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Everything posted by KoasterKidz67

  1. Nemesis I know i am sort of a fanboy. Even though my homepark is SFGAm.
  2. here is a long video on the history of Great America. It only has a few shots of Shockwave. Fast Forward until you reach the part with the 80s. Unless you want to watch the whole video. Its about 10min. www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrbZQPj25SH Enjoy!!!!!!!
  3. Eajainka!!! Spelling not sure. but I know it ends with an A.
  4. I know its alittle weird going 2 times in a row but I'm bored. Avalanche
  5. You know I still remember getting to the park and everybody ran to the Shockwave to get on it. People still run to get to the entrance of Superman but it is not the same. Did anyone notice this execpt for me. The entrance to Superman is in a building with With columns and railings, but Shockwave's was blue. Did they paint the blue white? Why they would I don't know. One of Superman's colors is blue. The line is in the same place so. Go figure!!
  6. Here are some of its removal pics. ____________________________________________________________ these are what I could find. Hope you enjoy.
  7. I can't believe that I got all of this stuff in one day. Well here we go. Shockwave was originally built in 1988. It remained at Six Flags Great America for 14 years before being dismantled to make room for Superman Ultimate Flight. Through Shockwave's lifetime, the roller coaster suffered some injuries. Due to the speed going into the first vertical loop, the track fractured and needed constant attention in order for it to run smoothly and more importantly safely. Plus the wheels on the trains wore out pretty quickly and needed maintenance and would shut down during the day and be closed for twenty minute periods. The wheels were expensive too. THese reasons are probably the reason why it led to its destruction. Let me take you back time when the Shockwave was still around and running. THe year is 1988 and Shockwave just shattered the record book. It claimed the records of being the fastest and tallest roller coaster in the world. Shockwave also claimed the roller coaster with the most inversions. Thats seven.Ohhhhh Yaaaaaaa!!!! However these records didn't last long. The very next year, Great American Scream Machine opened with an exact copied layout but three feet taller and 3 mph faster. Then the very next year Viper opened at SFMM and stole those records away. After the Shockwave's removal, it sat in a field for two years waiting for another park to buy it.When the park failed to sell Shockwave, the coaster sentanced to death at the scrapyard in Zion, IL. The red train was sent to SFGAdv for spare parts for GASM. The yellow and blue trains were sent to SFMM to be used as spare parts for Viper. The sign was donated to an ACE's Museum. Several bolts were auctioned off at a coaster convention. The lift motor was installed at the Demon. Other various parts still exist in the park during Fright Fest. R.I.P Shockwave.
  8. Hi guys. Its me again. Within the next few days I'm going to find a lot of info on the Shockwave. Then I will try to tell you guys the story of its life. I'll try to get some new pics. I might not post it until Sunday the 26th. Hope you can be here to read it. Try not to disappoint you.
  9. Good pics of the three!! If anybody here wants to, tell us which of the Arrow 7 inversion roller coasters is your favorite. ( I won't get mad if don't say Shockwave) You don't have to have ridden them!!!!!
  10. Another update for the Shockwave. This was the roller coaster's promotional video. It is funny. Made in the 80s. www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgm_OaaIAMM Enjoy this small update for the day!!! I will try to find something else to update the coaster on.
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