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PROJECT: Rock 'n' RollerCoaster!!

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Ok got pics! So far I am almost done with the Launch area! REMEMBER: THIS IS NOT DONE YET!! And please do comment.

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Omg people, this ride does NOT open until a long time! (I guess they are TOO excited!) I hereby conclude this update for now check back for more pics! =)

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As you can see, I added "road terrian" And got chain link fences like the real RnR.

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There it goes!..

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It is getting into the rollover loop!

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Now you can see how long the "limo" is!

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It is almost at the exit of the tunnel..

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It's coming even more..

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it's coming..

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Ooh, look! The "limo" is about to launch! 5-4-3-2!

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As far as I'm concerned, this is an intense layout!

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Bunny hops at the end just like the real one at WDW! =)

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The station/launch area.

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The VERY twisted layout! =)

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The tunnel. Notice that the windows' "lights" are on =)

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Wow pretty impressive, huh? =)

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The launch area

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  alpengeistdude321 said:
Nice. I'm not sure about the layout. I don't really remember the bunny hops at the end, I just remember going around in a left turn up and down hills (some gave some pops of air). Great job, though!!! Keep it up!!!


Correct. There are no "bunny hops", but there are small curved hills.

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Ok got a photo update! I got pics of the launch as well as putting the roof on the launch section. (A part of it so far!)

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Now I am begininning to put on the roof for the launch area!

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I also put it in the helix.

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And don't forget the Rock 'n' Roll! I added speakers to the ride building area playing Rock like a dude.

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The launch part.

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Got some pics including the completed roof, the wall between the brakes and launch, a mad man, and a gift shop!


The next updates will be for the actual ride building, and the queue building.

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The completed launch area

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The outside of the end tunnel

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The end tunnel

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Out of the tunnel

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Through the tunnel

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The completed launch on the ride

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The shop in a building

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The shop

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The exit

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The completed roof

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Building the roof

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The wall

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Ok, I was taking a pic of RnR, then this man with weird hair came up to the camera and said: "OPEN RnR ALREADY!" So I got security to throw him out of the park! =)

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Ok, got pics! I am building the ride building! Also, I won't be able to get any more updates because I am going to Magic Kingdom tomorrow, 12-3-05

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And what I have so far. Check back for more pics!

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I am now done with the helix!

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A pic of progress!

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Housin' the helix!

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The roof

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I am building the ride building!!

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I guess I will have to throw him out too! ;)

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