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Six Flags Astroworld Photo Gallery Updated!

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Hey there!


Thanks to ParkTrip's help I was able to finish another photo gallery tonight. This time, Six Flags Astroworld:



Anyone have more photos or videos they want to contribute? Please post the photos here and the videos in the video forum.


Thanks again to everyone who has submitted photos!



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These pictures were taken the 2nd to the last weekend the park was open last October. The crowds were not bad on Friday night but was packed on Saturday with long waits at most of the rides. I was glad I had a chance to go to Astroworld before it closed.


Bob Hoffman


Rest in Peace Astroworld



Swat, my favorite non-coaster ride at the park


Serpant, a kiddie but a credit!


Mayan Mindbender








Serial Thriller, I liked this ride a lot





up the spike


Greezed Lightnin, a great ride!



Batman The Escape



Inclined lift hill, not like the verticle lift hill of the one at Nagashima Spa Land



Ultra Twister



Texas Cyclone, already packed and the park just opened

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I won a drawing to ride the last public ride on the Texas Cyclone. That's me in the 2nd seat of the first car on the far side...white shirt. Boy that was a sad day...


I won a drawing to ride the last public ride on the Texas Cyclone. That's me in the 2nd seat of the first car on the far side...white shirt. Boy that was a sad day...

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Anyone know if the "The façade entrance" of the Cyclone will be saved and moved to a different coaster..?


How about move it to the Cyclone in New York..? Or sell it on E-Bay Would it be worth anything..? .


Why can't another Park buy the "Texas Cyclone" instead of having it razed or SBNO for 20+ years.


What is the nearest Park to this one..?

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Ok, I think I'm done updating my SFAW section at least with photos:



If anyone has some videos they want to upload to the Professional Amateur Videographer's Forum I'll be happy to link to those too.


Thanks again!


--Robb "Still working on everyone's recent photo submissions!" Alvey

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Anyone know if the "The façade entrance" of the Cyclone will be saved and moved to a different coaster..?


How about move it to the Cyclone in New York..? Or sell it on E-Bay Would it be worth anything..? .


Why can't another Park buy the "Texas Cyclone" instead of having it razed or SBNO for 20+ years.


What is the nearest Park to this one..?


The face was rebuilt just a few years ago with the original one being destroyed before 2000.


The face and trains were moved to Fiesta Texas just in case they do decide to rebuild a copy of the Texas Cyclone, not the original since it will be fading into the past within the next 2 weeks.


As for the closest parks .. both Fiesta Texas and Six Flags Over Texas are roughly about 250 miles .. give or take a few from Houston.

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