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Everything posted by coasterking2981

  1. I agree completely. Although, Tatsu has the advantage of being custom made to fit the hill it sits on. And the fact that it saves the preztel loop, which is the best part of any B&M Flyer, until the last part of the ride kinda helps...literally saving the best for last. Manta certainly looks like a very fun ride, and something SeaWorld actually may have been needing.
  2. Oh, God no. Shamu would have a tough time performing on concrete instead of water. ROFL i never thought of that. but i'm just naming pontenial canidates who would gain some profit from an orlando theme park.
  3. Disney has enough money to buy out several theme parks worldwide. Hell, they could probably buy out the Six Flags and Busch Gardens chain entirely with just enough money left. The only one I can really see buying Sea World Orlando should something happen is either Cedar Fair or a European based company like Merlin. Personnally I think it would be cool to have a European based company own a theme park out here in the states. And as Six Flags isnt in the best position to acquire a new theme park (unless they are not as far in debt as I though), so Cedar Fair would probably buy Sea World Orlando. It would be a first for them and they would have a park in Florida. That aside. Manta looks great! Defiantely going to be a good addition for SeaWorld
  4. Yeah. Its supposed to be the heaviest amount of rain we've received for some time. Doubt it'll hinder the ride's contruction much, but I hope a break in the rain soon will see the cement poured in at least.
  5. I was just begining to think the same thing. If they do go ahead with an entire Terminator/post-apocayliptic future of the entire area that we know as Cyclone Bay (or at least where both Deja Vu and Terminator are located), no point in leaving poor Deja Vu out. Only since Terminator would be right next to it, I think Deja Vu should be renamed Skynet (or something Terminator-ish).
  6. ^^ I KNEW IT! They built the canal as something for the coaster to use but Hollywood had an even better idea on how that canal was going to be used. Props Terminator the Coaster was years in the making...and we didnt even know that Hollywood had given us a clue about what Six Flags was planning.
  7. Well, I can say for one I'm not offended at all. Its height is perfect, because it gives families another ride to go on TOGETHER besides Collossus, Ninja and Gold Rusher. And it only costs ten million. Its a win-win situation for SFMM. Something the park needed, not too expensive, another thrilling yet family friendly roller coaster (because Percy is a nice junior coaster, but let's face it, if you were a kid, would you prefer Percy or a roller coaster that looks cool?). I also hoped it would be bigger and longer (as seen by my constant and probably annoying referance to an El Toro clone), but I'm satisfied with what SFMM chose. As for those roudy teenagers, they got X2, Goliath, Tatsu, Batman, Riddler's Revenge, Deja Vu, and Viper to choose from for extreme thrills. And I dont think you offended anyone, we are all just trying to get you to see it from a different standpoint, business and family wise. We all have our own opinions though.
  8. Best? Nah. X2 and Tatsu already have that title. Most fun though? probably
  9. For all those who said the ride looks too short, its not like GCI had tons of space to work with. MM may own a lot of land, but as far as I know they wanted to keep the coaster mostly within the same area as Psyclone was, and use the rest of the land for obvious future expansion (maybe a B&M Dive Coaster within the next couple of years or so? ). GCI did great with what space they had to use. I wont pass judgement on theming yet, but I will say I cant wait for the ride, Definitely will try to ride it opening weekend
  10. Perhaps, but you never really know what theme parks are planning. Somehow Knott's Berry Farm manages to pull off builing roller coasters and it hardly has any space at all.
  11. Universal's Terminator is a 3D show, otherwise Six Flags would have named the ride something else or we would have seen some talk between Universal Studios and Six Flags I think. But, like you said, looks like we'll have to wait for the next few days. But this brings a question to mind I may have already asked: why didnt Universal think of Terminator themed roller coaster first? My last visit to Universal Studios Hollywood confirmed my thoughts that it needs a new roller coaster, in my opinion.
  12. this makes me wonder what GCI will have in store for its "Terminator" coaster design for SFMM next year
  13. I'm going to be one of the hopefuls for Six Flags Magic Mountain and say its going to be the Terminator roller coaster.
  14. Great TPR! Though, knowing that GCI has not released any designs yet, I guess me and all other coaster enthusiasts in California can expect Six Flags Magic Mountain's new Terminator wooden coaster to be a clone of Mammut or something similiar to it? With Mammut seemingly to be a more family friendly coaster, and Mark Shapiro making Six Flags more family oriented, it seems to me that a Mammut clone would be the best choice.
  15. Ah, I see. Thank you for correcting me, becuase I assumed they were related to the T2 Judgement Day movie. Terminator does sound more like a name for a steel coaster though. But I definiately where Mark Shapiro is taking Magic Mountain, into a better direction.
  16. Uhhhh...Which Six Flags parks have Terminator roller coasters? Well, I might be mixed up. T2 stands for Terminator 2 unless I am wrong. And I know there are one or two Six Flags parks that have T2 coasters (one is Kentucky Kingdom I think)
  17. Well the T2 show obviously yes. But Universal Studios Hollywood doesnt have a Terminator roller coaster, and a few other Six Flags parks do have Terminator roller coasters. So it makes sense to build a wooden coaster that SFMM needs and give it a name that some coasters in other Six Flags parks already have. But while on the topic of Universal Studios Hollywood, they are need of more rides or a roller coaster or two. There isnt enough there, and its not like there's an Islands of Adventure right across from Hollywood unlike in Orlando.
  18. I'm just excited SFMM is getting a new wooden coaster. We all know SFMM has needed a new one. and I dont think Intamin woodie would have worked, because of the available land (unless SFMM owns more land than I thought), other than the economy. Unless I am wrong, it needs to fit within the plot of land once occupied by Psyclone Aside from that, I can only hope a lot of time is spent on the theming. After the mediocre theming of the Dark Knight, Six Flags does at least need to make this ride's theme stand out as something that a good amount of time and money was spent on.
  19. Unsure if there is a topic already about this, so forgive me if there is. "Terminator Coaster Coming to Magic Mountain New Wooden Coaster to have a Terminator Theme? For a while now there have been confirmed mentions from Six Flags that Magic Mountain will get a new Great Coasters International (GCI) wooden coaster in 2009. Apparently at an American Coaster Enthusiast conference, Mark Shapiro CEO of Six Flags spilled the beans about the new coaster. He announced that the new GCI woodie will be themed after Terminator. This will likely coincide with the release of the 2009 Terminator: Salvation movie starring Christian Bale and directed by McG (from Charlie's Angels!) One glance at Magic Mountain's lineup and you can see the park's lack of wood. SFMM boasts an incredible 15 roller coasters, but only one woodie. When Mark Shapiro ascended to the throne of Six Flags, he said the days of the large, ultra expensive thrill rides would be over. He wants the chain to focus more on family rides and attractions. For these two reasons a wooden coaster for Magic Mountain makes a lot of sense. But one themed after Terminator seems a bit weird. I'm usually all about theming and at least its better than recycling another one of their overused names like Vortex or Goliath. But how will they theme a good old traditional wooden coaster after a movie about a dark future where robots hunt humans down and terminate them like pests. It doesn't really fit the family feel their going for. And I can't fault Six Flags for trying to do a tie-in, but it's not really working out with the Dark Knight coasters at Great America and Great Adventure. Those coasters are getting hammered by my readers. As I wrote in the 'Does Theming Matter' round table discussion it all comes down to the quality of the ride. What do you think about Magic Mountain's Terminator coaster? Leave a comment below." http://www.thecoastercritic.com/search?q=terminator If this is completely true, then all my dreams have come true, except for it being an Intamin woodie but still thankfully its at least going to be yet another good GCI.
  20. srry i apologize for posting the topic of SFMM's new coaster on here. Thought i clicked on New Topic :/
  21. besides that^, i wish i had money to go to Wonderland. I've been wanting to go on Behemoth so much
  22. These last two pictures of the park you took are amazing! And if you look hard enough, from how great the rides seem to be there, you can definately picture this park becoming the next Cedar Point or Six Flags Magic Mountain or any other incredible and famous theme park in the world. Great TPR! Must add Silverwood to my list of all theme parks in the USA and, possibly the world, I must visit before I die. Same here. See? Picture Silverwood now with some B&Ms, Intamins, etc., on the opposite side of the road, and you will know what I mean in my comment.
  23. Riddler is 4,370 ft long. Goliath is 4,500ft. Collosus at 8,650ft (if that is both tracks, then one track on Collosus is 4,325ft). All the other rides are around 3,500 ft long except for Superman: The Escape, which is at around 2,000 ft long. So, Collosus would be the longest ride at SFMM, assuming all 8,650ft of it are just one of its two racing/dualing tracks. If not, then Goliath is the longest ride at SFMM Here is a link if it helps: http://www.sixflags.com/magicMountain/rides/ThrillRides.aspx
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