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Everything posted by gisco

  1. Yeah, you know you want to see some one eat a cockroach!! http://www.jsonline.com/story/index.aspx?id=510078
  2. Why spoil it for people who might actually get a chance to go to this park next year on the TPR trip. I suggest people PM you if they really want to know. It took me all of, oh ..... 2 seconds to figure out.
  3. It kind of depends on what you want out of a hotel. Monte Carlo is a nice resort on the strip in a good location. If you don't mind driving or catching a cab you can stay off the strip for a lot less. Not as convenient as staying on the strip but it could save you a lot of money. Take a look at the Tropicana too. It is not as nice as the Monte Carlo but it could save you $80 a night and it just across the street.
  4. Hanayashiki is the name of the park. Did you ever bump your head in the maze? I did several times on the low door ways. The coaster hanayashiki
  5. Wow, my experiance at the park was way different. We got stuck on Fujiyama and had to be evacuated off the lift hill. When we got down they gave us front of line passes if it reopened and then took us to the front of the line for Dodonpa. At the end of the day, Fujiyama was still closed and we asked to use our front of line pass for Dodonpa and they let us. The only reason I want to go back to Fuji-q is to pick up 2 credits and do a walk thru which which I hear is pretty good. Other wise I wouldn't mind skipping it.
  6. ^^^ I'm bummed. No capsule hotel for the Japan tour. I think we should vote on this or book 2 hotels for a night. One for the peeps who don't want to sleep in a coffin and those that do!
  7. I guess we are going to have to change the name of the forum since we can no longer have fun with animals. I vote for "Theme Parks, Roller Coasters & Ryan!"
  8. I would have gone on more then one trip next year if I had the time off.
  9. I think he wants to know how the $3800 cost of the trip is going to be spent.
  10. Chris, Nice pics, can't wait till we go next year to Space World. Japan is an awsome country, I really miss it. Counting the days already for the TPR trip. Bob
  11. ^ Go here for pics of plugs. The Japanese is just like the American 2 pin plug. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Electrical_plug
  12. When the ECC/ACE group went last year, there was a 10 and an 11 year old on the trip. They behaved better then some of the adults on the trip. Both kids were coaster enthusiasts and did just fine. I remember one of them had a coaster count over 300. I looked prettty sad at the time having only 78.
  13. Don't worry about not knowing anyone. Most people on the UK trip didn't know each other and most had never met Robb & Elissa either. You will have a chance to meet others going on the trip here in the forum before the trip too. Besides, we all have some things in common like rollercoasters and visiting theme parks. Japan is an awsome country and what better way to enjoy it then with a bunch of people who have the same passion. This will be a totally awesome trip. I have been to Japan with 116 strangers and to the UK with about 50 strangers so if you have more questions, feel free to PM me or post them here.
  14. The funny part is when Ryan punded Zoro and his Ho, they acted like they had no clue what pounding was or what they were to do. Maybe they didn't speak english. Spiderman was cool, he knew what to do.
  15. Since it was the pictures of "The Hoffman girl" that made Derek a winner, he really should split the winnings with her ........ or else!
  16. Dude, The price of airfare is NOT included in the trip price. You have to get to the starting city on your own. So if you want to do the Spain trip, you need to get to Madrid? on your own.
  17. Dude, I leave town for the weekend and this is what you do!?!? The video was great, I didn't start laughing until the random jumping out and hitting you on the head with the bat. The proposal to Elissa was lol funny. To R & E, Sorry for unleashing Ryan on the TPR world!
  18. If you can control your speed, I don't count it as a coaster. All the alpine coasters I have seen have brakes. Thus they are not coasters to me.
  19. With the number of new members this site is getting, this thread should be a sticky!
  20. I think any single male under 25 who voted for Derek should post their real name and address here. I'm going on a hunting trip later ........
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