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RCT 1/2/3 Rants!

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I often get frustrated with RCT, I'm sure you do too! let out your RCT-related rants here!


Mine is that it takes me forever to make the roof of a big structure. I always get my perspective wrong, and I end up putting a piece miles away from where it needs to be.


Another rant is about these parks...I love them! But you guys need to finish some of them! We get one awesome update then the park gets abandoned


I feel better now.

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The coaster design tool in all of the games. There are some simple changes that would make coasters more realistic and look better, but the coaster designer is really primitive and sloppy. I wish there was just a way to import Nolimits coasters, that would be great in rct, but the way it is now is not realistic at all and very messy.


I still love the game though...

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Another rant is about these parks...I love them! But you guys need to finish some of them! We get one awesome update then the park gets abandoned


I feel better now.


I KNOW! :shock: I notice it often happens when someone tries to make a disney park! There, I said it and I feel better.

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^ Yeah the good old game lag annoyance. Although I have to agree about this. I consider my PC to be high end and the game still lags alot when I load a huge park, although you really can't blame the game for this; considering the amount that it's rendering, it's surprising it lags as little as it does. I can see why some people prefer rct2 because of this issue alone. The load times also get horrendous as the park increases in size.

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Okay. RCT1: What is with the "must get lost on paths of more than one square wide" mentality? It was a good game, though.

RCT2: I like this one a lot, so I can live with its faults, but:

They took out the boosters. The scenery can be horrendous. What is with the expansion packs? they're worse than useless. The coaster designer stinks, the peeps are STILL stupid, the Six Flags parks are not even CLOSE to anything realistic, and the staff just bumble.

RCT3: Lags, impossible to design buildings, no custom supports, all swinging coasters can glitch upside down, they put Zero G Rolls on the WRONG coasters, the peeps are even stupider, the land tool is frustrating, the coasters themselves are horrendous, the overbanks aren't, the coasters lose speed too fast, the Strata is useless, all coasters start out black, the colors are ugly, the peeps are ugly, there is no trainer, the tutorials are useless, the scenarios are too hard, the VIPs are pointless, and many of the track designs are locked until you beat scenarios. WTF?

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Argh! I need to revive this thread because I'm kind of aggrivated at my game right now.

I had been working on DDR, mostly a lodge for the Frontierland area, and a bit of Space Mountain, and just as I was about to go save the game, an alert came up and the program shut down.


This really struck a nerve because the reason I play RCT2 instead of other games is because it isn't as stressful as other video games. Most of which, I don't find fun at all.

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-I want my RCT1 hill tool!!! >.<


-I wish you could put walls in the same square as shops/rides. It would make enclosing them that much easier. It would also look a lot better.


Mostly, I wish people didnt have such a boner for custom scenery. I like seeing what I can do with base objects, and all people do is point out when I can't close up a whole or something cause it's on a slant? Hi.

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1. Mine is where i bulid a theme park on rct3 and then i loose the buzz of what i started to make, so i start to make another one. i can't keep to the same theme park. i have to keep making other ones. For example when i look at other peoples parks, i think theirs are better so i try to get tips of what rides they have and where they have them. so i delete my theme park and start again.

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^ahhhh yes, I do that too......


Also, I dont really mind how slow the game LOADS, but I hate how even after it has loaded everything, as you add more stuff, the game gets slower. I add a ride, it loses a fps. AAAAAAH I hate that.


Another thing I hate is how little you can do with the coasters..... O well, Ill just have to wait for RCT4, and lets not get started on that one. Im just going to stop now.



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Just to repeat what others have said....No Boosters in RCT2....They were such fun!

Also, with all the various transportation rides (monorail types, elevators, ski lifts etc) why did they not include a Ferry? I guess it would have been too big as the track rides are all 1 square wide, but if Disney World has one, why not RCT2?!

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I don't like the way in RCT2 the blocks slow the train to 4mph, and blocks completely stop the train in RCT3!


And what's up with the way some coasters can only have too little cars and some have too many? Like in RCT3 the way Some of the B&Ms can only have 5 cars, but the PTC woodies can have 30 cars?

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