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Everything posted by nagro5

  1. Both of the videos stalled a lot, and they stalled about the same. I couldn't tell hardly any difference in quality between the two.
  2. Awesome! I'm sure that SFMM will be one of the hottest places to bring in the new year. I'm glad that they are making a safe place to celebrate among all the craziness. Hopefully this starts to become a tradition! Cheers, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
  3. Websites that make me want to rip my "hear" out? Don't you mean hair?
  4. One year I got a Sobe and some gummy worms for Christmas...
  5. I don't get how you can rank these coasters without actually riding them. You can't just go off looks.
  6. All of the videos are still stalling. Is this still happening to anyone else, or is it just me?
  7. I voted for CoasterTube because I think that it will give TPR more publicity. Though I like TPR TV better, I'm thinking of what will help the site more.
  8. Huh? Why do computers do screwy things when you put a cell phone by them?
  9. It's about as good as it's going to get with RCT3... The video is great! What song did you use?
  10. Yeah, were not sure what we want yet. We just know that we want to go on a cruise, and go to Disneyworld. We'll just decide when it gets closer to spring break. I'll keep what y'all said in mind when we decide though. One question before I forget. Is there things to do for the entire family on the disney cruise, or is it just things for kids? We are taking our whole family, and I want us all to have fun.
  11. Mine is Judd, the walking turd! Since the Title Fairy gave me my...um...wonderful title, I thought I would get a avatar to match.
  12. Woah, Colossus used to be REALLY white!
  13. Thanks for the input, Robb. I guess we'll have to rethink our plans then.
  14. Wow, this thing drastically changes the skyline! We are just one step closer to opening day.
  15. I've never been on a cruise before, but we are planning on going on one for spring break. You just got me really excited! We are planning on doing a weeklong Disney Cruise with four days at Disneyworld and three days at sea. Have you ever been on a Disney cruise, Robb?
  16. Okay, I'm having the same problem that coolhandluke had. When I click on the video titled "Cedar Point & La Ronde 2008" the video "Cedar Po!nt Video (with old footage of Mantis & MS!)" comes up. I just thought I would let y'all know.
  17. Okay, I'm on a different computer now and the videos are playing wonderfully. It only stalled a few times, but not enough to get annoying. I'm not sure why it's playing on this computer but not the other one though. They are both XP and IE7.
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