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Everything posted by nagro5

  1. Yea, but only at a Six Flags park. We don't have them here in Arkansas. Do you recycle?
  2. Thank you oh wonderful title fairy! Let the bowing begin.
  3. Hello, oh wonderfully awesome Title Fairy! I feel that I need an original title like "nagro5 has a slight aftertaste". If thy grants the wish, I shall bow down to your udder superiority until thy sees fit.
  4. Shirt: short sleve Navy blue Hollister t-shirt Shorts: verticle striped navy blue and white AE shorts Underwear: grey Tommy Hilfiger boxers Shoes: grey Hollister flip flops Sunglasses: AE aviators
  5. Regular is about $3.35 here in Arkansas.
  6. No, I see stars! Do wear a watch regularly?
  7. I just got back from my school formal. I think that's the most I've ever danced in my life!
  8. The park just keeps keeping better and better! I'm glad that they are paying attention to things like this because they can make a HUGE difference on the look of the park. I applause the management. Great job guys! Thanks for the update Robb. I'm sure all of us really appreciate it.
  9. I'd have to to disagree. When I was there a couple months ago they were running three trains on Viper. The ride ops had the train in the station locked and ready to dispatch before the preceding train had reached the top yet. That's pretty dang fast if you ask me! When I was in line, they didn't stack once.
  10. I don't think that the fire effect will stay long unless they find a cheaper alternative to it. I like the idea of saving it for a night thing. X2 is sure to be great, but think about how much better it could be if there was fog and strobe lights along with it. Now to the DJ's. I like the idea of a DJ playing songs while you're waiting in line. I know that I got bored when I was waiting in line, so some music to rock to would be nice. They could have a suggestion area so people could request a song. I wouldn't want music to be playing the whole time though. How about having a DJ stall at most of the major rides, but only having two or three DJ's that have hour shifts. They would rotate to the next ride in their cycle when the hour was up. If they ever do do that, I hope that they wouldn't play the music too loud. I want to talk to the people in line, and the people that don't like the song could tune it out.
  11. Shirt: dark red AE short sleve Shorts: tan AE twill Underwear: navy blue Hanes boxers Socks: black Nike ankle socks Shoes: white, tan, and brown Pumas
  12. Yep, Top Thrill Dragster Do you examine yourself in the mirror more than twice a day?
  13. Hoe Park: Magic Springs and Crystal Falls Fav Ride: Arkansas Twister
  14. NYTrojan, I would would have definitely went to guest relations about the Scream! incident. It is just not acceptable to let someone who has just rode basically cut in front of the entire line. I also had problems with line jumping when I was there. If the ride ops noticed that they definitely should have said something. It's also unacceptable to not let someone that trapped in the loading station in the safety zones. It's dangerous to have a guest be in that situation.
  15. SOOOOOO much better than the first one! It really captures how crazy the ride is. I also like that it gives you some unique angles too. Great job! Robb, did you film that or did the park? Either way, I'd like to congratulate whoever did it.
  16. If you think about it, you're only one day older than you were yesterday. Oh well, HAPPY B-DAY!
  17. I agree! Batman is a completly different experience with the fog (not to mention all of the effects in the queue). When I was there a few weeks ago I belive that the fog was on on Goliath.
  18. It's good to know that the park was pretty much empty so you could ride Goliath as many times as you wanted. I really like the colors of the ride. This just adds to SFFT great coaster line up. Great Photo TR!
  19. ^Yes, they have it in Gotham City. I think that another sit down restaurant is a wonderful idea. My parents got tired after walking up that deathly hill and wanted to take a break, so a nice sit down restaurant right a the top of that hill would be great. Has anybody thought of having like some type of japanese steakhouse where the Laughing Dragons Pizza used to be? Personally, I think that that's a good idea because you would get a classy meal and a show all wrapped into one! They could also have some type of japanese garden with koi fish, japanese trees, and stuff like that near it to sit down and relax after walking up that hill. I'm just throwing out ideas though.
  20. Here are the big prizes, but you have to make all fifteen to get one of them. The smaller prizes were stuffed animals, jerseys, and I think something else but I'm not sure what it was.
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