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Everything posted by astroworldfan1

  1. Toon is the screen name of one of the posters at SFNO.com (the place where the message from Danny was quoted from).
  2. ^Really? Because they're not as far as I know.... The linked website for RCCA on RCDB doesn't work, anymore, nor does any Google search bring up a website for RCCA.
  3. For those who would like to learn more about the town that was Centrailia, PA, check out the movie, "The Town That Was" on Hulu for free. "The Town That Was" on Hulu.com
  4. Oh my..Expect the water park to shut down and get torn down in a few years if Kieran Burke is at the helm.
  5. Larry, did you ever get my PM about there being a Japanese park map on a page for a California's Great America map? www.themeparkreview.com/parks/photo.php?pageid=205&linkid=9846
  6. I don't find that website funny at all..Anyone could type something intentionally, then blame it on autocorrect when it's stupid sounding.. Though, I do love Crazy Things Parents Text.
  7. I don't understand how they could proclaim that they were the legal owners of the coaster when in fact the deal hadn't be finalized; yet, Kat can't answer questions to do legal issues?
  8. ^I believe that was one of the first topics covered when TPR was introduced to Prince Desmond.
  9. They taught me how to spell correctly and how not to capitalize random words in sentences that don't need to be capitalized.
  10. Shane, I just found something in one of my grandmother's cabinets that you would probably love..She still has a red (unopened) Opryland poncho still in the original wrapper! I hope to get it someday..Maybe it'll be worth something.
  11. Spending all of my money at American Eagle and Abercrombie and Fitch.
  12. Wow. How many other theme park forum sites have members that run and own their own water or amusement parks? I'm glad to have you here, Shane!
  13. Well, this is my second day not using Windows 7 after leaving it for a Mac with OSX..I have not looked back since switching over, and the only time I use Windows 7 is when I don't want to download something that may harm my precious Mac. I don't care what happens to the Windows 7 machine.
  14. I think I'll keep Safari there so that when friends use my computer, they won't see my secret bookmarks and whatnot. On second though, I'll get rid of it and open Safari when someone wants to use my computer. GOOD IDEA, AJClarke0912!!
  15. That has never happened to me on any ride or coaster, but I have had my hands smashed by Mega Zeph's restraints numerous times on its bunny hops.
  16. In addition to the MacBook Pro 13 and the iPhone 4, I also got a Kindle from my Aunt! I love it! -Tatum
  17. Quoted for truth! I hope everyone is enjoying their new MacBooks..I know I sure am!
  18. I got the two things that I really wanted.. -MacBook Pro 13 (LOVE it..I can't believe I used a crappy Windows-based computer for so many years!) and many accessories to go along with it -iPhone 4 -Polo-Ralph Lauren pajama bottoms -$100 from grandma and some Peanuts pajamas Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year to all! -Tatum
  19. AJClarke0912, I LOVE your Vic Firth creation. I've met Vic Firth, before, and he's a cool man! -Tatum
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