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SFMW pass price hike

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Since at least the end of last year, the SFMW website was advertising season passes on sale through the end of February for $54.99. Since stuff can happen, I held off buying mine quite so early. After the management shift, I checked back and the offer was still the same. But when I went online to buy passes this past weekend, the price had been raised to $74.99, a chunky 35% price hike without warning, a month early. (And also, it seems, one of the higher SP prices in the chain, considerably higher than MM's, though much cheaper than SFGAdv's...though MW's does include admission to two waterparks.)


This seemed utterly unfair - the "new" SF should have and should have honored the previous offer, IMO, and then raised prices in March. So I phoned the park and the very nice manger of ticket sales arranged for me to phone order two passes at the previous price. Just thought anyone else in my situation would like to know.


The guy also confirmed that SF is raising parking fees by 50%, to an utterly absurd $15.


Because they can.

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There is always other parks that people can attend if people get bent out of shape over the price going up for season passes and parking. Lets all face it that it is not going to be cheap in the future to buy a Six Flags Pass. This might even cut down on the parks from being cheap babysitters.


The same thing happend to me for I waited till the price went up at SFoG before buying mine. It cost me over 80 bucks to get it dropped off at my doorstep, but I paid it and did not complain since that little old piece of plastic is going to get me into about 10 parks that I am going to. It sure is alot better than paying full price at each park.


After all lets also recall that Six Flags is out to make a profit so it can pay that massive dedt down and might even buy something new to put in the park. I really do not have a huge problem in paying that extra amount myself. It is apart of life. Prices tend to go up on everything. There is really no need to complain about it here on a coaster board. Maybe placing a call to the park and voicing your displeasure might work alot better.

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I agree .. the price hike is for a good cause really .. I didn't complain at the fact SFOT season parking went to $50 this year from $35 last year. But it sure beats paying $15 to park everytime.


Then again .. they do need to raise prices to get out of that bad debt. If you don't like it, don't go, plain and simple. I get tired of people bitching about things like this.

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Um...what I was "bitching" about was not the actual price of a SP. $55 bucks always seemed really cheap for what I got with a SFMW pass. (Particularly if you were going to use it at 10 parks. But then, if you have the financial werewithal to go visit 10 SF parks in a year, another 20 bucks is most likely not going to be noticed, one way or the other.)


But when new management took over, they simply overrode a previous offer without warning, when they easily could have honored the previous offer for the remaining month and then taken it from there. And I do wonder whether $20 x the number of passes they'll sell in February will make such a big difference in SF's bottom line.


And yeah, sorry, but when you can park in a nice protected garage at Universal Orlando for 9 bucks, 15 dollars to park my motorcycle in a big, open, unguarded asphalt lot seems pretty high.


As I stated before, when I phoned SFMW, both the people I spoke to about this saw my point and were accomodating and friendly. Odd that the two posters above could get so snitty, when I was just trying to be helpful.


The reason SF is in financial trouble has to do with company mismanagement, not because they were charging an industry-standard 10 bucks to park in their lots. Sure, I wish new management only well. I'd hate to see SFMW go under (though it's been, I hear, one of the chain's better-performing parks, anyway.) I hope that the park does well enough to add a new coaster next year, since - as I posted elsewhere - the most recent major ride they have running, V2, will be six years old. But, not being an SF shareholder, I have limited interest in the corporation maximizing profits. Since, apparently, the two above posters feel otherwise, perhaps they should rethink their use of season and parking passes and just pay retail instead...

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sorry Shepp but I have to side with Six Flags on this one. As an enthusiast it is common knowledge that SF was raising prices and you knew it. (not saying this to be snitty)


Even though the old web page said the price would hold through the end of February they most likely also had a disclaimer at the bottom saying that prices were subject to change at any time (standard legal wording on most sites).


But it just goes to show the new SF will be different from a customer service perspective, if they honored the old price for you.

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I hope that the park does well enough to add a new coaster next year, since - as I posted elsewhere - the most recent major ride they have running, V2, will be six years old.


Yeah but look at PGA, the last major ride added that's still running was an off the shelf unthemed inverted boomerang 8 years ago! (personally don't count a small unthemed mouse as a major addition either). I'm personally much more pleased with the quality additions SFMW has added over the last 8yrs such as ROAR!, Medusa, V2, Shouka Stadium and Ocean Discovery, compare to the questionable quality of PGA's cheap additions ever since Paramount took over.


SFMW has delivered so far by being the only park bringing new world class coasters to the Bay Area. So in the meantime, these quality family additions are fine by me since they will bring in the numbers and dollars to justify their next blockbuster coaster, which will no doubt be amazing! With the rumours of Zonga leaving, it's a sure bet we'll be seeing a new skyline at SFMW soon. As for PGA, I've already long given up years ago of ever seeing any major new coaster or any quality attractions ever being added there as long as cheap Paramount still owns the park (a flat for their 30th anniversary is absolutely pathetic!).

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Just curious? You don't consider a $10 Million Plus Waterpark expansion a major addition? I don't think the park is worried about the enthusiast view of the park. It's funny, PGA figured out the whole family thing in NorCal back in 2003 when Tim Fisher came. SFMW took 2 years to catch on. Their attendance skyrocketed last year. The last major addition SFMW had was Zonga, and that is sitting there rusting, awaiting removal. Before that it was V2. PGA hasn't added anything major, but they have added quality which draws people.


None the less, my point is, PGA's numbers were huge after their first year of a family environment. PGA isn't worried about how big the 30th ride is going to be. They are thinking, "Is it going to bring people in." I'm sure their last worry is "Is this going to bring in Enthusiasts." Oh well. I've made this argument many times before. It's a business.


It sucks that SFMW raised their prices. But it's life. I'll deal with it. I don't think I'll invest in a season pass. If you remember back in 2000, 2001 Season Passes to SFMW were about that price, maybe $10 cheaper. I picked up a pass with a friend when I was in HS.



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I just took a look at the SF Enchanted Village site. They are raising their annual price to $84.99 AND they don't open until May 27!

Playland, which is 2 hours further north opens Mid-April.

Silverwood in IDAHO opens May 6!


What are we supposed to do for Spring Break? Does Six Flags think we live in the frozen tundra? Some years, the hottest day of the year has been the last Sunday in May....you could open a couple of weeks earlier!

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With the rumours of Zonga leaving, it's a sure bet we'll be seeing a new skyline at SFMW soon.


haha, recall a certain article about Mark Shapiro's visit to SFoG? He stated that you will NOT be seeing ANY major roller coasters added to ANY Six Flags park anytime soon. So even if Zonga leaves... You won't see a new coaster replacing it, unless it is a little family coaster. We have entered an era of family theme parks... not thrills.


I don't get it, enthusiasts have bitched so much lately that SF parks are bad quality and cheaply done, I mean look at Medusa and it's parking lot. Now SF is waking up and fixing these types of things... i mean, 20 costume characters in the parks at ALL times? That will be amazing to see! But now it seems, befor they can even start these changes... that people are bitching that they want new coasters! PGA is on the right track and so is SFMW... They are trying to get the attendance and revenue up so that we can enjoy quality exciting attractions that are themed and don't have to rely on just intensity.

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Just curious? You don't consider a $10 Million Plus Waterpark expansion a major addition? I don't think the park is worried about the enthusiast view of the park. It's funny, PGA figured out the whole family thing in NorCal back in 2003 when Tim Fisher came. SFMW took 2 years to catch on.


Just my opinion, but I don't consider building 1/4 of a waterpark a major addition. Then boasting the next year about increasing the size to 1/2 of a waterpark with 2 old second hand slides and kiddie wading pools a major addition either. In my book, those additions are equivilant to adding a flat ride, something new, but not exactly a MAJOR addition or experience, coaster or otherwise. Doesn't have to be a coaster, just ANYTHING that last longer than 30 seconds would be a refreshing change for PGA.


Yeah I know my opinion doesn't mean anything, but my point was that someone else was pointing out that SFMW hasn't added anything major to the park in 6 years. And I was just pointing out what little PGA has accomplished IMO in the same amount of time beginning when SFMW started adding rides. I know PGA fanboys will never agree, but a side by side comparison clearly demonstrates which park has brought the biggest and best new rides to the Bay Area. (BTW, MW has always had a heavy family oriented emphasis since opening in 1968).

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With the rumours of Zonga leaving, it's a sure bet we'll be seeing a new skyline at SFMW soon.


haha, recall a certain article about Mark Shapiro's visit to SFoG? He stated that you will NOT be seeing ANY major roller coasters added to ANY Six Flags park anytime soon. So even if Zonga leaves... You won't see a new coaster replacing it, unless it is a little family coaster. We have entered an era of family theme parks... not thrills.


I interpret this as being for the SF parks that already have 12 coasters along with nothing but thrill rides that will need to refocus on amping up their family offerings to appeal to all different age groups. SFMW is the one SF park that already has a solid lineup of what every SF park will now be focusing on adding for the next several years. They've already got more shows than probably all the SF parks combined, along with dozens of family attractions and exhibits that appeal to every age group. And will continue to introduce as they always have new critters and interactive exhibits for the families, that will absolutely not change. So with so many offering for families already established and a major coaster leaving, what's left for them to add? Yep, new thrills!

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I interpret this as being for the SF parks that already have 12 coasters along with nothing but thrill rides that will need to refocus on amping up their family offerings to appeal to all different age groups. SFMW is the one SF park that already has a solid lineup of what every SF park will now be focusing on adding for the next several years. They've already got more shows than probably all the SF parks combined, along with dozens of family attractions and exhibits that appeal to every age group. And will continue to introduce as they always have new critters and interactive exhibits for the families, that will absolutely not change. So with so many offering for families already established and a major coaster leaving, what's left for them to add? Yep, new thrills!


Cept for the fact that i know someone that works for the park and the park has been told NO COASTERS by corporate. Just cause you only want a coaster doesn't mean it's all there is to get. We can get a cheap flat ride that will draw just as much people as a coaster would. and they are cheaper. but thanks for the cocky "i know everything about running a park" reply.

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I see your side of the picture now. This isn't meant to turn into a flame. As far as SFMW providing a family atmosphere since 1968... HA Till maybe 98' then Premier Parks took over and the family atmosphere went down the hill. The park was focued mainly on thrills (AS you mentioned). Not to mention the numerous gang problems the park has accumulated with the Six Flags name. PGA had the same problems, and that is why they changed.


I honor your opinon though.



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I see your side of the picture now. This isn't meant to turn into a flame. As far as SFMW providing a family atmosphere since 1968... HA Till maybe 98' then Premier Parks took over and the family atmosphere went down the hill. The park was focued mainly on thrills (AS you mentioned). Not to mention the numerous gang problems the park has accumulated with the Six Flags name. PGA had the same problems, and that is why they changed.


I honor your opinon though.



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I interpret this as being for the SF parks that already have 12 coasters along with nothing but thrill rides that will need to refocus on amping up their family offerings to appeal to all different age groups. SFMW is the one SF park that already has a solid lineup of what every SF park will now be focusing on adding for the next several years. They've already got more shows than probably all the SF parks combined, along with dozens of family attractions and exhibits that appeal to every age group. And will continue to introduce as they always have new critters and interactive exhibits for the families, that will absolutely not change. So with so many offering for families already established and a major coaster leaving, what's left for them to add? Yep, new thrills!


Cept for the fact that i know someone that works for the park and the park has been told NO COASTERS by corporate. Just cause you only want a coaster doesn't mean it's all there is to get. We can get a cheap flat ride that will draw just as much people as a coaster would. and they are cheaper. but thanks for the cocky "i know everything about running a park" reply.


Cept for the fact that SFMW isn't owned by SF, and therefore isn't responsible for reducing SF enormous debt, which is why you won't be seeing any new Goliaths at SF owned parks. The circumstances at The City of Vallejo owned SFMW are quite different from the SF owned parks, so a generalized companywide statement doesn't necessarily apply to SFMW.


Also, SF's management contract with SFMW expires next year, at which point they can either buy the park (not likely with their debt), renew the contract, or The City can take back operations themselves as they did pre-Premier. Or hire another company to manage the park. So to say there will never be a new coaster at SFMW is shortsighted. But thanks anyway for your cocky "my friend works at the Dippin Dots stand so I know everything about the park's future plans" reply.

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I see your side of the picture now. This isn't meant to turn into a flame. As far as SFMW providing a family atmosphere since 1968... HA Till maybe 98' then Premier Parks took over and the family atmosphere went down the hill. The park was focued mainly on thrills (AS you mentioned). Not to mention the numerous gang problems the park has accumulated with the Six Flags name. PGA had the same problems, and that is why they changed.


I honor your opinon though.




Likewise, didn't mean for it to sound like a flame, sorry. I do have to admit I much prefer to deal with the out of control strollers and slow moving grandmas than out of control teens and gangs, so the past few seasons have indeed been nice.


Would be sweet to see someone like Busch take over managing the park when SF's contract expires, they seem to "get it" when it comes to intergrating world class thrills without sacrificing the quality family park experience.

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Cept for the fact that SFMW isn't owned by SF, and therefore isn't responsible for reducing SF enormous debt, which is why you won't be seeing any new Goliaths at SF owned parks. The circumstances at The City of Vallejo owned SFMW are quite different from the SF owned parks, so a generalized companywide statement doesn't necessarily apply to SFMW.


Also, SF's management contract with SFMW expires next year, at which point they can either buy the park (not likely with their debt), renew the contract, or The City can take back operations themselves as they did pre-Premier. Or hire another company to manage the park. So to say there will never be a new coaster at SFMW is shortsighted. But thanks anyway for your cocky "my friend works at the Dippin Dots stand so I know everything about the park's future plans" reply.


Dude, i get that you want coasters, but SFMW is part of the SF chain and i would seriously doubt that they would be "special" cause they aren't owned by the park. And here is an interesting tidbit of information... All the rides, attractions, and animals ARE owned by(or in some animal's cases leased to) six flags. So if SF doesn't buy the park and moves out, they either get to take most everything in the park, OR they get to sell that stuff. Sure the city owns the land... but that is about it. Vallejo has no say in day to day operation let alone park expansions. They just get a check from SF every year. I understand your upset and would love to see new coasters in the park (as would i), but you have to realize how very unlikly it is for the park to get one any time soon. SF will start adding coasters to their parks again... but i doubt that will be withing the next 5 to 10 years. And SF gets to keep most the profit the park makes, so MW infact does help reduce the dept. And SFMW was one of the few parks that saw a signifigant profit last season, i doubt they would let that go.

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