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Favourite travelling ride?

Guest Black Tornado

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is that KMG Tango as bad as it looks? I have seen on before and looks scary. Standing up will add to the excitement

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ah, I knew about the stand up part, but wondered about ride experience. looks like your doing a stand up backwards sommersault

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KMG Tangos are insane.


-You stand up on a bicycle type seat, not as uncomfortable as it looks, actually because you have little "foot pod" things to hold up some of your weight.


-Besides being elevated so high, the thing moves you on three different axes at once. It seems uou're upside down as much as you're right sid eup.


-The one that comes through Brockton Mass has a pretty long ride cycle, and at night the visuals are insanity...


It's actually pretty re-rideable though... belive it or not.

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ah, sounds insane, I like it on a night time when it light up, like the picture above. I know I couldn't go on it, I don't have the stomach for it

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Them Zippers look insane and them Orbitors rule, just like our extreme except them leave your feet dangeling, great ride though

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I think they are very scary! The only thing I hate about them is when I was holding on to the Death Grips, Then steel cage thingy gave me a cut on my right hand's forth's finger's knukle (I think that's how it goes). The only Zipper I rode (Enka's one) wasn't worth a re-ride. Everyone at my school (Except for my other coaster enthusiastic friend) said its was awsome because it goes up side down! Obviously, they didn't even brother with the Orbitor! Way more intense, way faster(!), and way more fun!

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Speaking of Zipper's, I just got off of one about an hour ago . Zipper's are by far my favorite. To me they feel kinda like coasters, they give you negative g's and sometimes some pretty powerful positive ones too. I love the flipping though. My records 31 on that ride, anyone beat it?

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