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Everything posted by coasterking2981

  1. The fountains would go well with The Wiggles World area. As families go to get wet and cool off, they look and see a Wiggles World area, and if they have teens, who probably wont want to do anything in Wiggles World, Riddler and Batman arent far off, so the family could briefly split and meet back up later.
  2. True, to both ^^ And I believe there's another rumor going around that Knott's is thinking of taking Perilous Plunge out. I myself wouldnt miss the ride either. Its nothing special, although the bridge was popular during the summer.
  3. Could Tidal Wave fit with Flashback's area? Because right now its only a rumor, and probably someone's April Fool's Day joke when the rumor was sent in to Screamscape, but supposedly Tidal Wave is going to be removed for Wiggles World. http://www.screamscape.com/html/six_flags_magic_mountain.htm I was thinking if it was, that they would not get ride of it because it is much needed relief in the California summer heat, instead just place it where Flashback was or hand it over to Hurricane Harbor as its "new" 2010 attraction.
  4. I'm just happy they are spending a million on theming, and I personnally dont mind pre-shows since they do add to the theming of the ride. Anything to make a good coaster better is a ok with me
  5. Its like what StickyNicky just said. People have post a lot of Termy photos from WCB, so there's probably not a whole lot thats been done since. And its nothing like "saying nobody should have taken pictures the week(s) before WCB because a ton of people would be taking pictures during the event." I rather enjoy and appreciate Robb and all others for giving us weekly updates on Terminator. I just highly doubt someone went back to SFMM a week after WCB.
  6. Well they did JUST have WCB and have a great number of new photos, so probably next week someone will make it up there.
  7. I wonder how the pre-show buildings will look like beside the ride...
  8. Yay for May 21st! Btw was any information given at all about the 2011 coaster during WCB, or were they tight-lipped about it or no one asked about it? And as for the theming, I'm just happy they are indeed spending money on theming. Moving animatronics (sp?) would be cool, but not only are they expensive to make, but because they are very complex, and mechanical issues can cause them to be either out or obsolete until the park gets time to repair them, which, such as in the case of the Yeti in Expedition Everest or one of the Mummy soldiers in the Universal Orlando version of Revenge of the Mummy, could take a very long time.
  9. ^ I agree. We still got a few days of March left, so the pre-drop will be done by April 1st probably and much of April will be spent on the lift hill, station, and the bunny hop before the station fly-through. Plenty of time left for testing.
  10. Thanks Robb. And sorry, its just, with this coaster, I have NO patience I'd just as soon grab a hammer and pull a bunch of all nighters to get this ride done sooner, but I'd probably be sued for something and potentially break the ride before its even done. Something I dont plan on letting happen or doing.
  11. I wonder when the trains will be sent in? Mid to late April maybe?
  12. Its not Renegade. The banner seems to show the train begining on the first drop, and banks to the left. Renegade's drop first banks to the right then left, but it banks to the left near the bottom of the first drop, so no matter how far or at what angle you take it, it'd be impossible to get the shot on the banner from Renegade without getting more wood within the picture. Note that the rail on the lead train of Renegade is black, not red.
  13. Well, considering Terminator Salvation at SFMM is going to be 2800+ feet long and at least 100ft tall and it costs 10 million to build, 2 million of which are going to be spent on the ride's "special features", I can imagine this ride will easily cost maybe 2 million at most. but I'm probably wrong :/
  14. Looks good What's the situation now concerning Busch looking for someone to buy the parks (from what I can recall last reading about it on Screamscape)?
  15. ^Ah thanks. The track designs between SS and this one did look similiar, so I thought Intamin was behind the design of SS (which I think is a pretty good small coaster).
  16. ^ Haha. If it'll work so well on them, I should write one that'll get everyone to go to SF parks, thereby saving SF from bankruptcy thanks to me and the overflow of profits and such
  17. I am loving SF with every day that passes and with every bent that rises from the ashes of Psyclone and makes this ride look better and better. And LONG LIVE MR. SIX!
  18. That should answer your question. Mine still stands...Is Sierra Sidewinder at Knott's Berry Farm here in SoCal an Intamin design or not?
  19. Question...is the Sierra Sidewinder spinning coaster at Knott's Berry Farm another Intamin design, like this coaster?
  20. Thanks! Too bad though I cant upload any right now Oh well, back to planning my future RCT3 parks
  21. A stupid question but whatever...do we have to upload real theme park videos only or can we post Roller Coaster Tycoon videos as well (even though that's what Youtube is for )?
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