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Everything posted by whakojacko

  1. I was in Sydney for a few days recently and naturally had to visit Luna Park to get my first southern hemisphere credit. The place was extremely empty, maybe due to the only soso weather and high winds. View from the ferry-Its quite small Very nice views Coney Island lives on down under? I apparently its an area with your typical kids crazy house-style stuff. Cost extra though, so I didnt go Crazy flat-Aw hell no. I think that guy was the only person on the ride There it is-Wild mouse. 10AUD for a single ride, unlimited ride passes are available (but given the size, probably not a good value) View from the lift hill-It runs noticeably faster than your typical Arrow Mouse so this was the only on-ride picture I took for fear of my camera Empty Boardwalk-Did I mention the amazing views? What you wont see in your typical US boardwalk park-a trendy bar. There was even another one. This is something I wouldnt complain seeing in the US although parks would inevitably make it crazy expensive All in all a tiny park that can be completely covered in under an hour. But given free entry and the fact that its a good excuse to walk the harbor bridge (which any Sydney visitor should do) there really isnt a good reason not to go.
  2. Im our defense, I think any time you put up a picture that talks about how much you love Europe, it must be immediately followed by a picture of a group of guys in Speedos. Everything in perspective Nice photos, Portugal looks great
  3. On the forums, sure. But it seems like one could write a relatively simple php app where people can indicate their availability for certain parks on certain days, and then others could search by parks/dates and see which members are available...I would do it myself if I had more time (maybe this summer?)
  4. Im going to be traveling a bit this Summer and Id love to meet up with TPR members in Parks while im there. Likewise, Id be happy to meet up with/host other TPR members who are visting a park/parks while im at home. Is there any calendar/ good way of arranging some meetups?
  5. A bit old, but countries like the US and UK are still like that today with workers exploiting illegal immigrants and companies outsourcing. Illegal immigrants are a bit of a different matter. The US spends a LOT of money trying to keep them out. Are they probably taken advantage of inside of the US? Sure. But its entirely different from the mideast, where the workers are in contracts with their employer that make switching to another job impossible and leaving the country without the employers permission illegal... Outsourcing is too a different matter. Its not like the workers in other countries are being forced to do jobs at less wages than they were promised.. This thread should probably be headed towards the Random forum at this point..
  6. No, thats not Dubai. Your thinking Saudi..Dubai is fairly liberal in THAT regard. Dubai has next to no oil at this point. They were pretty smart to transition their economy to tourism and business like they have. Also, the majority of investment money is coming from foreign sources at this point.. That article is pretty sensationalist but not very far from the truth, at least from what Ive seen (I was only in Dubai for 3 days, but I spent 5 months in Qatar, which is pretty similar with respect to worker treatment) What pisses me off even more is that these same papers were just months ago talking about how Dubai is the world's next big thing. But, at soon as the economy tanks and Dubai loses its luster, they go after all the worker-treatment stories they were all too happy to ignore for years (yea, im mad at both the media and the goverment). Dubai is a big mirage IMO...the demand for their ridiculous projects has never really existed.
  7. My pathetic list: USA (AL AZ CA CO GA HI IL MD MI MN MT NV NH NJ NY NC ND OH PA SD TX UT VT VA WA WI WY) Canada (BC) UK (England Wales Scotland) Ireland France Spain Belgium Germany Austria Switzerland Egypt Bahrain Qatar UAE Japan Hopefully Australia in May, if the dates work out.
  8. Wow "Skywest" crap.... I guess I'll take that to work with me on thursday when I start my 4 day trip!!!! Whoever thinks skywest is crap hasnt flown nearly enough RJ flights. Skywest is godlike compared to Mesa......
  9. Wasnt manta supposed to test run today? I assume somebody was recording video for all of us?
  10. Not much mention of Grizzly @ CGA. Do people assume its just so bad no rehab can fix it?
  11. Im in the middle of doing internship interviews.. Ive been lucky to get a lot of responses this year, since it seems a lot of companies have cut back the number of students they take. Ive interviewed and gotten denied from 3, interviewed and waiting on 2, scheduled interviews with 2 more, and waiting on an offer (thank god) from another. So definitely pretty good so far...
  12. this isnt really a new ride type, but Ive always thought B&M ought to build a floorless with a Massive (150ft+) over-water Zero-G roll as the first inversion
  13. Same here. SROS looks ok, but I cant stand Medusa's new colors (like the old ones a lot more)
  14. Idea-maybe the wing will dip into that area thats getting concrete work right now, but not actually touch the water? If that part is empty but below water level, with the right water effects it would appear to be skimming the water
  15. Ive never blacked out on any ride. In fact, not even grayed out(that Ican recall) Did SFMM's Goliath get more trim at the MCBR since it was first added or something? I have ridden it 4-5 times in 2 trips and never had an issue with its helixes
  16. your not the only one. But were not even sure if the wing dip will involve actually touching the water. Nice pictures, glad to see an update on this baby
  17. I went to Sea Paradise in 2000. Surf coaster is actually pretty good (you can never have too many helixes). Sadly it was (and is) my only Japanese coaster riding experience. Nice TR of course
  18. It looks like they still need to install the stairs for the MCBR? http://www.kiextreme.com/gallery/albums/jan09flyover-dfdb/IMG_9286.jpg
  19. That is one of the reasons it is there. The other reason is so the ride can have more than one train. It is also called a block break. the ride doesnt seem long enough to warrant a MCBR just for adding a block. Tatsu is decently longer and doesnt have one...
  20. I have to say that this is pretty much totally it. http://www.xworks.com/ Just look at the site. It is something that looks like it was just thrown together. The stock ticker on the left has random information on it, and I bet it won't even change over the next couple of days. It has the 2009 copyright on it. which is a pretty good giveaway. Plus, the address is in the UK. I mean, I think that all signs have to point at Alton Towers here. Just another viral marketing campaign. it was asking me for username/password?
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