Orlando and San Diego locations. This coaster in addition to the Blue World project are making some great waves for SeaWorld, it's great to see the company back on their feet again!
  9. inb4 this is the worlds first, 200 FOOT LARSON RING OF FIRE, MAKO: CHAOS COASTER! Woo!!! Also, smart of SeaWorld to upload a 13 minute video regarding the care of their animals before all the media attention of their new coaster. [youtu_be] [/youtu_be]
  10. Gosh, I can't wait to see what this is. I think whether this is a B&M, Intamin, Chance Hyper or Mack, this will be very interesting and a great ride.
  11. I would hope there is some ride that is soon in the works for San Antonio regardless of habitat expendures. Compare ride adds at the Busch Parks and the other two SeaWorld parks to San Antonio over last few years. Talk about a lack of love. I have a feeling with Manby, he'll see this and correct it. I could definitely see that being a possibility considering the current Sharks/Coral Reef exhibit at SWSA is closed due to the construction on the dolphin tank and there is a lot of land beyond the Shark Exhibit, it does sound more like a dark ride however I think this could be something like Turtle Trek like we have here in Orlando but still it seems odd if this were for SWSA(assuming that this comes in 2017) considering that its been filed for now and they've already confirmed their expenditures for this and next year. Also odd since there probably spending a good amount of money on the new dolphin exhibit in SA to be adding in expensive new attractions. But hey, I'm just looking at it as if it were a big coaster or something, it might just be a small attraction or flat ride. Yea totally went off topic of SWO right there.
  12. I'd guess this is for San Diego considering San Antonio has already announced that for 2016 they'll be adding in a new dolphin exhibit.
  13. Reef Hunter sounds more to me like some sort of game or dark ride. I'd say that Mako is the name of the coaster of the two we've heard of so far. Mako just fits in and plus with all the "frenzy" hints they've dropped, Reef Hunter doesn't add up. Also, it kind of reminds me of Cheetah Hunt at BG so two coasters with Hunt in the name? Not feeling it. Besides the coaster, not exactly sure what "Reef Hunter" would be used for. Edit: Maybe Reef Hunter is some sort of new flat ride or pre-show for Mako?
  14. Yeah...Universal is freaking out. They are taking Kong and pandora back to the drawing board after seeing the video of justice league . Why do people feel the need to always compare rides/attractions to other ones? Especially when pound for pound the ride they are comparing it to are much better and advanced??? Now, this attraction looks great! I would like to see similar attractions at other six flags parks. I wonder if they can do it with anything other than the dc comic characters? I was also wondering if they could do dark rides with different characters. However, besides Looney Toons I don't know any other IP's Six Flags has the rights to.
  15. And here it is: [youtu_be] [/youtu_be] This ride has exceeded my expectations, this ride looks so great! I'm shocked that this is a Six Flags attraction. It is on caliber with Spiderman and Transformers. The lighting really sells this ride. Also, the animation looks far better in this video. There seems to be a great balance between watching and playing. Screen transitions appear smooth for all of the scenes except for the last two. Either way, I'm impressed! Hope this gets installed at Great Adventure because i'd definitely make a trip just to go ride these! This is great for Six Flags, because not only with they have amazing coasters, but an amazing dark ride as well.
  16. Antarctica would have been soooo much better if instead of a story and screens and all the flashy stuff, the whole ride was just a giant exhibit and your car went around and through the exhibit in your car and at the end it leaves you in a larger exhibit. The ride they created was so unrealistic and cheap with it's doors and screens. I seriously wish I could have been apart of that design team! Turtle Trek is a great attraction, sad you can't see the 3D effect because it's really neat, just wish the animation was better but that's definitely possible. In regards to Wild Arctic, there's no doubt that it needs something and I'm surprised that SW is waiting so long. I wonder if when they do decide to do something, they'll remove the entire area or will they refurbish the ride system.
  17. Video of what to expect(this is from Six Flags over Texas, not St. Louis) [youtu_be] [/youtu_be]
  18. Wow, the lighting looks great! Also, the way the animatronic interacts with the barrel with flame is very clever! This video however, is terrible. If you stop it at the right time it's completely out of order. It appears as soon as your car comes into the ride you are approached by one of the first giant screens. My only gripes with this so far is that the animation looks meh and one of the screens is so tiny, I'm not exactly sure if it's supposed to be or its supposed to be some sort of ally. I'll have to see it in a real PoV. None the less, this ride looks awesome! I'm very impressed so far!
  19. Antarctica the ride portion was a huge disappointment, however I think for most of the GP as soon as they see the amazing penguin exhibit they forget all about the ride. I'd like to see them upgrade the ride in a few years and maybe put it in 3D and in the last 2 rooms add some dome screens and put in some animatronics. But yea, the future for SW is really bright. Blue World, this new coaster, the potential of a refurbished Wild Arctic(hopefully the dark ride portion of Journey as well)
  20. The name of this ride fits in well with ideas of Manta. I think the species of Shark they chose would lend itself nicely to a ride like Skyrush, just like Manta makes sense as a flying coaster. I guess we'll have to see. I really hope SeaWorld see's this as an opportunity to refurbish the Shark Encounter however I do doubt they will. Also hope they theme the surrounding area like they did with Manta as that whole area around Sharks and Nautilus is kinda poor in theming.
  21. When is the media day for this ride? I'm super stoked to see how this ride will play out, the only thing I'm cautious about is the area with the tree's and the city skyline, it looks kinda cheap but I'll reserve opinions for when the ride is open. I'm glad to see Six Flag's step out of their comfort zone, I hope they will not just clone this ride for the other parks.
  22. Just to get the speculating back up again, B&M Wing Coaster themed to Hammerheads, anyone?
  23. I think that it's good seeing different types of flats being built. I hope to see some Zamperla Air Races installed like these Larson Loops are! I think it's a solid addition and great thing is, these loops don't take up a huge plot of land.
  24. I think that's a good possibility, the name Cobra's Curse just smells of drop section!
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