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Everything posted by nagro5

  1. Does anybody know what is going on with Laughing Dragons? I remember someone saying that they were working on it quite a few pages back. Oh, and thanks for the update Jahan!
  2. My home park is Magic Springs and Crystal Falls.
  3. I effin loved Ultra Twister! I rode it when Astroworld was still open. I didn't think that it was rough at all, but back then I didn't think any ride was rough.
  4. Well, if it has a 48 inch height requirement (I'm not saying that it will) then I'd consider it a family coaster.
  5. Thank you for doing this for us! It is much better than the old page. I love we can contribute pics, and I'm sure it makes it easier on y'all too. Before I didn't really visit this page much, but now I sure will!
  6. I wonder if they will have a big party like they did at Cedar Point for Gemini...
  7. I liked the old site better. This one is just...meh. I would have been happier if they would have improved the old site.
  8. I have rode the Arkansas Twister 25 times without getting off. It took me about an hour. About half way through some guy noticed that I haven't gotten off and asked me how many times I've ridden. I told him and he joined in with me. I wonder if he is a member of TPR. Hmmmmmmmmm...
  9. Today is the opening day for CSI: Live! Someone be sure to check it out.
  10. Wow, that looks like a fun little park. I don't know much about parks in Italy, but it looks like it will be a good one. And if it has a rocket coaster, it has to be good!
  11. Here is another article with some more information. http://www.arkansasbusiness.com/article.aspx?aID=105646&view=all
  12. That answered my question. Sorry about making that a little confusing. I knew what I was asking, but I really didn't know how to put into words...
  13. I just noticed that if you don't click the link that's in the first post it doesn't have all the parks on the list. Like if you click the "Park Index" that's on the top of the home page it takes you to the old park index page, not the one that y'all are working on. Just letting you know.
  14. Hey! It's the Six Flags Thrill Leaders! Mmmmmmmmmmmm...shmexy
  15. All we know right now is that the park HAS been sold to PARC Management. The purchase price has not yet been disclosed. I'll be sure to post more info when there is some.
  16. Hey Big Mike! I've been following you thread for a while but this is the first time I have actually posted. I was looking at OnPoint and I noticed you on there. I was like WTF! I thought I would post it here but I guess I'm to late. You just keep getting better and better! Keep em commin!
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