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Posts posted by Loco

  1. Woah, I just realized this, there is a trim brake on every hill after the hammerhead turn, and before the MCBR, except the hill leading in to the MCBR, wow, thats gonna suck.


    Woah, I just realized that the logo and the colors are almost exactly like Goliath.


    Woah, those new trains are weird! They are like Deja Vu's trains. I don't know if I like them. What was B&M thinking?


    Woah, those new trains are pretty cool! The seating is so different, like Deja Vu.


    Woah, this ride will be an awesome addition to CW.


    Woah, this ride is gonna suck, the layout looks boring.


    Ugh! Now theres nothing left to say!

  2. I got a theory. A giant topspin. Possibly themed. I don't know to what though. If you think about it, every other Cedar Fair park (before the Paramount purchase) has a topspin. Geauga, Valleyfair, Knotts, WOF, MIA. . . ya see? Cedar Point is the only one that doesn't. I'm thinking a clone or something along the lines of Riptide.


    Well there is a rumor that CP wants to add a new "water" ride to make up for the removal of WWL. I guess Riptide kinda qualifies as a water ride...

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