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Everything posted by johnnyknottsville

  1. 2. Yes, I agree. 3. That makes me wonder why they didn't just go for the dueling aspect. Wasn't the Texas Giant conversion 10 million? And that was a large prototype... So for a little more total cost they may have been able to use both sides? Or it could be price and demand, when NTAG/Outlawrun they were a new company far as doing more then just retracking. Now they're on FIRE!!! and with that comes premium pricing look at B&M almost ALL of their coasters seam to start at damn near 20 mil lol. Yet I'm sure in that 15 mil KK is spending it includes some type of budget for making things look nice around the area.
  2. Again this could I guess be just the pic but a Winged train like Skyrush actually navigate through this??? Pic from Phantafriends
  3. I know this is fan made by Mario M. over at coasterfriends but this over head of the assumed layout looks insane lol. Also I guess we'll have to wait and see on the trains, it could just be the pics but al of the this twisted mass of beauty seams like some supports and the amazing themeing would be to close for a winged train. Then again maybe that's the one of the points to this coaster, slap winged trains on it and have choppers and crossovers galore lol
  4. If that was real that layout would be awesome!!! Also those colors look great once the coaster is assembled.
  5. As huge as that track is are we sure Cp/B&M isn't pulling a GigaDive from under their sleeves the s#t! Is huge lol Color scheme will be judged after assembly lol
  6. Where does this 30 million price tag come from b/c I was around during annocement of Goliath and never heard anything close to that number before . In fact I thought it was Goliath and Titan was grossly underpriced and that is what lead to Giovannola closing it's door. Maybe the 30 mil is the price Gio should have gotten, I don't believe it was the price they were paid. Also it seams like Tatsu would of cost more then even Goliath being built on the side of a mountain in the treacherous equake zone Ca is. Goliath is on flat ground. I thinking with the terrain at SFMM could it be possible for them to get a Giga with a world's firs coaster with two drops of 300 feet. Just think start in the back old Deja Vu area 328 to 330 foot lift to take height Record, first 300+ foot drop nessled between Roaring Rapids and the property line. Rise up using the Viper plateau and down towards front of park to create second 300 foot drop!!!
  7. I 100% agree with this!!! I also hope it rides good to make up for it b/c imo this entire coaster is hideous it looks like something brought to life straight out of the original RCT, oh yeah this coaster needs more supports damn it!!! NOT
  8. I know I'm dreaming here but here goes...I'd like to see a Giga starting in the back of the park, station maybe where Deja Vu once was, The lifthill would travel up towards the front of the park where the strip of land run along side Roaring Rapids, from there hop over to maybe where the old Revolution plaza, and from there over to the picnic area(which I've never seen used ever!!!) in front of the park. I'd like to see SFMM redo their front entrance with the coaster coming from the picnic area over the entrance like Fury 325. Another dream would be to turn the SkyTower into a Polercoaster I know not to look to much into it but during Bonnie's speech during TC media day she pretty much said Twisted Colossus isn't it!!! that there is something major coming in the future hint hint. I don't know I just think when SFMM do decide to announce their 20th it's going to be something MAJOR!!!
  9. WTH!!! vertical lifting (that is what I'm seeing right?) Spinning Mack Family coaster I can't wait to see the rest, I'm very much liking what I'm seeing so far.
  10. Wow I actually got goosebumps watching that...it looks unreal the speed that thing is carrying through the course!!!
  11. Yes I will agree that the animation art work none of that does this ride any justice. This thing looks absolutely insane and is truly living up to it's name sake as Twisted!!! It's amazing what a company like RMC can achieve, to be able transform two coasters that had gotten so low in popularity in their parks that most guest wouldn't have cared if the rides were removed or turned into bonfire. For them to transform them into rides that may possibly dethrone the kings of their park X2/Bizzaro is just simply amazing imo.
  12. I hate how the rails are not painted even with the fresh paint it looks dull imo I can't wait to see how Batman rides, is it just me or does the RMC track on this thing make the ride look much more intimidating then the Intamin version? Just with what they have constructed so far the track to me looks like this thing is going to be insane
  13. I see something dropping or going down in the center of the Tower is that the drop ride that I'll never get on lol Both endings look great so I have no complaints with the change the entire coaster looks like it will be phenomenal. I too can't wait to hear of this project breaking ground for it to really set in that it's real and it's happening.
  14. You haven't ruined anyone's day b/c that has been known for sometime now, the trims are already on the hill. By the looks of that vid and seeing the testing on cam with my own eyes it looks like the trim isn't doing a thing far as slowing the train down. This is one of the first B&M coasters I've seen testing and go WOW!!! this thing looks absolutely incredible looks like an absolute speed monster!!! IMO it looks like every element from first drop up until the Helix looks like it will be insane with the speed they appear to taken at I truly can not wait to ride this coaster!!!
  15. SFMM removing Deja Vu at all had me then to replace it with nothing
  16. Gorgeous little coaster, I'm really loving the shaping of that immeleman and that bunny hop
  17. My God when did an S&S El Loco and an Intamin Space diver have a baby, a baby that looks like it's on steroids and has ADHD lol. Man that thing looks down right frightening insane, that is totally not what I was expecting from this ride consider me blown away. If this thing is actually built I'd walk from So. Cal to Florida to ride that monster if I had too lol.
  18. Ok now that looks fun!!! I don't know who made it but I'd love to ride one, one day!
  19. Yeah and it would of been gorgeous if the project was approved!
  20. Since SFMM has Tatsu's EggTurn can HW Thunderbird's Immelman be now known as the Eggelman lol or is that to much Anyways Thunderbird looks like it's going to awesome and I still can't believe this coaster is being constructed at Holiday World
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