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Posts posted by Loco

  1. I rode the Sky Wheel once in 1997 on my 6th birth day. I totaly loved it, and I was shocked when I went back the following summer and there was a large yellow and purple thing that went forwards and backwards...


    What year was it taken out? I remember going to GA when i was little and riding Demon (my first coaster) and it wasnt there. They must have just removed it right when i went.


    either that, or i just dont remember it being there.


    Well if Axman rode it in 1997 and Invertigo opened in 1998, then it got removed after the 1997 season.

  2. ^I'm sure you mean the US in general. But it isn't as accepted as you might think. I know people that were kicked out of their home because they were gay. And if you've read the last couple pages of this thread, I kinda took over about some of the things that were happening. People at my school are either very, very homphobic, or very, very acceptable people. But there isn't many homophobes at my school because you can't go there and be homophobic. THERE IS TOO MANY GAY/BI PEOPLE THERE FOR THAT!!! Ask anyone there. They'll agree


    The US is slowly being accepting as time goes on. It's better now than it was 5-10 years ago.

  3. Waits for the Norcal enthusiasts that were b*tching about another year without a new coaster at Great America to piss their pants in excitement.


    I nearly did!



    I think the 09 coaster will be a "element clone" of Renagade, as, I really don't think they have the space for a straight clone unless they take Grizzly. And even then they would need to work space for the cars underneath, unless they "cedarfair" them.


    Actually, I think if it was a Renegade clone, it MIGHT fit over by the Imax (except for those little shops on the final turn before the brakes)...


  4. Nice update, like the decorations!


    But CGA, ugh!!! Better than KGA, but I just don't get why CF insist on tacking on something to the name. After Marriott, the park was known simply as GA for years before Paramount stepped in, no one in the Northern CA ever confused it with an Illinois park 2 thousand miles away. Other than coaster nuts, no one out here is even aware another GA even exist. Locals simply call the place GA anyways regardless, can't imagine anyone saying "let's go to California's Great America!".


    Better yet, should just drop the GA all together and rename the park. Thanks to Paramount, not much America left in it anyway, let alone anything great about the place.


    Well I don't think adding "California's" to the name will be a problem.


    Even when it was Paramount's Great America, people still only called it Great America.

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