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Posts posted by Loco

  1. Ok, sorry to make a topic about this, but i'm getting frustrated.


    Everytime I go to play RCT2 somewhere along the game (usually around 2 minutes in) my computer restarts out of nowhere (sometimes it happens when I click on something) I've tried re-installing the game and it still does it! Has anyone else had a problem like this?


    Any suggestions on how to fix this?


    Thanks in advance.

  2. Great Bear was having trouble when I went in 2005. It was down for one day, but it was open again the next day.


    Out of the coutless times I've been to Great America, I've never once wittnessed Top Gun or Vortex broken down


    I've seen Top Gun get stuck on the lift (thats about it) and Vortex break down right after we got off, but both were quickly fixed.

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