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Everything posted by coasterman7

  1. Yes. Have you been held back because of grades before?
  2. I usually play on standard, so I guess I'm an expert or something
  3. Here is a photo of me on Goliath at SFOG Im the one in the red shirt
  4. What kind of Mac do you have? There is this thing called Flip4Mac and you can play Windows Media files in your Quicktime player. Go to www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/ ... nents.mspx I hope this fixes your problem! And when you get the .wmv file on your desktop drag it to the WMV icon and the quicktime player will show up and the video will play!! And about the videos, great!!!! I have rippin rocket and it stopped running on me. But I love your design and how you launched the car!!
  5. I listen to Star 94.1 and 94.9 Lite FM in Atlanta
  6. I was just curious as to who plays DDR here. I love DDR and I have it on my PS2. And to those who dont know what DDR is, it is Dance Dance Revoulution and it is a fun game!
  7. I liked the episode when Earl teaches a class of people who dont know English and all they can say is "My Name is Earl" I thought that episode was really funny!
  8. I play the cello in my school orchestra. We are now working on Pirates of the Carribbean for our spring concert
  9. I'm reading the sequel to Holes, Small Steps. It's very good and I recommend it for people who have read Holes
  10. When I went the wait time I saw got up to 90 minutes at 2:00 on Opening Day! I was really surprised when I saw this because I thought it was going to get up to 4 hours!
  11. Goliath at SFOG It is awesome becauase I rode it on opening day (April 1)
  12. Ninga-The Black Belt of Coasters!!! at SFOG gets my vote
  13. I've ridden Goliath 2 times and it has intense airtime!! We got there at 9 a.m. to queue for it and it was pouring down rain. I was bummed, but then they tested a train and the line started moving. You go up the lift hill and then you drop. I came completely out of my seat and then you go up the first hill and you come out of your seat again. Really, it was an amazing ride and I hope you guys get to ride it.
  14. Those people are crazy!!! Leaping over fences, throwing their kids over the fence, and the long line to get in the park!! You don't see a park getting sold-out everyday
  15. Same as Coaster Crazy I live in Georgia and haven't been there yet! They stopped selling annual passes to the aquarium because people in 48 states and people from Asia, Austrailia, Europe, SA, and other parts of NA have bought annual passes. I need to get there soon!!!!!!
  16. Im going to my friends party with their 70 inch tv and were going to watch the ball drop. Cant wait!!!
  17. The lift hill is complete, and they have almost finshed the first drop!!!!! I cant wait till this thing opens!! Hey Robb, how do you make these pictures bigger? I was just wondering. Finishing touches are made at the top, including beacon and American Flag. (By SFOG) Visible for miles around. (By SFOG) The lift hill is complete. (By SFOG)
  18. I'm straight, I have a girlfriend and I like to look at Sports Illustrated-Women in Swimsuits(those women are hot!) and I'm Male, I know it doesn't say that on the side
  19. I live in Atlanta near SFOG and it's a good park with my favorite rides, Acrophobia and Superman. And I'm sure when Goliath opens, that will be my new favorite ride. I've been going since I was 4 years old, and my mom went the year it opened.
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