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wierd stories


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As a matter of fact, I do. This actually happened today at work. I'm sitting there doing my stuff, ripping DVDs and whatnot and my phone rings. I see "Private Caller" so I figured it's my friend calling me about doing something after work. Some girl answers and went kinda like this:

Me: Uh...hello...

Girl: Hey, Billy

Me: (not familiar with who's voice it is) Who is this?

Girl: I love you.

Me: Uh, who is this?

Girl: I follow you to school and work.

Me: (Thinking to myself 'OK...wtf?') Uh...ok who is this though

Girl: I love you

Me: Ok...

This repeats several more times

Girl: You're so hot! I wanna marry you and have babies!

Me: Uh, hey...I have to get back to work..I have a lot to take care of.

Girl: You're at work? You're so hot!

Me: Dude, I dunno who you are

The loser finally begins this episode of fake crying as I just kinda hung up. My co-workers were laughing as I explained what happened. My friend wanted to call her back and pull the same stuff but as mentioned it was a private call, no phone #. And I still never found out who it was.

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One time I went to school and found out that "wierd" is actually spelled weird.


Did you learn about people who could be dyslexic when born ?


**waits for google tool bar or any other spell check reply**


Why I spelled weird wrong:


I was in a hurry and I typed fast because I had other things to do, and no, I am not dyslexic.

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One time I went to school and found out that "wierd" is actually spelled weird.


Did you learn about people who could be dyslexic when born ?


**waits for google tool bar or any other spell check reply**


Why I spelled weird wrong:


I was in a hurry and I typed fast because I had other things to do, and no, I am not dyslexic.

And were you in a hurry this time?

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