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Posts posted by Loco

  1. Can anyone tell me how Roar! at SFDK is holding up? I last rode it in 1999, which was its first season, and it was running very well. (It was the first ride with Millennium Flyer trains.)




    Sad to report, not very well. Got some really bad rides this season, major jackhammering and way too much shuffling. Having ridden every season since it opened, this years were some of the worst rides it's given. Needs some serious trackwork and TLC, which unfortunately SF isn't known for.


    Tell me about it. Some spots are actually painful.

    The last bit of bunnyhops are torture! Major jackhammering.

    But it's still pretty fun.

  2. The thing ive been thinking about lately is that GA probably considers Survivor a coaster.

    So technically for the park (and only the park) they added a "coaster" in 2006.


    Oh and something new from Screamscape:

    2009 - New Coaster - Rumored - (10/4/07) Screamscape has heard that the long term planners are looking to add a coaster to the park at last in 2009. I don’t have a clue what it may be right now, but at least you know how long you’ll be waiting. Let’s just hope it’s not going to be the old Boomerang from Geauga Lake.


    If that is correct (and lately Screamscape has been right) then that means they would go 8 years without a new coaster! Wow!

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