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Everything posted by KoasterKidz67

  1. This is the reason why the barbie dolls are dying in poularity. The doctors don't come with the barbies.
  2. THis is the reason why kids think santa's beard comes off.
  3. tried parents caught me. Have you ever on a roller coaster that made your mind boggle???
  4. I learned that my reading and english teacher is evil. (actually i knew that the first day) She makes us write essays every week that have to be 750 - 1000 words. WE don't even get to pick the topic!!!!!!!!!! It sucks. She throws out the essays that are less than 749!!!!!! SHE IS EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Here's a question. Have you ever had to do jury duty???
  6. Christmas music Rockin around the christmas tree- brenda lee
  7. I have never been on El toro but I went on the Voyage over ten times this year. So, so far in my opinion The Voyage would have to be better. Plus Holiday World is my favorite park. THat adds another plus to the Voyage.
  8. I love the Shockwave @ SFGAm R.I.P (Steel) I also love the Legend. (Wood)
  9. ^ Since you obviously like kennywood, here's a video of Steel Phantom.
  10. I'm a guy who likes girls. Simple as that. I wouldn't say I'm as straight as line though>
  11. Hoosier Hurricane Cornball Express Lost Coaster of Superstition Mountain ??????????????????????????
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