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Everything posted by wiyoh1984

  1. My experience with Six Flags and Columbus Day, it's just as good if not better than a quiet Sunday.
  2. I'm glad to see SFNO off the map once and for all. I am sure Six Flags is happy about it as well. Now they will have an extra million or so a year to put to much better use.
  3. X2 is still a great ride with or without the audio. This past trip to SFMM was the first time I was able to ride the front and back of X2.....I must say I do enjoy it from the back the best.
  4. My next park will be Six Flags Over Georgia for opening weekend 2010. I can't wait to ride Ninja!
  5. I was there last Sunday, and the audio on train 2 would crap out right after the first drop and would come and go sporadically. Once hitting the end of the ride the audio would come back as if nothing had happened. Does anyone know what might be causing this? Just the intensity of the ride itself?
  6. I'm just glad to see a new coaster, and a new woodie at that. I can't quite understand the Terminator theme for a woodie, but its still better than throwing somthing up in the parking lot and leaving the asphalt intact under the coaster. ha! I can't wait to ride when I visit again in October!
  7. I am happy to see our little park is growing! I will be happy with steady growth, I know in the advocate article it spoke of a new roller coaster, I think it will happen, but will be on a modest budget. I kinda think the campground will probably be the first thing to come to fruition. The campground itself will will help set the stage for the future expansion. Every one likes to camp around these parts lol! http://www.2theadvocate.com/news/business/33619579.html
  8. I am crossing my fingers for a nice woodie BUT If we were to get a nice classic schwarzkopf (or however you spell it) coaster I wouldnt complain either.
  9. I am really anxious about opening since I have not been in a few years. I am really excited about the new campground and roller coaster......I really hope we find out soon when this will come about.
  10. Anyone planning to visit BB/DL for opening weekend in May?
  11. I think the idea of refurbing existing rides is a great idea. I remember going to astroworld after Serial Thriller and Texas Tornado were installed, Batman, and the other coasters were looking pretty shabby. Although they did get a new coat of paint before the end, I think the existing rides should have been priority over just getting somthing new. A new coat of paint can do wonders for the look of the ride and the park. The majority of park goers, are not coaster experts, most do not know the difference.
  12. TG is no walk in the park. But arn't most of the woodies Built by the Dinn Corp (TG, Psyclone, Meanstreak for example) rough? Or is this just due to age?
  13. Does any one know the status of Deja Vu? I see on the SFMM website that it no longer says that it is temporary closed. So is it back up and running?
  14. http://www.2theadvocate.com/news/business/33619579.html Hey maybe we will get that woodie after all? I can only hope thats what the new coaster will be!
  15. I will be visiting Six Flags MM in January, does anyone know if any rides will be closed for scheduled maintenance or anything in that nature?
  16. Does anyone know if Blue Bayou/ Dixie Landin' in Baton Rouge, LA will be adding any new rides for the 2009 season ?
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