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Everything posted by CoastersNSich

  1. Bert Convy blows the puzzle in Super Password:
  2. No, classic rock and country are more my thing. Do you plan on riding a new-for-2009 coaster (if you already haven't)?
  3. That, or you could be a female member of Cincinnati City Council. Leslie Ghiz (pronounced like "ghost") is accidentially called "Les Jizz" by well-known local radio host Bill Cunningham fairly often. Ghiz calls into Willie's show frequently. A couple years ago when running for Council, in her TV ads, she said "Vote for me November (XXth), and remember, my last name is Ghiz" (not JIZZ)
  4. The mid-late 1970s Atlanta group, Starbuck. Especially due to heavy use of the Minimoogs and the marimba. Known for: "Moonlight Feels Right" and "I Got To Know".
  5. While the Vancouver Grizzlies uniforms were questionable, I've had a thing for Bryant "Big Country" Reeves. He really dominated things at Oklahoma State (remember when he shattered the backboard at the Final Four?) and showed a lot of promise going into the NBA. Too bad injuries plagued Big Country (from the tiny OK town of Gans), and when the team moved to Memphis, he retired shortly after. But you gotta love the flattop!
  6. Somewhat, but since this is a yes or no question.... yes. Have you seen the Saturday Night Live 'Celebrity Jeopardy!' sketches?
  7. The Colts have some of the best uniforms in the NFL... here is a collage of your center, Jeff Saturday! Snapping the ball to Peyton Manning...
  8. There's a TV ad for Time Warner's auto listing site "BeepBeep.com" in which the song sounds like "Sold my old car, it's CC Found a new ride it's CC." where "CC" is meant to be "easy". Time Warner Cable The Power of Annoying
  9. For reasons difficult to explain, I just love this commercial, especially for the song at the end.
  10. ANYTHING that is FreeCreditReport.com... Which is why I love this parody:
  11. Family Feud: Richard: "Name a question such as "How old are you?" Lady: "(gasps!) 18!"
  12. When it comes to football uniforms, I prefer white over black. If you gotta use black, I'd rather it be the jersey. If doing black pants, use a jersey of another color. The Saints, when they do a black shirt and gold pants, look awesome! When it's black pants, that's way too much!
  13. Now, you can make your own Hastily Made Cleveland Tourism Video! http://www.positivelycleveland.com/hastilymade
  14. I like Adam, and while he seems to be the front-runner, I really want Kris Allen to win, and not solely because we share the same last name. He's got a great voice, not too pitchy. (And yes, he looks pretty good too.)
  15. "The Cleveland Tourism Board gave me 14 million dollars about 8 months ago to make a promotional video to bring people to Cleveland. As usual, I waited till the last minute and I ended up having to shoot and edit it in about an hour yesterday afternoon. I probably should have invested more time." "So The Cleveland Board of Tourism was not happy with the first video that I turned in. In fact, they said that upon viewing it, three of the board members moved away. They insisted that I turn in a proper Cleveland tourism video, otherwise they will pursue litigation. So I was really planning on buckling down and giving it my all this time, but there was a "Rock of Love" marathon on VH1 last night that I didn't want to miss, so I cranked this video out in even less time than the first one. Roughly 35 minutes total. Despite this, I'm rather pleased with how it turned out, and I think they will be too." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZzgAjjuqZM&feature=channel
  16. You forgot Cedar Creek Mine Ride (1969). I must add, wonderful pictures! I surely miss the GL Double Loop!
  17. Very good words, IMO, by Howard Stern. Note: NSFW http://www.planetout.com/hot_topics/2009/04/howard-stern-defends-gays-again.html
  18. Eric Wood, C/Louisville, whom I know personally, was drafted by the Buffalo Bills in the first round. Congrats, and good luck with T.O.!
  19. LOL, I'm currently at OSU and watch 10 WBNS weather a lot!
  20. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tanner's_Creek_Generating_Station LOL, cooling towers. The Simpsons will do that to ya!
  21. Love the new commercial, as a big Pujols fan. Though I may be a Cards fan, I am from Cincinnati and support the Reds as well (which may be a conflict of interest, both teams being divisional rivals). Coming up this Saturday, the Columbus Clippers, now affiliated with Cleveland, open up their new place, Huntington Park (next to Nationwide Arena). I surely will have to go down and check out the place soon.
  22. Agreed, I'm also very masculine, I dress and just feel that way, the kind of guy that likes rock, sports and beer. I'm out to very few people, even my closest friends don't know (do they need to?). I feel like I'm more comfortable talking about being gay to other people who are more obviously gay, and even at that I'm a bit nervous, afraid I'm talking to them solely because they're gay. I have probably mentioned it before on this and other threads, I had a good friend of mine who was close but as time he went on, he just got to be more of a... prick. He once snapped at me saying I had "homosexual tendencies" and need to "straighten up." I did my best to deny I had these tendencies around him. Whenever he had a lady friend over at his place, and I dropped by, he would ask him "Does (CoastersNSich) seem gay to you?". He even snapped when he heard Dennis Miller There was another incident between us that I'd rather not mention, that resulted in the end of our friendship, but since then it's been for the best that we parted ways. For one, I've realized that I have these tendencies... BTW, I am a DAAP alum (BUP) and am now working on my M.Arch at OSU. The clothing thing... I like wearing fairly fashionable stuff, and try to never pay full price, like no more than $40 for a pair of jeans, less than $60 on shoes, no more than $15 on a t-shirt. I like dept. stores like Macy's, Kohl's, and stores like AE. I admit I'm not too good at finding bargains at thrift/consignment shops but have had a bit of luck...
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSfFa44p96o NOTE: If you do not understand the concept of sarcasm, please refrain from watching this video.
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