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Everything posted by PCW_Nut

  1. I too would like to say thanks to everyone...Robb, Ellisa, the whole TPR crew...thanks for a great day... I really would love this to be an yearly event, so please, lets do all we can to do that and make next years even better, if that's even posisble as this was an amazing day... I will be doing a quick photo update soon...enjoy.
  2. Am I out of the loop on something...what is this "multifaith" room?
  3. Couldn't agree more...I'd rather do the Time Warp then RIDE the Time Warp...
  4. I know someone will probably ask about the whole first drop angle situation...and what are the future plans for the park....but I am not even sure what type of questions should be asked...
  5. I am not losing my head...I calmy replied back to the "joke" ... just find it quite offensive seeing as it just happened and such a brutal attack does not require a "joke". That's all. Regardless, this is a coaster site, lets get back on topic. I personally cannot wait for Monday...should be a great time... Does anyone have questions in mind they plan on asking during the Q&A?
  6. Just curious if anyone going is from the Scarborough area and may be able to POSSIBLY give me a ride home.. My guest may not be able to stay till late and i MAY need a ride back...i can chip in for gas if anyone is going my way. Thanks in advance. - Josh
  7. Two rows...I thought it'd be one messed up row as well, but luckily it's not...it's two seperate rows...and in terms of operations, CW has done an amazing job with load times...a train usually is in the station, unloaded, loaded and out in under a minute...provided there's no problem guests.
  8. Ya, the Behemoth trains are really nice. I was a little worried I wouldn't like them at first but the openess the trains give is amazing...as well sitting in the back row outer seats...it's such a great feeling because you look to your side and back and there is NOTHING there...just ground...I love it...
  9. Registered and ready to go...cannot wait....Robb, THANK YOU so much for planning this day...it should be a wild one. See you on the 4th!!!
  10. Sledge Hammer is a Huss Jump2 and to my knowledge, we have the only one in the world up here at Canada's Wonderland...may be a good thing too because its been having a LOT of downtown this year. It truly is a sight to look at, but once you're on the ride, protect your ears and get ready to yawn...not the best in the park or best flat I've been on for sure. Glad you enjoyed your trip and glad to hear more and more positive reviews of Behemoth. All the time we waited for a hyper and we got one, and a damn good one at that! - Josh
  11. Hey everyone...like many, we are all very excited about the chance to experience a true TPR outing...for most of us, it will be our first...and trust me, I've read the posts, and want to ensure that I am not trying to nag or anything like that, but is there any update on this day such as cost? That's kind of the main thing I am looking to find out...I am coming regardless, just curious to get an idea of cost and all that fun stuff. I know a lot of planning goes into these events to add the unique TPR twist, so I will be patient, but just thought I'd throw the question out there to see if we had an update. Thanks in advance, and Robb, you never did let us know what you think of Behemoth from when you came up recently. Thanks - Josh
  12. That is great news...thanks for the update. Enjoy your ride on Behemoth, I am sure you'll like it. Don't forget to sneek some of those wonderful mini donuts back with you as well Robb. - Josh
  13. We all make mistakes jk Glad you enjoyed it though...it's a great ride, and I cannot wait for Behemoth Bash as well...CWmania just release their info for their event but I won't be able to make it...so now I am just waiting on more information to be released from here so I can book myself into this event...cannot wait..TPR events look great and it's nice to finally be able to attend one..
  14. See thecoasterkid, and you had doubts heheh, jk. Glad you enjoyed your ride, but that exuse they gave sounds horrible. When we were there for SPPN it was colder and was slightly raining. I don't think it had to do with the valley but I am sure there were other reasons for not opening it. They should get things figured out over time, but when it comes down to it, if park management belives it is not safe to ride for whatever reason, I don't care what excuse they give as they are keeping the park guests safe right? I am looking forward to my first ride in the back sea...haven't had that yet...Only rode in the front row all the time to enjoy the view. Glad you liked it though...Cheers to CW for a great ride.
  15. The line at the end of the night was estimated to be 3hr30min - 4hrs...we got in the line just before they closed the line off...we ended up getting on in 2hr 10min...they ran all 3 trains very well and I think that helped as well...we got on so quick in fact that were were off the ride by 9:40 and the line was still open still open so we ran back in for a thrid ride, which ended up being the last train of the night. It was a great way to end the night, pulling back into the station our train tried the "One More Time" chant...didn't work but it was a good effort. That's really funny, we were on the last train and my wife actually started that chant. It actually works at CP on Maverick. The 3 hour line thing was a joke, and I felt bad for everyone who was turned away, they have just authorized the overtime and kept the ride open as long as it took, a lot of people went home upset. were you the couple on the front car as well?
  16. You were on the last train too? We were in the front seat...Part of the group trying the "ONE MORE TIME" chant...
  17. Thanks...I am looking forward to providing more pics throughout the season as well as pics from CP, KI, and I think this may finally be the year I do Disneyworld. My wife and I are in the planning stages now.
  18. ya...yesterday was crazy. First ride was a 60min wait, second was 2hr, third was 20min...crazy thing is I ended up on all three trains, red, orange and yellow....
  19. Some photos from Canada's Wonderland preview night. Enjoy and feel free to comment. Thanks Love Cedar Fair's themeing Behemoth sign at night...not a fan of the sign but looks a bit better at night. How many coasters can you count? Wow, you really can get some great shots of this from all over the place. ...I approve...maybe too much The Bat's new color is slowly coming together... Silly name change... Just to show you can see it from the other side of the park... Last years paint job is in serious trouble already. I actually like this name change... See last comment Brand new sign...awww, the same ride is still here though Lots of great areas for photos. Shot from the exit ramp. Front and center baby!!! Love the new train design more then I thought I would. Something about this shot just gets me everytime... The massive line...which goes far beyond this pictures view.. Apparantly the Canadian B&M's come with extra parts For all you wheel and undercarriage lovers... ..and this shot too. Love this shot from the line... Waiting for gates to open
  20. Ahmen to that...well, the first two rides I found myself out of my seat from the top of each hill to the bottom...which I loved. Question to those who have ridden more B&M's with trims...I didn't feel the trims kicking in too much, except a bit on the hill right after the hammerhead, anyone know if the trims were heavy or light compared to the rest out there?
  21. Sure, I haven't been on hundreads of coasters around the world, however, my opinion is not biased. I like what I like...and from what I've ridden (Cedar Point, Darien Lake, Great Escape, La Ronde, and Kings Island), this is tops for me. Not cause it's my home park, not cause it's our first major coaster, and not because of anything other then the fact that essentially from start to finish (MCBR and helix excluded) it's a fun ride. Trust me, the time leading up to the day I'd finally be able to ride this, I started to be very skeptical..."was the air going to be good? Was the wait going to be worth it? Will the new seating layout work in favor or against?". I went on without expecting anything close to what I'VE been on. MY expectations were exceeded...having been able to ride three times, once on each train nontheless...I can say from MY view it was better, as I've said, then anything else due mainly for the airtime. BTW, yes it is floater air and not ejector air, but lots of it. Air is air in my point of view. Someone coaster count, big or small, or someone's home park or not, shouldn't have influence on anyone's review. I can't speak for others who have only been to just CW who are going to be nothing but praise as they've never seen anything like this in their life, but for myself who has been on what, for many enthusiasts, is a top 10 if not top 3 coaster (being MF), I am happy with what CF has done here, even though I argue that this year was a poor year to build something like this as CW still has issues handling huge crowds, was excellent. Good on CF! Good on B&M! And if all the B&M Hyper rumors for KI come to life, then one can only hope that their coaster will be as good as ours. Just to clarify, my views and reviews are not based on home park bias, but simlpy on what I, as a rider and lover of coasters, likes. I am sure you will enjoy it a lot once you ride it. Well, up to the MCBR at least
  22. I'm sorry but..... LMAO... Yeah sounds like a bit of an overstatement... just a bit. Honestly, it's not an understatement...The airtime really was that good...the first hill and then the first hill after the hammerhead turn are the best...but for all 3 rides I got on yesterday the airtime was great... The line at the end of the night was estimated to be 3hr30min - 4hrs...we got in the line just before they closed the line off...we ended up getting on in 2hr 10min...they ran all 3 trains very well and I think that helped as well...we got on so quick in fact that were were off the ride by 9:40 and the line was still open still open so we ran back in for a thrid ride, which ended up being the last train of the night. It was a great way to end the night, pulling back into the station our train tried the "One More Time" chant...didn't work but it was a good effort. Overall, I'd give the ride a 9 or 9.5 out of 10...only thing that slightly hurts it is just as the helix gets forcefull it pulls out...wish it could've gone a little longer on the helix but airtime everywhere...and good forces on the hammerhead... But like I said, people view rides differently however I haven't heard one bad review yet. CW finally has a winner on it's hand and I think the TPR guys will now have a better reason to come up here other then the crazy donut flipper
  23. Everyone is entitled to their opinion...it's the beauty of free speech...My last ride the ride op locked the lap bar tighter then my first two rides, however i still had great airtime. Don't get me wrong, the drop, hill and speed of MF is better, but for me, airtime is what I crave and this was an airtime machine...I have been on a lot of coasters as well, and comparing it to MF (which is still ranked high up there on the lists) it was a more fun experience for me due to the airtime... Everyone has what they like, and I am not saying that anyone has to agree...but regardless, it is a great ride and not a single person walked out there disliking it or being angry they waited for 3 or 4 hrs.
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