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Everything posted by cycamps

  1. That looks really neat. I have to admit that I thought a real person was jumping from great heights when I saw that surfboard guy on that dump bucket structure.
  2. That would be great! I've always wanted to ride Tidal Wave, and this would be a good chance of doing it while still named that. I suppose I could always go to Kentucky though...
  3. Now that I can drive, I go to SFGAm twice a month, as it is 2 and a half hours away. It's still better than my former once-a-year trips.
  4. I took a picture when I went there Saturday April 4. Unfortunately I deleted it for some reason, but it didn't seem like they had too much done. I'm sure they'll pull through though.
  5. Check out my newest video: The Musical! Featuring original music from me, Cody Camps, and Josh McCarty! ***You can check out my other vids at Camps Productions***
  6. The Coconut Song- Cody Camps & Josh McCarty Check it out!
  7. I was also there yesterday. It was my first time going on opening weekend, and I loved it. I filmed a little bit, and I'll do a 2-3 minute Video trip report soon. I probably ran into you guys at some point, as I ran into several people throughout the day that I had seen before. If I had a TPR hoodie, I would have worn that!
  8. That was definitely cool to see. I used to be a Nascar fan, and those are the years I remember liking it. Neat to see the slightly retro pics.
  9. I Always Knew You Had My Pen- I Set My Friends On Fire
  10. I opened my season at Great America yesterday. My first ride was Viper. It was a great day overall; nice weather and low crowds. Everything was running one train except for Raging Bull and Viper. Also, everything was open except for Vertical Velocity.
  11. ^I'm not too sure about the Ballroom card, but the Breakers card is postmarked 1918.
  12. Here are a few cards I've recently acquired from Cedar Point and Riverview Park Back of Ballroom card Cedar Point Ballroom Back of Riverview card Riverview Park Back of Breakers card Hotel Breakers at Cedar Point circa 1918
  13. It doesn't really matter to me what the park is called. I'd just like to visit it before it closes again...
  14. A Great Fire- Silverstein (new album tomorrow!!!)
  15. St. Louis is only 4 hours from here, and I hope to make a trip there sometime, as I haven't been to the park yet. I can't believe that they kept the park open with it being so dead. I'm a little worried myself about SFGAm closing early this weekend, as I don't want to have to make the trip up there just to have it close down...
  16. I just finished looking through the TR. It looks like it was a fun time. I'm hoping to attend within the next few years...
  17. This is my newest video on my Youtube profile. It's the first video I've made under my Camps Productions name. I spent a few months getting the footage for this video, and I spent about 2 weeks editing it. Regardless if people like it or not, I'm very proud of it, and I hope that you guys like it. There will be more to come in the series, but I also plan to add more serious videos to my profile also. Enjoy!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=613fRalAFC0
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