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Everything posted by Zack44

  1. The day is finally here: the 50th anniversary of when Great Adventure first opened. So many amazing things have happened to the park since that first day in 1974. How exactly was the big anniversary day at the park? Well, honestly, it was underwhelming. Over a dozen rides were closed all day, including Kingda Ka, Jersey Devil, and Green Lantern to name a few. In addition that, multiple rides down for long periods of time all day long (such as Runaway Mine Train, Justice League and Nitro). I can excuse that kind of thing for the first few weeks of early Spring, but summer is here and the crowds are only going to get more intense from here. Not to mention, construction is STILL going on at the new Flash coaster, as well as three of the remaining original rides from 50 years ago (the Big Wheel, the Log Flume, and the Skyway, which outright looks like it'll be SBNO for the whole year). To be frank, this is downlight humiliating. All of these projects should have been finished months ago - ESPECIALLY The Flash coaster. To compare, Dorney Park's new coaster was completed and operational before vertical construction even STARTED on the Flash. Inexcusable. But in all fairness, Flash, the Big Wheel, and the Log Flume all had active construction teams working on them all day long. In fact, the were literally installing the cars back on the Big Wheel all day long! The Flash was having it's landscaping done around the support beams. Construction on the queue and station have not started yet, but I'm hoping it will be open by later this month (honestly, I'll be grateful if it opens this year at all). Fortunately, the crowds were relativity light (which was ironic since the weather was nice and fair all day). Every ride's line was 10 minutes or less, so I got plenty of re-rides. Most coasters (except Medusa) now have at least two trains running, unlike when I last went in late April. The only specific thing they did to commemorate the 50th anniversary was a ribbon cutting with the Looney Tunes characters right before the park opened, which I thought was nice. I tried to rip of a tiny piece of the ribbon to keep as a souvenir, but I couldn't do it. I should have asked Bugs to borrow his oversized scissors, LOL. Speaking of souvenirs, I tried to buy one of the 50th anniversary t-shirts or hoodies, but all of them were either sold out or not in my size. I must've visited every merch store in the park and found nothing. Hopefully they'll have re-stocks by the next time I visit. Final ridecount: El Toro 3x Skull Mountain 3x Nitro 2x Dark Knight 2x Skyscreamer 1x Medusa 1x Carousel 1x Justice League 1x Batman 1x Runaway Train 1x Here's a link to all my pictures. Here are some highlights:
  2. Question: Has any construction started on the Flash coaster? Right now, I doubt it will be ready by the park's big 5-0 (aka July 1, 2024)
  3. Well THIS is something I never thought would happen in a million years. I'm thinking back to where Six Flags was about 15 years ago as a company (eliminating a bunch of rides, opening barbershops for some reason, and eventually filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy) and how far they've bounced back to get to this announcement. It's super uncanny.
  4. There's been some rumors flying around that Nitro is getting renamed "Goliath" next season. Not only that, it's supposedly getting the exact same sign as SFNE's old Goliath and its exact same green-on-blue color scheme. This video has more details. I personally hope it's not entirely true. Nitro has been craving a re-paint for years, but the name "Goliath" is Six Flags' equivalent to the name "John Smith". Nitro is one of a kind and it should stay that way. Also in similar news, B&M just dropped off a bunch of materials to the park a few days ago. Could it be related to this Nitro news or just a coincidence?
  5. The reason it was so crowded is because they rarely toured in the northern USA at the time.
  6. Just give it to Dorney Park. That place has been relying on Cedar Fair's table scraps for years now.
  7. Well, they removed the old Dolphin/Sea Lion arena a few years ago to make room for The Joker, so it's entirely possible. Also, it's not they've had many shows recently due to Covid-related restrictions. Fun fact: the attendance record for the Northern Star Arena was broken by a 1981 concert from the Marshall Tucker Band. Even 40+ years later, no other concert has come close. Great Adventure History did an in-depth page dedicated to it.
  8. Geez, right after an extensive safety evaluation last year, THIS happens. I'm getting Son Of Beast vibes, and it's making me feel uncertain for the future of El Toro.
  9. Hey everyone! I went to Six Flags Great Adventure yesterday, and on the way home I went to Coney Island on whim to check out the progress on the new rides. Also, I snagged credits for Phoenix & SkyFlyer at Deno's. The roller coaster (Tony's Express) is mostly done and the log flume (Leti's Treasure) still needs plenty of work. The pieces that still need to be installed are sitting right next to it, next to a bunch of construction equipment. Here are some photos I took:
  10. The park shared a video on their Facebook page showing the progress on the new Medusa: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=379742050350232
  11. Question for anyone who went to the park in the last week: I know Bizarro is closed for HITP, but did any of you guys notice any progress on the new neon-green/bright-orange paint job from the park's skyline? It's weird that the park hasn't made any more official updates on social media regarding the supposed Riddler re-theme.
  12. Never in a million years did I think Adventureland NY would get a 4D coaster, but here we are. Looks like I have a reason to visit this park again. This is a win-win situation for them, TBH. It's a unique & inexpensive roller coaster and it has a small footprint that can fit in the already-compact park. According to RCDB, there are only 3 other coasters with this model on the planet (the others are in Austria, Germany & France) https://rcdb.com/r.htm?ot=2&ml=15978
  13. Rumor has it that Jersey Devil is opening for the media on June 10th and for Season Pass/Membership holders on the 11th and the 12th.
  14. At the rate construction is going, if the park opens in late March, hopefully the new ride will be ready on opening day for the first time in forever.
  15. Wow, SOMETHING new at the Wonder Wheel park. That's a surprise. Also, I hope they refine the system of how you can ride everything at at least one of the parks . Correct me if I'm wrong, but I recall, just like Luna Park, it costs $1 per ticket at Deno's- and multiple tickets to go on rides. The last time I went to Coney Island & rode Thunderbolt it technically cost me $10 for one ride. I hate hate HATE that system of how smaller parks do it. I know that Luna Park has that thing where you can ride everything for 6 hours for one lump sum or whatever, but it still feels unnecessary, I don't know.
  16. So far, the park reservations are available every day until Sunday, July 26th. I was actually planning to go on July 27th, so I guess I'll have to wait a bit longer
  17. Hello everyone! I went to the park on August 28th. Here's my PTR: This particular visit to the park for me was special because I haven't actually BEEN to Great Adventure since December of 2017. Since I went to college in Connecticut in 2016, it became nigh-impossible to find time to visit the NJ park (although I did make plenty of visits to Six Flags New England in the last 3 years.) Fortunately, I graduated this past May and got myself a new Membership card for Great Adventure a few weeks ago. I'm also aware that I was visiting the park the day before the big 2020 announcement, but it was the only day this week that I had off from work, so it was a coincidence. My party (Me, my mother, her friend and her two children) arrived at 11 AM and immediately went on the Safari Off Road Adventure, which barely had a line. Due to the muggy weather yesterday, it didn't stop at Camp Adventura and (according to the app) actually closed altogether later on; we lucked out big time. Next up we rode Runaway Train, then the Skyride so that we could get lunch on the other side of the park. Then we able to all ride SkyScreamer twice in a row since the lines were so short (which ended up being a common occurrence thanks to the on-and-off rain that day). Next up for me was Wonder Woman & Cyborg, (while our 3 friends rode Dark Knight) and now that I've finally ridden both of them, I now know to NOT ride them back to back. The number of times I felt my stomach drop between both rides was almost too much for me. After a brief break, we all rode Justice League together, which accumulated a 20-minute wait since it was raining at the time. Also, keep in mind that the younger of the 2 children in my party is too short to ride the attractions that have a 54" height limit, so he wasn't able to ride everything. The elder of the two young'n's tried to ride Nitro with me, but it broke down right as we were about to board (it would have been a walk on!) After that we were able to ride Congo Rapids twice in a row. I usually don't go on the water rides, but before the actual 2020 announcement, the rumor was that Congo Rapids would be replaced by the new ride, so it was now or never for us. Next up was Joker, which also broke down was we were about to ride it, but we eventually got to ride it after a quick ride on Swashbuckler and back to back rides on Skull Mountain. Next, was the Parachutes, which we were able to ride 3 times in a row. While we were up there, we finally saw Kingda Ka running, so that was next for myself, my mother and the the elder of the children. She was worn out after one ride (which was her first on KK), but I got to ride it a 2nd consecutive time, which is practically unheard of! Then was Zumanjaro for my mother, the younger child, and I, and he loved it so much that he & my mother rode it three times in a row (I only did it twice). After that it the rain became the worst it was all day, and by that point it was 8:45 PM so we called it a day after a quick trip to the Main Street gift shop. My FInal Ride-count : Parachutes 3x Kingda Ka 2 SkyScreamer 2x Skull Mountain 2x Zumanjaro 2x Congo Rapids 2x Wonder Woman 1x Cyborg 1x Joker 1x Justice League 1x Swashbuckler 1x Runaway Train 1x Skyride 1x Safari 1x My camera actually broke in the middle of the day, so I wasn't able to get as many pics as I wanted, but I still took plenty of photos. Here they are: https://imgur.com/gallery/xFdXEut
  18. I haven't been on this website in a long time. Did I miss anything good?
  19. I am absolutely LOVING this ride already! However, doesn't it look like that they're getting rid of the Old Country Picnic Pavilion (or whatever it's called) in the video, or is it just me?
  20. Pictures: No more Golden Kingdom? Possible re-naming in the future? A dazzle and a crash I saw the little one in the front trying to escape! So majestic! Obligatory nature shot (behind Best Of the West). Modern art masterpiece. Loving the new blue paint! They give these out now for all the major rides. THIS is why you can't bring things on Ka anymore, people! New painted Paralax! Thanks for reading!
  21. Yesterday I had a fantastic day at the park! Not only was the weather very nice, but to my surprise, it was also Season Pass Appreciation weekend! They had a bunch of stuff going on such as ERT for certain coasters each day (but I got o the park after that happened) as well as discounts for pass holders. My mother and I ended up getting 2 t-shirts and a cap for only $18.50 at the end of the day. Before all that, we entered the park not too long after it opened and went straight to the Safari. I got plenty of decent pictures of all the animals which I'll show of later. After that, we squeezed in two consecutive rides on Bizarro, which were both walk-ons because three trains were running. Also, all of the effects EXCEPT the flamethrowers were working when we rode it. Then we took the Skyride over to the other side of the park to get lunch. We went to the Primo's/Johnny Rockets near Nitro and it ended up taking us about 45 minutes just to get our food. I think that they must have been severely understaffed in there. Anyway, after that we went on Batman: The Ride twice in a row and got to see a snippet of our ride video; I have no idea how ling they're going to keep that up, but it's a very interesting concept. After that, my mother went back to the car to rest while I stayed and went on the Joker by myself (thank goodness for the single riders line). Then I went on Nitro, which was a 15 minute wait, and tried to go by Justice League, but the wait was too long for me. I decided to go on Houdini for the heck of it and I ended up finishing the day with Kingda Ka for the first, and probably only, time this season. I reunited with my mother, who had since re-entered the park and rode Zumanjaro (which she keeps referring to as "Freefall" ) twice in a row. It was a very nice day at the park for both of us, except for the fact that I lost my season pass card after we first entered the park, but I just got myself a new one at guest relations, so it was no big deal. The woman there even waived the replacement fee for the card, which was nice. Overall, 5 out of 6 Flags! I'll post my pictures momentarily...
  22. Here's my top 5: 1.) Prevent Michael Jackson's early death 2.) Ride Batman & Robin: The Chiller (About 10 years ago, I chickened out at the last minute and they ended up tearing it down months later) 3.) Convince my 10-year-old self to ride more things when my family visited Walt Disney World for the, so far, only time. 4.) Watch the original Star Wars in theaters on opening day. 5.) Go to a concert of either Queen with Freddie Mercury or Michael Jackson.
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