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Posts posted by Loco

  1. How long did it take all of you to recieve your clue? I replied tonight, and I assumed it would be an automated response. If it was legit. Hershey, wouldn't they make it an auto response? It just seems inefficient for a large corporation.


    Why would they make an auto-response if each response had a different picture in it?


    To throw us off and make us thing it's an intamin. When it's really Zonga!


    Anyways this whole thing is pretty cool. Everything is coming together (I guess) just like a movie or something.

  2. Hmm, well, I guess they don't have to take out Vortex. But God, they need to put in new OTSR's. The ones on there right now are rock hard and hurt like heck because your head constantly bangs on them.


    Ow...my head hurts. I just got off 2 rides on Vortex an hour ago. The very front seat wasn't so bad but the row behind it seemed 'ouchy.' Also, do get rid of the puke smell and old gum on the ground. And to the visitors there: please spit your gum into the 1 of 1,000,000,000,000 trash cans they have there...you can't miss them!


    OMG! Tell me about it! That thing is a total neck breaking/ball crusher, and the horrid vibration doesn't help either. Last time I went I only rode it once, while the rest of my group rode it like 3 times.

  3. Didn't Great America actually get approval to build a 220ft Intamin hyper called rebel rocket (or something like that) seven or so years ago, only to have the Paramount chain decide against it at the last moment.


    I remember that rumor. People started saying that it was originally going to be Hypersonic. If I remember clearly I believe screamscape's "sources" said it was going to be an Intamin rocket coaster and it was going to include a Stengel Dive similar to Goliath at Walibi World.


    IMO that would've been awesome! Too bad it didn't happen.


    Nice Photo TR BTW!

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