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Coaster Cow

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Everything posted by Coaster Cow

  1. I have traveled the United States from coast to coast (even stopping in Canada along the way), but sadly my journey has ended. I was built by Mack, but that may be a harder clue than you may think. Though I no longer stand, my spirit lives on in a very similar new ride.
  2. I was designed by the master, though I was not built by him. I have learned several languages in my journeys, though English has never been one of them. I left the mountain and traveled to the island, though the city I reside in is historically famous for being a landlocked empire's route to the sea.
  3. Most other parks would have scrapped the Schwarzkopf or simply not built such a ride on a hill. I'm glad Liseberg is clearly not that park. One day I'll get to Scandi...
  4. Haha, it may have been the infamous Cannon Coaster at Coney Island. They tried to build it with a gap that the trains would jump. It didn't work out too well.
  5. I did some sleuthing and found that it is a slide, but not at Playland-at-the-Sea. A postcard from around that time shows how the park was separated from the beach by a road and parking lot. It certainly wasn't the Bob Sled Dipper, which was this: Nor was it the Chute-the-Chutes: In addition, none of the buildings mentioned in the Wikipedia article are that hexagon-like building in the background. BUT It was a fun-slide at Long Beach in California. Taking a look at this postcard clearly shows the building in the background as well as the circular nature of the slide. Hope this helped!
  6. Ahahaha I love this site. Also, ^^ I was thinking more like Pole Dance than Polar, seeing as how it's called the poler coaster.
  7. ^It has been discussed on various threads around the site in varying degrees. Disney is looking into Marvel "lands" in several of their parks, but at the moment Universal has exclusivity rights to Marvel in the Orlando area because of Superhero Island at Islands of Adventure. From what I've heard, there are rumors of Marvel popping up in different ways in the California, Tokyo, and China Disney parks. Star Wars on the other hand is simply an incredibly new addition to Disney's arsenal. When you think about the amount of time Disney requires to develop a new attraction before it is announced, between Imagineering, upper-level approval, and economics and what-not, this Avatar land has probably been in the works for quite a long time. There have been reports of castmembers with surveys asking about the interest in a Star Wars "land" or attraction at one of the parks recently, so patience, young padawan. Disney World also caters heavily to international tourists compared to the other Disney parks, and Avatar was HUGE abroad, accounting for over $2 billion of the film's $2.7 billion haul. Compared to other Disney brands, the theme also fit the best in Animal Kingdom, which is really the park with both the need for more big attractions and the room (the leftover space from the never realized Beastly Kingdom). With Avatar 2 coming out soon, the land's opening will probably be coordinated with the film. Although there is always the possibility for an underwhelming public response (like with Test Track's Tron-retheme that sputtered into a Tron-like-but-unrelated renovation), Disney must be confident enough in the brand to invest such a large piece of real estate. So, TL;DR Disney is a big enough company that an expansion like Avatar is certainly carefully calculated by a ridiculous number of market research professionals and economists.
  8. PEOPLE PLEASE STOP PUTTING YOUR OWN PROMPT DOWN BEFORE THE LAST ONE HAS BEEN CONFIRMED, I feel like it should be one at a time. Not trying to backseat-mod, it's just impossible to even try to enjoy this thread with so much chaos.
  9. No one is allowed to complain about losing Sandstorm. Agreed? Agreed.
  10. Congrats on making it to Nick Tahou's! Definitely a rite of passage. Having said that, please know that Rochester is about 1000 times less grungy than that part of the city. Always awesome to see new updates, this thread is probably my favorite on the entire site, roller coasters and all.
  11. ^Bingo! Haha I figured I would make it as punny as possible to make it pretty obvious this time Your turn!
  12. Sorry for the double post, but here's another hint that combines the last few: After his mother's death, a son runs away from home to prove to his father that he has come of age. His father follows him on a soul-searching journey to discover where he had become so disconnected with his son. Along the way, the son learns to "go with the flow" and the father meets a new woman, and the two of them engage with a cast of characters as varied as the fish in the sea.
  13. Overrated: Bob Seger. Really? Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?
  14. Nope. I'll give another hint in a day or so. EDIT: New Hint! A son runs away from home to prove to his father that he has come of age.
  15. A man goes on a soul-searching journey to discover where, after his wife's death, he became so disconnected with his son.
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