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Everything posted by coasterguy99

  1. sorry if this post twice, I'm still getting the hang of my phone. But with vista you need to have at least two gb of ram, better if three. But if it has 64bit put four in. Now they just need a rct game for my iPhone
  2. I've never been to Ohio but from the videos I've seen that looks really good. And I must disagree with "EVIL Arrow Multilooper", I love Arrow rides and that one looks like it would be very fun.
  3. I've never done a recreation so Ill go for it. I guess ill try doing Hurler, but I may not be able to finish.
  4. ^True, but I really dont care for nighthawk and if I do ride it Ill get it in the morning. But theres also never really a guarantee that it will stay open all day. go figure
  5. Carowinds only really closes ride if theres lighting, for the Hurler the best seats are the front and back. For a discount without a printer go buy a Coke-Cola, drink it (i think 20oz). I think they are still doing that promotion, I heard about it on the radio the other day. And the most important thing to remember at Carowinds is everyone will be at Nighthawk, so do it first if you get in at opening, but have fun.
  6. $7.50 on the worst idea me and 2 of my friends have had all year, Laser Tag at Lazer Quest on Independence.
  7. B&M Sitdown. But if you would have said Arrow Looper that would be even better
  8. ^ Your ride looks great. I only wish i would have thought of something like that, but the only thing that kept running through my mind was something like a shuttle loop.
  9. ^ the Hurler, is my favorite wooden ride at Carowinds, manly because it is rough, but rather than fix the rough part of the ride. i would prefer to see it operate without problems. Yesterday on my second ride on the hurler they were already have to fix it
  10. The main sign on Carowinds Bulv. was working yesterday when I left, that was around 5:30 but they were still working on it.
  11. ^ They Put some money into the Hurler, The red train on the hurler is just painted and it was a lot smoother yesterday. I have my own photos i will post later, maybe on Tuesday, I'm going back on Sunday and Monday.
  12. yeah i just realized how little those supports are. The reason for the fake brakes is because I originally built this coaster in Roller Coaster Tycoon, and I never really thought about changing the timing of the station. I will do that, and also thanks everyone for the comments and help. i'm still new at this and learning what i'm doing. This NoLimits thing gets kind tough.
  13. Okay well I had the night off tonight so I decided to play with NoLimits for a while and while I didn't change the track I changes the supports mainly took most of them away. heres a pic and new download oh and I lightened the pitch black on the supports. 2252545.nltrack 2252545-12.bmp
  14. Yeah I know its way over supported, I really should fix, but I did make a while back, and never messed with it since. I think with some of the clearance issues i believe when i went to fix them it throw the ride off, but if you would like, you can fix the issues and repost the ride here. I'm still really new to NoLimits and I would really like to see what you would do, that would be a great learning experience. Also anyone feel free to give some color options. Oh and anyone feel free to make changes and repost. 2252545.bmp
  15. Thank you, I cant take credit for the colors I used the colors of Top Gun, well AfterBurn. I have always liked how AfterBurn looked.
  16. This is a coaster I made back in January, I never named it. But I feel I just need a name and since I have no idea what to call it I'm just gonna ask you guys. Also I have no real color scheme so any suggestions on that would be nice too. 2252545.nltrack
  17. Has anyone else turned theirs in? I bbelieve im done fine tuning my coaster its okay I would ride it. but i have no time to mess with it, between college and my new job. And how are we to turn it in?
  18. This is gonna sound stupid, but How do you take a screen shot? edit: (I figured it out)
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