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Everything posted by Dom497

  1. I've never got a chance to go on (since the line was wayyyy to long) but there is a good video from Breakfast Television showing off a good chunk of the ride. http://www.bttoronto.ca/videos/3838294925001/
  2. Splashworks is finally getting an expansion in 2015. A new slide and splash pad are on their way. Well..."new" since they're from Ontario Place. Though I don't think they ever got used there. The splash pad was used....the slide never opened.
  3. ^I've never worked for CF but IMO, they shouldn't. As much as CF is a business and they want/need to make money, there is a certain point where the park needs to be capped. This was the exact issue at Wonderland on the night of the stabbing. The park was crowded to the point that all the mazes had over 2 hour lines. Better yet, they had one usher at the front of the line and one at the back. Everywhere in between was a free for all....no order once so ever. Also, you could barely walk around the park without hitting someone....oh and when I went to the front gate (when the crowds were already packed) , they were STILL letting people in. It's been discussed recently on other forums, but we (at least at Wonderland) are likely to see some serious changes to how Haunt is run next year.
  4. ^Speed doesn't matter. The acceleration is faster than other drop towers. I've ridden the one at Disney World and I don't find it hard to believe that without the seat belt, you would easily go airborne to the point that you wouldn't land in your seat.
  5. A intamin coaster won't come to the park anytime soon. The park literally said this last year.
  6. Based off the markings that were found....it will most likely be a steel coaster.
  7. Leviathan, when the crew is working well pumps trains out every 45 seconds. Is Gatekeeper that fast? It's less than that. Also, that 45 seconds is a load and unload time and doesn't include when the trains are entering and exiting the station. If a train was dispatched every 45 seconds, leviathan would have over 2,500 riders in an hour which isn't even physically possible. On a good day with a good crew, GateKeeper can hit 1600-1700 pph or even more. I don't know how GateKeeper operates but don't you have to unload everyone BEFORE you load because the exit and entrance are on the same sides of the station?
  8. For the people that don't know, Leviathan will be getting seat belts next season.
  9. The reason why Disney is boring for me is because I prefer thrills. Anyway If the new coaster were to be a Wing coaster I would prefer the layout to be similar to Gatekeepers layout but extended with a few changes to make it unique. What would you like the layout to be if it were a Wing coaster? Apparently GateKeeper isn't a favourite to enthusiasts. Neither am I fan of Wing's in general as loading times are longer (effecting capacity). Oh and you should take a trip to Magic Mountain then.
  10. So because GateKeeper had restraint problems and Parrot Coaster had rattle problems, B&M can't be trusted? And you did not just call Disney boring.... I officially have no idea what a great (or even good) amusement park is in your eyes.
  11. I can't remember where I heard it from (some TV show) but the paint used on roller coasters is made to last about 10 years before needing attention.
  12. I find Flight Deck is running better than previous years....especially this season.
  13. The only bad rides from B&M are the standup coasters which no one is buying, other than that B&M is a solid company with no flaws. I just wish their new coasters would be more forceful. I think Canada's Wonderland will get a new forceful roller coaster and maybe it will be one of the best roller coasters B&M will have ever made. With every post you make, it seems more and more likely that CW is the only park you've ever been to. Anyways, Standups were a fad. So the model isn't bad, the market just isn't there anymore. Oh, and Wonderland is already a destination park (not Disney standard but destination park, yes)
  14. ^I really hope the coaster doesn't go anywhere near the lake because then it's just going to look like a steel mess there....but judging by the markings that we've already seen, it's seems the park decided otherwise...
  15. Pretty much every roller coaster has that (and its mostly just steel)....that's what happens when wheels go really fast on paint.
  16. Flight Deck has actually gotten a bit better over the years.
  17. Nicman, MA is not neglected....sure, it's not a world class park but for the market that it has, the park serves its purpose. Anyways, lets stay focused on CW.
  18. What did Kinzel do when he was in charge? Made sure Cedar Point got all the love.
  19. ^There is a news article on the Internet that quotes the VP of marketing saying "for those that have followed us the last few years, they will have a pretty good idea of what is coming". I'm on my phone right now so I'll find the article later.
  20. I know, but Canada's Wonderland is due for a new coaster in 2016. I am very well aware of that. A big project can mean a never before seen ANYTHING, large flat ride, multiple attractions, etc. But I do agree that it will most likely be a coaster....I just like stirring the pot. It gets boring when we keep debating about the same thing (coaster model).
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