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Matterhorn Layout

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After many years, I've finally seen a layout of Disneyland's Space Mountain, but I've never seen one of the Matterhorn's two tracks. I've tried finding it online (no luck), so I thought I'd ask here.


Funny, after riding it for almost 40 years, you'd think I would have the layout down, but it never fails that I can't remember it.



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^^ I have the Disney Coaster game, but the Matterhorn layout was crude at best.


^ No, WDW's Space Mountain is not the same as the Matterhorn. A bit similar, perhaps, but each track is a mirror image of the other and much longer as well. And, yes, I've ridden both sides of WDW's Space Mountain.



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I'm more curious about Space Mountain myself.

The whole thing must look like a Daytona racing circuit 0 shape because of all the right hand turns and straights, yet the building is circular..


If I could get hold of some dimensions, POV videos and various references, I could probably draw the plans from them. But then, if you had all that information already, you probably wouldn't need the plans

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I'm more curious about Space Mountain myself.

The whole thing must look like a Daytona racing circuit 0 shape because of all the right hand turns and straights, yet the building is circular..


If I could get hold of some dimensions, POV videos and various references, I could probably draw the plans from them. But then, if you had all that information already, you probably wouldn't need the plans


Its equally hard to find a decent Space Mountain (Disneyland) layout picture. Here's what I have managed to scrape up:





Last but certainly not least, is Robb's Hong Kong Disneyland, Space Mountain POV, with the lights on:




The Hong Kong Disneyland's Space Mountain is nearly identical to the Disneyland one, layout wise, so its a great reference.


Well, I hope this is kinda what you were looking for.


Wow, I'm not an expert on the Matterhorn like Jeff Johnson or anything, but it looks like a pretty accurate layout to me!


I'd also love to see both layouts for Space Mountain DLR and Space Mountain WDW


As for the WDW Space Mountain, I dont remember a thing from it, so I cannot guarentee that these are correct...but I hope they help somehow:




Welp there you go! These are all I have been able to dig up in my whole few-years of Disney-geekdom!



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man im new and all but i love disney, and i've been on ALL THE RIDES, except 4 teacups, and space mountain. the only 2 i havent been on in disneyland. but if someone can let me know about a disneyland park for roller coaster tycoon 2 or 3 for my brothr and me, i would love it. THX!


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^Here's a couple pictures of the Space Mountain model



nice photos, i like the first one the best. maybe u can

get some pictures or a video on Big Thundr Mountain,

matterhorn and space mountain, that would b cool. and

maybe splash mountain. thx.

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